Sunday, September 29, 2024



Have you ever been at a breaking point and just didn't think you could keep going?  I'm sure you have as I have, too.  Well, I knew just the person to talk to, so I went over to her house, knocked on the screen door and told her through a sob, that I needed to talk with her.  She came quickly to the door, opened it and put her arm around my waist.  "Oh Chile, I've not seen you so upset for a long time.  You jess come on in here and set down; we'll talk," Aint Daisy soothingly said.  I poured out my heart through the sobs and sniffing.  She listened intently,

offered many tissues, and patted my hand.  When I got some composure, she said, "Now, darlin', yuv reached yer breakin' point, cried a lot which is good a-cause tears are the safety valve uh the heart.  Now ye can be used."  "What in the world do you mean, I can be used?!"  I stammered.  I was really surprised at that remark, but knew something wise was going to be told.  "Whall, if'n ye look at an egg in its shell, ye cain't use it until its a-broken, now can ye?" she stated and questioned.  I thought about what she said and asked her to go on with her theory.  "Without you bein' as broken as ye are, the good Lord cain't use you as well.  Ye see, darlin', when yuv been through the tough times ye can hep another through thars.  That's a-how the Lord uses ye when yer broken.  A-course, ye have to call on Him to hep ye thorough it all a-cause if'n ye try t' do it all yerself, ye ain't gonna be as useful and it will really be tough.  Now, thar's some cherry pie and whipped cream in the kitchen.  I'll put on some tea and you and me will have some o' both."  There was more wisdom for the mind and goodies for the soul from the lady of the holler.

The Centennial state, Colorado, is actually a hexahectaenneacontakiaheptagon, a shape with not four, but 697 distinct sides.  This surprising detail emerges from the meticulous examination of its boundaries, which reveal a complex geometry far beyond the simplicity of a rectangle.  Pronunciation of that long word:  hex-a-hecta-any-a-ya-conta-ki-hep-ta-gon.  You’re welcome.

Be the light in the darkness.  The only way light can grow is to pass it on.  The Bible says in Matthew 24:14-16, “Don’t hide your light under a basket.”  I think you might be humming a little song you learned as a child.

A friend of mine was frequently following many others without thinking of the outcome, consequences, and responsibilities.   She told me, "Trudy, I like what this particular mass of people are saying and representing.  So, I'm going to follow along with them.  What do you think?"  I thought for a minute and said, "It's your choice alone; however, keep in mind the "M" in masses can be silent."

A friend came to me upset about another who was talking badly about her, and my friend had done nothing to deserve the besmirching. My friend wanted to retaliate with harsh words. I listened and then told her, "That person sees something good in you that they know they don't have. They are trying to cover it up and deflect it.  Remember: confidence is silent, insecurity is noisy.

When my son was young, the doctor strongly recommended he drink some strong coffee to help him with the ADD/HD he had.  I was in agreement because I didn’t want him to have to take a chemical medication for it.  He went to school with some coffee in a portable drinking container.  He drank some while in class.  The teacher, who allowed water to be drunk in her class, saw him drinking it and asked him what it was.  He told her it was coffee to help him concentrate.  She took it away from him and told him, “Drinking water, not coffee, is allowed in this class.”  When he got home he told me about her taking the coffee away.  The next day I sent a note stating, “Attached is a prescription from his doctor stating he is to be allowed to drink coffee.  Coffee is 98.99999—99.99999% water, which you said water was allowed to be drunk in your class!!  Thus, he will be drinking coffee in class to help him focus.  Talk to me if YOU have an issue with this or do not understand the chemistry of the two.”  Funniest thing, I never heard from her, and my son drank his coffee.  Imagine that.

Brenduhh came over for a chat.  I noticed she was a little unsteady in her walking and had the smell of alcohol on her breath.  I asked her if she was all right.  She told me she'd talked to a police officer and had to blow into something, and he told her to make a wish.  She asked me, "Trudy, what is that thing he asked me to blow into and make a wish?"  With what I was observing I answered, "A breathalyzer.  How about a few cups of strong coffee and a big freshly made muffin?"

The number 41 is very significant.  Here is why:  In the Bible, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.  Day 41 came and the rain stopped.  Moses committed murder & hid in the desert for 40 years.  Year 41 came, and God called him to help rescue Israel.  Moses went up on the mountain for 40 days.  On day 41, he received the Ten Commandments.  The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.  Year 41, they walked into the Promised Land.  (A female probably asked for directions.)  Goliath taunted Israel for 40 days.  Day 41 came, and David slew him.  Jonah preached a message of repentance to Ninevah for 40 days.  On day 41, God stopped His plan to destroy them.  Jesus fasted and was tempted for 40 days.   Day 41 and the devil fled.  After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples for 40 days.  On day 41, He ascended into Heaven. All this to say...don't quit. The rain will stop, the giant will fall, and you will enter your "promised land." Don't give up at 40.  41 is coming.                           Credit: McKenzie Miller

When you touch one life, you don't just touch that one; you touch all the lives which touch that one you touched.  Yes, it’s a pyramid, and a pretty nice one at that.

While talking to my sweet granddaughter who is, also, my daughter by adoption, she brought up the subject that she and her brother are both in the autistic spectrum with other challenges. "Mom, why did you and Dad adopt Stephen and me? Was it to fix us so we'd be like others?" she asked. I told her, "No, it wasn't to fix you two because you will always have the challenges and be in the autistic spectrum. We adopted you because we loved you very much, and still do. You see, love tries to help. It sees farther than any other feelings. It brings with it hope and determination, and usually an attitude of not quitting. I hope your dad and I have demonstrated so much of what love is and does."  She smiled and gave me a hug. Softly she said, "Yes you have."  My eyes sweated.

Brenduhh came over, again, in a snit. "Just look at this! I don't know what to do to get this package of baby wipes wet, again. I've used only some and don't want to throw away the dry ones." I had difficulty not laughing at her perplexity; but, that would have been condescending. I told her, "I think if you add enough water to soak the dry ones, all will be fine. Make sure you keep the package closed after you put water on them so they don’t dry out." She went to the kitchen sink and put water on them. "Oh Trudy, you are so smart!" she exclaimed. I replied, "I try. How about a lemon muffin and some tea for an afternoon refresher?"

Please envision these scenes:  My dear friend, Dianna, has a heart of gold.  She will help you even when she’s tired.  Her grandson needed her to take care of his 6 year old, very active son for a few days until 2:00 p.m. when he would get off work and pick him up.   The boy was brought to her about 11 at night to sleep over because the dad had to be at work by 5:30 in the morning.  Keep in mind, Dianna is used to sleeping until 10 or 11 in the morning since she doesn’t go to sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning.  Well, the first morning the child awakened at 5:30, announced he was hungry, and wanted to eat.  Dianna, being so thrilled (not), got up and fixed him some breakfast and encouraged the boy to return to bed for a while.  That was futile.  So, it was a long day until 2:00 p.m.  The next night he came to sleep, again.  He awakened at 6:00; wow! a whole 30 minutes more!!  What Dianna didn't know was the kid was equipped with a whistle, which he activated at 7:00.  At 7:00:03 seconds, Dianna was in possession of the whistle.  I asked her what took her so long. I, also, asked her if she had scrambled a few eggs with a side of melted whistle for his breakfast.  She told me if this happens again, there be more scrambled than eggs.  I'm thinking the boy will be searched thoroughly when he returns for the next sleep over.

The brain learns new things, but it is the heart which remembers.

“Gratitude is the heart’s memory.”  How interesting it is to me when I experience a lack of gratitude in others.  I guess their hearts have lost their memory.

Smiles and blessings until next month----Trudy 😊

Monday, September 2, 2024

🏫 2024 September FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

Brenduhh and I went shopping at the mall.  We walked by the restroom and thought it would be a good idea to utilize it before shopping some more.  We finished and went to the sinks to wash our hands.  As Brenduhh was drying her hands, she brought my attention to a sign.  It said, "Please check that you have flushed the toilet."  She got into her purse and retrieved a purple permanent marker and proceeded to put a check on the announcement.  I asked her what she was doing.  She said, "I'm following the directions which tell me to check that I've flushed the toilet.  I did, and now I'm putting a check on the sign.  Do you think I should put my name next to the check?"  Her check was the only one on the paper.  I mentioned there were many more stores we needed to visit.

The hippopotamus can open its mouth wider than any other land animal.  Hmmm, I have an acquaintance or two which are very close to having the same classification.

As I approached Aint Daisy’s front door, I could hear Dellajean crying about the troubles she had and what was causing most of the troubles.  Aint Daisy motioned for me to come in as she listened attentively.  I could understand all the grief Dellajean had, as I’ve been at that level, too.  I sat down next to her on the over-stuffed, flowered couch in the living room, putting my hand on hers for reassurance and comfort.  Aint Daisy rocked in her rocking chair listening.  Dellajean drew a breath and asked Aint Daisy, “How can I make all this go away?  It just seems to be pouring down on me.”  Aint Daisy gently smiled and said, “Chile, yer overcomed by all these here troubles.  I understand it all becuz I’ve had them, too; meybe not the exact ones yuv got, but similar.  I’ve cried many a tear and worn out many a handkerchief  tryin’ to get through those troubles.”  Dellajean started to relax and asked, “So, what did you do?”  Aint Daisy leaned forward, patted her hand letting her know she was sure all would be settled and peace would come.  Then, she said, “Jess remember, darlin’, every storm runs outta rain, every wind blows itself out.  Yer gonna be fine.”  This precious lady of the holler has so much wisdom.  God, bless her as she’s blessed us so often.

The guitarist of the praise group I sing in at church, chose a song with which I was not familiar.  I told him and he sent me a recording of it.  It's a catchy tune which played in my musical mind all day.  I returned a comment to him of, "Thank you for sending this to me.  It's been playing in my head all day.  I'm so glad we're not singing BABY SHARK."  Sorry folks, I know what you're hearing in your mind.

We only see the letter A for the first time in 1000 (thousand). Letters B and C do not appear anywhere in the spellings from 1 to 999,999,999, while letter B comes for the first time in 1,000,000,000 (billion).  SURPRISE!

I like meatballs, but I want few and simple ingredients.  I found this recipe which has only 4 ingredients.  Enjoy!  Recipe: 4-Ingredient Sausage Balls

1 pound sausage (spicy variant optional) or ground beef or ground turkey or chicken or pork
2 cups Bisquick
4 cups cheddar cheese (the most flavorful is shredding your own)
1/4 cup milk                                                                                                                                                Of course, you can add your own spices to taste.  There’s no law preventing that!  Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly grease it.  In a large mixing bowl, combine sausage, Bisquick, cheddar cheese, and milk. Mix thoroughly with your hands until well incorporated.  Form the mixture into 1-inch balls (a melon ball scoop is perfect to use) and place them on the prepared baking sheet, ensuring some space between each ball.  Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown and fully cooked.

I believe life isn't about showing the bruises.  I believe it is collecting the scars and proving you showed up for the "wars and battles" and came out victorious.

I've had dogs in my life; and, I've had to let them cross the rainbow bridge. A person told me, as I was grieving my loss, "Oh, it was just a dog."  I set them straight with, "He wasn't 'just a dog'!!  He was my friend, part of my family, my sanity, brought me happiness, taught me and others more than a human could, my unfailing protector, a therapist, and the most loyal creature to grace my life.  That's what 'just a dog' is!!!"

Happy day to everyone….Except for those weird men who reply to comments asking women to send them a friend request---definitely not you; you're omitted.

I saw a sign on a co-worker's desk a while back.  This person was known to have anger issues.  The sign said: "I don't avoid conflict because I'm scared of you.  I avoid it because I'm scared of myself.  My temper can go from zero to death row in a nano second."

Arithmomania (a-rith-mo-mania) is the compulsion to count.  Crimminies, I do that going DOWN the stairs so I don’t miss a step; while waiting for a long train to pass, I count the cars; I don’t count the number of M&Ms I eat, though.

When Guy and I were teaching, he always made the coffee in the morning.  It was strong and very good.  I asked him one time why he made it so strong-----12 cups of water—10 scoops of coffee.  Yes, I tap danced to the car.  He told me, “Are you forgetting what we do for a living; who and how many we deal with for 6 hours a day; and, what they really are?  Trute, this is liquid courage!!” 

I don’t know about y’all, but there are times I have trouble sleeping.  I’ll awaken while it’s still dark, not even the butt crack of dawn, with no birds singing, a few coyotes yodeling the tune of their people, and a hooty owl in the distance calling for some ungodly reason.  It can be loud in the country!!  When I awaken so early, I hope to return to my reverie, BUT!  my stupid ADD kicks in and, well, basically, one sheep, two sheep, cow, turtle, duck, old McDonald had a farm, heeeey Macarena, shut up owls and coyotes!!!

My son called me not knowing I was asleep.  He said he had something important to ask me.  I mumbled, “O.K., honey.  I hope I have an answer for you.”  He asked, “Mom, what is blue and not heavy?”  I tried to get alert, but that wasn’t going to happen.  I said, “I don’t know.  What?”  He snickered saying, “The answer is LIGHT BLUE.”  I told him I loved him, I think I might have sworn, and hung up.

The world of German-English translations gifts us with a myriad of humor. Take for instance the German term “Nacktschnecke,” which amusingly translates to “naked snail” in English, referring to what we know as a “slug”. However, the real gem is arguably the German word for eyeglasses – “Nasenfahrrad”. This whimsical term literally converts to “nose bicycle”, an amusing and oddly fitting description.  However, the word “Brille” is more commonly used for glasses.  I like NASENFAHRRAD better.  It’s like a word playing in my mouth.

Math can be linguistically challenging in German.  Here is an example:  Neun-hundert-neun-und-neun-zigtausend-neun-hundert-neun-und-neunzig which is 999,999.  Here’s another one:

Sieben-hundert-sieben-und-siebzig-tausend-sieben-hundert-sieben-und-siebzig which is 777,777.  I wouldn’t want to count in German.  Without the hyphens I put in so you’d know how to pronounce the word (ha!), these are spelled as ONE WORD!   My tongue would be exhausted and so would my fingers.

Think this through:  People who can’t communicate think everything is an argument.  People who lack accountability think everything is an attack.  Don’t argue with piggish people.  They like it too much, and you’ll get dirty as they sling their “mud” at you.

I had a fake representative of a power company show up at my door.  He started his spiel.  I asked him if he’d met Jesus.  Then, I showed him my 125 pound Rottweiller who smiles.  He said, “Oh god!”  I said, “No, Jesus.”

I had the biggest urge to sing THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT.  It was just a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.                     Peace and smiles to you.  Trudy🏫🏫🏫

Wednesday, July 31, 2024



As life goes on, we all find there are trials and tribulations.  We question why? and question if we are going to get through them.  Oh my, I’ve had my share, and sometimes think I’m being included in another’s.  Then I remember a Bible verse which is so true----Ephesians 3:20----“There will always be trials and tribulations in life, but God will carry you through every storm in your life.  He will give you strength to make it.” 

I saw this post and believed it was intended for me, too:  “Today I learned that ostriches often walk around and then forget where they are going.  Today, I, also learned that my spirit animal may be an ostrich!”  My mother told me one day, “Any more, I have to say all the way down the steps what I’m going down to the basement to get a can of something for.”  I thought, at the time, it was kind of silly.  Of course, I was in my 30s at that time.  Now, I’m 79 and find her statement rings so true every time I go down stairs to the larder to get something from the food shelves or little refrigerator.  I don’t tell my kids about it, though.  I don’t want them to think I’m silly- minded.

Unconditional love is NOT unconditional tolerance.  Boy, that is for sure.  I’ve had one of mine tell me they didn’t think I had unconditional love for them.  I told them I did, but I wouldn’t tolerate their sassiness which borders on disrespect.  That gave them something to think about.

Aint Daisy was busy in her kitchen when I knocked on the screen door.  “Come on in, chile.  I see ye there.  I’ve made some pies and am takin’ ‘em outta the oven.  I think there’s a cherry one, too, fer ye to take home,” she said with a little grin.  She knows cherry pie is my favorite.  “Jess set yerself down on that chair and chat a while with me.  I’ll fix some tea, and there’s a few cinnamon rolls over yonder.  So, get ‘em an’ two plates and forks.  We’ll have a snack.”  I did as she suggested, sat down, and drooled at the thought of her deliciousness about to come to my soul.  “So, what brings ye here t’day, chile?” she asked with a smile on her face.  “Oh, I’ve been mentally wrestling with something which just doesn’t seem to get solved.  Dang Aint Daisy, it just keeps coming back stressing me each time.  So, I thought I’d talk the issue over with someone I know will understand.”  I told her of the reoccurring issue.  She listened intently, as she always does.  “Ye know, chile, this issue jess seems to be a-wantin’ to teach you something.  There is always another way t’ solve a problem, even when it keeps a-comin’ back,” she wisely said.  “Oh shoot, looky there, it’s rainin’ again.  Well, I’ll jess sit and wait for somethin’ to be lovely about the rain.”  I wondered what she was meaning, so I asked her.  “Whall, I’ve learnt that it takes the rain to have an’ see a rainbow.  Don’tcha think that’s sorta what’s a-happenin’ with yer repeating issue?  Look for the rainbow, sweet thang, always look for the rainbow.”  I couldn’t help the moisture which ran from my eyes; she is always so on point with her wisdom.  ‘More of it, from my Lady of the Holler, was given to me.

Brenduhh came over all in a huff.  "I want to talk to you about what the principal at Mac's school said to me!"  she blustered.  "Alright.  Tell me.  It seems you're pretty upset about it," I encouraged.  "Well!!!!  I got a phone call from Mr. Peeps just a bit ago.  He told me, 'Mac is causing a problem at school.  He talks too much, and is contrary about doing what he's asked.'  I listened then told him my thoughts," she said.  "O.K., what thoughts did you tell Mr. Peeps?" I asked.  "I told him, 'He does the same thing here at home.  Do I call you about it?' What do you think, Trute?"  I replied, "Hmmm, you do have a valid point, but I don't think that was the answer he was hoping to get.  How about some tea and a muffin?"  Thank goodness she didn't notice my eyes rolling.

I've been wondering, if there is a highway to hell, are there speed bumps, yield signs, road blocks, speed limits, and/or traffic jams?

There are days I feel I'm riding through life full-steam ahead----well, as much steam as I can muster.  The mind is quick and the body just laughs at my thoughts of running, jogging, or sometimes even moving a lot.  My mind is a sadist.

I’ve mentioned phobias in another column.  Some are rational and some are not.  This one made me chuckle.

ANATIDAEPHOBIA (a-na-t-die-phobia) is the fear of a duck watching you.  It’s not quackery, either.

Here is some strong advice:  If you’re buying a watch on Amazon and it says, “You can swim with it on”, make sure you have known how to swim before you ever wore it.  This sounds like something Brenduhh would do.

Dogs and young children are pretty good assessors of a human’s intent and/or aura.  Don’t worry if other humans don’t like you; be concerned if a dog or young child doesn’t like you.  Children will cry or retreat; dogs have teeth they will use in a flash.  Hmm, come to think of it, I’ve seen a child bite an adult for no apparent reason.  Soooo, be cautious around both.

Toxic people “play games” and usually not fairly.  To win dealing with these “creatures”, just don’t play their game.  Silence and a strong stare are such strong opponents and can give a message to the most determined.

The color blue is relatively uncommon in fruits and vegetables because there are few natural pigments that produce a blue hue in plant tissues.  There are blue carrots and potatoes (but they didn’t come naturally), though, and of course, blueberries.  Red cabbage can turn blue when it is mixed with an acid or a base. The pigment turns red in acidic environments with a pH less than 7 and the pigment turns bluish-green in alkaline (basic), environments with a pH greater than 7.

I was having “words” with one of our cats.  She always thinks running in front of me will get her what she wants.  She has beautiful dark fur which is difficult to see her sometimes.  Recently she ran in front of me, again for the quadruple-illonth time.  I almost tripped over her.  I snarled, “O.K., Miss Flulffy Butt!!!  Do you really want to take me on?  I’m so much bigger than you and would flatten you with one fall.  She looked at me, did a back flip, raised her back hair, showed me her fangs, spread and waved her “murder mittens with daggars”.  I growled back, “Hmmm, you DO have a cautious idea.  Soooo, I’m calling a truce.”  She licked her paw and strolled away as if to say, “One for the fluffy butt, zip for the human……again.”

I was talking with my dear friend, Melodie, in FL.  We were comparing the weather between IL and FL.  She said, “I’m thinking about going to the ranch today, but it depends on the heat.  The humidity here is just awful.”  I said, “I remember when I visited you in July years ago.  I could hardly breathe outside.”  She told me it was even worse now.  I said, “Gods, I remember when climate change was summer, fall, winter, and spring.  Now it seems like there are half season, but, of course, FL has HOT, HOTTER, and OH HELL.  Then there is HOT, WET BLANKET ON YOUR FACE season.”  She laughed and mentioned “boob sweat” which I replied, “That’s called ‘humiditties’.”   She laughed again and told me her coffee was all over her desk.

When my husband let his nefarious sister put her stuff, which we questioned where it all came from, in our garage as their mother looked on, I said, "Load all that back in the truck. It's not going to be stored here." Their mother said, "NO!! Half this house is my son’s!"  I told her, "You're correct-----the floors are mine and the ceilings are his. Get the stuff off MY HALF!!!" Truck got loaded.

My friend was having a rough day and told me she thought she'd lose her mind.  I told her, "Remember, Moses was once a basket case."  She laughed, which broke her tension.  Then, while she was chuckling, I told her, "If God can light a bug's butt, imagine what He can do for you."  She had to hold on to the table so she'd not fall over.  I'm so glad there were a few moments of levity for her.

What do you call the wife of a hippie?  Mississ Hippie.

Brenduhh asked me if I thought she was smart.  I told her, “Wisdom has always been chasing you, BUT you were faster, girl.”

Peace and smiles for another month.  Trudy 👀

Monday, July 1, 2024


Triskaidekaphobia (tris-ky-dek-uh-FO-be-uh) noun Fear of the number 13.  [from Greek treiskaideka (thirteen), from treis (three) +kai (and) + deka (ten) + phobia (fear).]   I’ve always liked the sound of this word and the way it feels on my tongue as I say it.  It’s something about the flowing of the Tr, Sk, and K sounds that makes me feel like my fore-tongue and back-tongue are skipping in my mouth.  Hmm, that reason almost sounds like something Calvin would say to Hobbes.  I love that cartoon panel, and the philosophy of both of them.  I found another word and tongue-stumbled over it a few times before I got it correctly said.  It takes a bit of thinking and planning when you start to pronounce it.  Do not be discouraged, it will trip off your tongue like peanut butter!  Perspicaciousness (puhr-spi-KAY-shuhs-nes) noun.  Keeness of perception and discernment.  [From Latin perspicere (to see through), from per- (through) + -spicere, combining form of specere (to look).  Ultimately from the Indo-European root spek- (to observe), which is also the ancestor of such words as:  suspect, spectrum, bishop (literally an overseer), espionage, despise, telescope, spectator, speculum, and spectacles.

A young engineer was leaving the office at 5:45 p.m.  He found the CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand.  “Listen,” said the CEO, “this is a very sensitive and important document and my secretary is not here.  Can you make this thing work?”  “Certainly, “said the young engineer.  He turned on the machine, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.  “Excellent, excellent!!” said the CEO as his paper disappeared inside the machine.  “I just need one copy, thank you,” he said. The lesson here is:  Never, never, ever assume that your boss knows what they’re doing.

"The reason the plural of GOOSE is GEESE, but the plural of moose is not meese is because goose derives from an ancient Germanic word undergoing strong declension (the changing in the form of the word), in the patter of foot/feet and tooth/teeth, where in oo is mutated to ee.  However, 'moose' is a Native American word added to the English lexicon only some 400 years ago, and lacks the etymological reason to be pluralized in that way."  Alrighty then!!  So, is the plural of PAPOOSE, papeese or papooses?  And, if the plural of HOUSE is HOUSES, why isn't the plural of MOUSE mouses?  I wonder about these things, y'all.

Life can be a bit unfair at times.  I recently was talking to a professional trying to sort out some issues and move on.  The professional told me, "When times seem too tough to deal with, take a step back and look at the situation."  I told them I'd done that, but still felt a bit defeated.  Then, they said, "Well, when you feel defeated, but want to conquer that, take a step forward."  I thought for a moment and said, "So, to sum up your advice:  when feeling defeated take a step back; when wanting to conquer it, take a step forward.  Alrighty then!!!  Seems I'm doing the cha-cha and when in doubt just DANCE!!"  The person told me they thought I was going to be all right.

I was reading an article about things some bosses do which make their employees want to quit.  BANG!!! An illuminated light bulb when off in my memory.  I had one job which I enjoyed, but my boss was a troll.  At my evaluation meeting with the manager of the company, his written evaluation of me was presented.  She read it and asked me to explain why he reported his observations.  I told her, "He says I'm often late.  He is the one often late because I always arrive 30-45 minutes early.  He says I dress too professionally.  I'm in a professional position so I believe I should appear the part, and besides, my appearance looks better than the dirty sweats he wears.  He says I'm too observant and it makes some uncomfortable including him.  They are uncomfortable because they know they're doing something wrong and have been seen doing it.  He says I knew too much about other clients who aren't mine.  In the initial job interview, he told me I am expected to know about ALL the clients and their challenges in this place, as well as mine."  There was a bit of silence, my boss was red-faced and uneasy.  The manager of the company told him he may leave because she wanted to talk to me.  He left muttering.  I was asked if all I said was true and why would I say so much against him.  I told her it was and that I'd rather be teaching than to have a supervisor as hypocritical and unprofessional as he; this was my last day. I, also, told her that I knew in two days I would be back to teaching because I'd been contacted by a school for a long-term teaching position. I learned a few days later that he was relieved of his "services".  "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth."

I was shopping at Walmart when a person came up to me and tried to move into my area.  When I told them I was in that place, they proceeded to be rude and abrasive.  I just watched their mouth and waited for my opportunity to tell them what was.  Finally they stopped talking.  I smiled and said, "I don't know how you can pronounce the very few words in your entire vocabulary with your summer teeth----summer there, summer not."  As the person was processing (well, I think that’s what the brain activity was doing), I then got the items I was looking at and moved on.

Living isn’t measured in years.  It’s measured in moments---the good ones and the not-so-good ones; the laughter and the tears; the “hurrah”s and the “oh crap”s.  The ones we treasure are like smoke in a gentle breeze---seen and then drifting away.  The sum of all our choices makes up who we are.

“Time is:  Too slow for those who wait, Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve, Too short for those who rejoice, But for those who love---Time is Eternity.”  Henry van Dyke

I decided to stop by Aint Daisy’s to check on her.  She’d been a bit under the weather.  As I approached the front door, I could hear a familiar voice talking to her.  I knocked and was invited in.  “Come on in here, chile.  Set yer self down and I’ll fix us all some pie and tea.”  She excused herself and went into the kitchen.  I asked Betty Jo how she was and how the family was.  She started telling me all sorts of things (actually bragging) about each child (I knew those kids).  Aint Daisy came in with a tray of pie and tea and sat it down on the coffee table.  Betty Jo continued her chatter (bragging tales) as she ate her pie and sipped her tea.  I looked at Aint Daisy, she just smiled at me and continued to eat and sip.  Betty Jo mentioned she had to go do something important (more bragging) and didn’t want to be late.  She said her good-bye and thank you; then, left.  I looked at Aint Daisy and asked, “We know 90% of what she said was just the opposite of what really is.  Why does she do that?”  Aint Daisy smiled.  “Chile, sometimes the real is too much t’ bear for some folks.  Betty Jo is that.  It don’t dawn on her that we know her actions tell us more than her words.  My Mama always said, ‘Understand folks by their actions, and you’ll never be fooled by their words.’”  She smiled, again, with a twinkle in her eyes.  Ahhh, more wisdom from the Lady of the holler and her mama.

Brenduhh came over to tell me her opinion of how I looked in a flowered dress I’d bought.  I put it on and greeted her as she came through the open door.  “Well, hi there, Trude.  How are you today?” she asked.  “I bought this dress and wonder what you think of it on me.  So, tell me, please,” I said.  Brenduhh has a way with words that can be a bit confusing and non-committal at times.  “Hmmm, turn around and let me see the back.  O.K. turn back around.  I think the dress is pretty with all the flowers.  You wear them well.  In fact, I just love seeing all the flowers in a garden in one place with all 12 rows stretched out.”  I think that was her “tactful” way of telling me the Burpee’s flower catalog had nothing on my dress’s display with me in it.  The dress became a blouse later that day.

Ohhhhh, I found a new word to use (if I can remember it)!!!  NEPHELOCOCCYGIA: The act of seeking and finding shapes in clouds.  Now to help you pronounce this word:  Neh-fell-o-cox-see-gia .  Enjoy spitting this one out at a party.  

As with everyone, I was having a rather difficult day with my feelings.  I shared my discouragement with a dear friend after she said, with love, “Wanna share what’s going on?”  I told her, “So many things.  I usually have it all together when in actuality, today, I feel like my “together” is more like dried PLAYDOUGH on the floor and in a shag carpet.  It sits there crumbled, stepped on, being sworn at by a distraught mother, and useless.  It’s getting to be stink bug season, and they want to come into MY house causing me to question God’s rationale as to why He created them, other than to annoy me and stink up my vacuum.  My left hip hurts due to Arthur-I-Is who came uninvited two or three weeks ago and won’t leave when I tell him to.  So, with gnawing discomfort I’m impeded in movement which distresses me, and I swear, and I know God heard me and put another black check by my name and moved me up on the ‘nasty mouth, naughty girl’ list.”  She said words of comfort, but what made me laugh out loud was her, “Oh sweetie, you crack me up with your way to plow through it all and describe it causing me to reel with laughter.”

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


I recently saw this essay account and wanted to share it with you.  It, also, spurred a visit from Aint Daisy, which is included.  Enjoy! Yesterday my daughter Grace was packing up to head back to her home after spending Christmas with me and she looked into my bedroom and said, "Do you do that everyday?" I replied, "Do what everyday?" She said, "Make your bed and put all those pillows on there?" I said, "Yes I do."  "Why, she responded, you are the only one who sees your bed?"  "Oh dear I make my bed every morning because it's a gift that I get to open at the end of everyday…a gift not everyone has. So while I'm wrapping my bed in the morning and I'm unwrapping it at night I'm reminded of what a great blessing my bed really is in my life."  When we stop viewing what we have as little, insignificant or not enough, then we get to see what we do have as gifts we get to enjoy great blessings in our lives and provision for our needs.  I'm thankful for my bed.

My visit to Aint Daisy-----Ain't Daisy called me one night and asked me to come to her house early in the morning, around 7:30, to share coffee and cinnamon buns she'd made. I hurriedly left my house about 7:15 arriving at the time she told me. She let me in and told me to go to the kitchen and wait. I noticed she was having a little trouble making the covers on her bed straight. I went in to help her. I asked, "Why don't you just leave it. You will be getting in the bed tonight, and besides, who is going to see an unmade bed?" She stopped, looked at me and said, "I realize no one but me will be a-seein' this bed. I make it every day a-cause it sets my discipline level for the day----it shows, t' me, I care about something not real important. It is, also a gift t' me from my Lord. He gave me a whole day and this bed is my reward at the end of that day. Sos, I take care of that gift by makin' it look nice. Makin' it look nice shows I'm grateful for the gift of another day. Those are the reasons I make my bed every day, sweet chile." Her words gave me something to think about. I had more wisdom given from the Lady of the Holler and went home to make my bed.

I’ve been the mother of two teen-aged boys; one during the years of 1987-1993, and the last one from 2006-2012.  If you have had boys, you know the insatiable hunger they possess.  In fact, one of my sons had such a high metabolism, it didn’t seem he could get full and wait four to six hours for another meal.  So, I bought pork and beans by the case.  He loved pork and beans and it was an inexpensive “snack” for him.  Here is what I dealt with on days where there was no school for either of them:  son had breakfast at 8, 9, 10:30, and 11. Lunch was at 12:30 and 1:30, then, a snack (2:45, 3:30, and 4:25).  Supper was at 5:30. They were 6'3" and 6’4” and weighed 160 and 175 pounds. We joined a bulk food club----Sam’s.  I called my broker asking about buying some Kroger stock!!!

It is important to know your blood type, especially if you have the rarest one-----AB-.  O negative blood is often called the 'universal blood type' because people of any blood type can receive it. This makes it vitally important in an emergency or when a patient's blood type is unknown.  Did you know that Greyhounds, Boxers, Irish Wolfhounds, German Shepherd Dogs, Dobermans, and Pit Bulls are breeds more likely to be universal donors of blood to other dogs?  Type A is most common (about 99% of cats in the United States are Type A). Certain breeds have a higher prevalence of Type B. Type AB is rare. There are no universal donors among cats, because they naturally have antibodies against the blood group antigen that they lack.  Breeds that have a rare occurrence of a blood type B allele are Siamese, Burmese, Russian Blue and Ocicat.

The word “PHONETICALLY” doesn’t even start with an “F”; neither does:  PHONE, PHOSPHOROUS, PHYSICIAN, PHASE, PHARMACY, PHOTOGRAPH and many more.  Then there is the “C”.  It doesn’t even have its own sound.  It borrows from the “K” and “S”.  No wonder aliens just fly on by our planet!!

When I taught speech, it was part of my plan to instill in the students that asking people questions that give them an opportunity to talk about themselves, helps with being a good conversationalist.  I used that little morsel when I was talking with someone who was disgruntled and I didn’t know very well.  I asked them, “What is wrong with you?”  Thinking I’d get a few sentences of reasons, how surprised I was when I got a filibuster!!

I recently saw a cartoon about a funeral home which does cremations.  The director was talking with a client’s wife on the telephone.  He said, “Mrs. Adams, I know everyone grieves in their own special way.  But, putting fireworks in your late husband’s pockets was not appreciated by our crematorium staff.” I guess my sense of humor is really warped because I could not stop laughing at the mental visual I had of the moment the fireworks went off and the staff was present.

I know a person who thinks they are “big sh** on a board, but really nothing but a fart on a splinter”.  They asked me to go to lunch with them on a particular day.   I told my dear friend, who also knows this person,  about the tentative lunch date.  She teasingly said, “Oh Trudy, are you sure you don’t want to spend time with her?  You’d have so much fun.”  I chuckled and informed her, “Yep, I’m positive.  I don’t relish spending time with farts and splinters.”  My friend cracked up.

I recently learned a new term. It is "GLIMMER". It is essentially the opposite of a "TRIGGER".  Glimmers are those micro moments in your day which make you feel joy, happiness, peace, or gratitude. Once you train your brain to be on the lookout for "glimmers", the more these moments will appear.  May you have many glimmers today---so many you just sparkle and shine.

I believe in asking questions.  Sometimes I ask rather difficult ones, but I do ask questions.  I find if I ask questions, someone will know the answer, they will feel important, and I’ll have more knowledge.  Do you see the domino effect?  You’re welcome.

A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding through an automated radar post in Plano, Texas.  A $40 speeding ticket was included.  Being cute, he sent the police dept. a picture of $40.  The police responded with another mailed photo of handcuffs.  This handcuff thing has always made me wonder:  how do you handcuff a one armed person?

While scrolling thorough a social media website, someone asked if the usage of the words “can” and “their” being used were correct.  I commented, “No, the ‘their’ isn’t.  It should be ‘THEY’RE’ which is a contraction for ‘THEY ARE’.   The word “CAN” could be correct if asking about ability; if asking permission, “MAY” would be correct.”  I supported my statements with my credentials of being a retired English teacher with a master’s degree who focused on grammar, spelling, and sentence structure; and also, a writer. Another reader stated to me, “Good grief.  Why don’t you lighten up?  Not everyone has your so called credentials!”  My reply to her was, “It’s never wrong to be right.  I realize not everyone has the credentials I do, but a lot can try to learn correct spelling and grammar. Perhaps you are not among them and choose to stay incorrect.”  I really wanted to say “stupid”, but I knew that would open a new can of verbiage which she just might not understand.  (I'm sorry about the change in font and size.  I don't know what happened, nor how to fix it.  My OCD is critical at this point!!  Yeesh!)

My friend, who has a lot of chickens, mentioned she had too many eggs and wanted to know if I wanted any.  I told her I’d like to have three dozen.  She told me that would be fine, but I needed to know they were green in color.  I told her, “Oh, good.  I’ll get some ham to go with them.”  She smiled and asked what I was going to do with so many green eggs and the ham.  I told her, “I’m going to make a Suess-flay.”

 Symbols like: !#%@, which used to indicate swearing or cursing in comic strips, are called GRAWLIX.  It looks to have been coined by Beetle Bailey cartoonist Mort Walker around 1964.  Though it’ yet to gain admission to the Oxford English Dictionary, OED editor-at-large  Jesse Sheidlower describes it as “undeniably useful, certainly a word, and one that I’d love to see used more.”

Mapmakers will often insert a tiny piece of incorrect information in their maps to prevent the illegal reproduction of their work.  Call a “copyright trap”, fake text might be a bogus street name or even the mapmakers’ initials hidden in the corner of a park.

What fills the heart is reflected on the face.

As always, Trudy

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


😁May is the start of blooming spring, the rebirth and renewal of life.  My Sweet Della, 
age 52, was 3 when she discovered the delights of a mud puddle and some of the creatures which lay
beside it.  After thoroughly covering her yellow velour jumpsuit with “liquid earth”, she found one 
of those creatures.  She is a generous child and believes in sharing.  So, without a second thought, 
she held the big worm and tore it in half calling to her sister to come and get her fair share. 
I almost spit up.

Did you know dead skin eventually ends up in the atmosphere?  Just think, when they all get together, there will be another celestial body floating around.  The number of cells in the human brain can't be counted in a lifetime.  Well, in my experience and observations, that's for most of us.

Laugh of the day on me----There’s a new store in Peoria Heights, IL.  It's called COOKIES.  The building has been painted white with blue trim and the letters of COOKIES are blue.  I thought it was a bakery since it was named COOKIES.  Come to find out, it's a marijuana dispensary!!!!  Talk about FALSE ADVERTISING!!!

“Eat like a bird” alludes to how many birds pick at their food and seem to eat little, while “eat like a pig” invites comparison with the hearty enthusiasm of a pig when it eats. To eat one’s fill is to consume food until one is full, and a pregnant woman is said to be “eating for two” when her appetite increases. To eat someone out of house and home refers to when a house guest demonstrate one’s healthy appetite by exhausting the supply of food in the home of one’s host. (from Daily Writing Tips)

Ignorance spoken is really just words that had nothing better to do. 

Cenosillicaphobia (cen-o-silli-ca-phobia) is the fear of an empty beer glass.  Cheers!!

My friend, Carole, and I were having a fun conversation.  She started to yawn and said, “Well, its time for a nap.”  I told her, “I don’t usually have a schedule for a nap---they just happen.  I’m real leery of long stop lights.”

As I walked up the flat-rock walking path to her house, I saw Aint Daisy planting various flowers in the beds in front of the porch.  There were all sorts of pretty ones----tulips, daisies, hyacinths, pansies, and baby’s breath.  I was admiring her selection and told her, “Pansies are my favorite ones.  They have faces in the middle of them which bring a smile to me.”  She said, “Yep, they’s a message in each one.”  I wondered what she was meaning, so I asked.  “Wahll, jes a-look at ‘em.  Do ye see jes a face or sumptin’ else, chile?”  I told her I just saw faces.  She smiled, patted my hand and said, “Ye know the good Lord sends His angels to look out fer us.  They a-come in all sorts of ways, even a li’l flower.  Look closer at the pansy’s middle.  You’ll see an angel.”  I looked again and did see an angel.  Now when I see pansies, I see only angels, and I smile. I don’t seem to see the faces anymore.  More wisdom from the Lady of the Holler.

Being a teacher, even though I’m retired, I just can’t seem to help not teaching just about every time my daughter, Tara, and I get in the van and go somewhere.  I was mentioning about words and different meanings and parts of speech to her.  She sighed.  I asked her why she sighed.  In her unfiltered explanation she said, “Mom, I know you loved teaching, you still do.  Do you think you could just be ‘Mom’ for this trip and not a teacher?”  I turned my head and looked out the window.  I couldn’t look at her and not laugh.

Brenduhh came over all excited carrying two jugs of fluid.  "Trudy, look what I found!  Here is a jug of blinker fluid and a jug of horn oil.  Now no one can tell me, anymore, I need to get some."  She was so excited.  I read the label of the blinker fluid; "Trusted since 1776, Full synthetic blend, ID-10T Use Only, 710 Cap Compatible."  The horn oil stated:  "HORN OIL for 10,000 honks."  I told her that she had a rare find and wished her well as she skipped away.  My eyes kept rolling.

Do you remember some of the breakfasts you fixed your children when they were young?  I remember a lot of mine.  Mother was such a good cook.  She presented a lovely delicious table.  She’d fix eggs, bacon, juice, and toast; or Cheerios, milk, toast, and juice.  When I was a teen she couldn’t understand why I asked her to not fix eggs anymore.  I told her they didn’t stay with me until lunch.  She asked me to suggest some things.  So, I suggested her vegetable soup.  She usually made a huge pot of it every week in the winter.  I don’t know why she objected, but she did.  I guess she didn’t think it was “traditional” enough.  I convinced her, though, and when I got home that afternoon, I told her I wasn’t hungry by 9:00 a.m. like I was when I had eggs.  I, also, asked her to not fix GRAPE NUTS for me because they took too long to chew.  I usually was about out of “home time” by the time I ate breakfast….10 minutes at the max before I had to race out the door to get the bus.

Guy tells of the wintry mornings his dad would fix CREAM OF WHEAT.  He’d make it so stiff it’d be like mortar for a log house.  His mother would thin it out with milk.  I asked Guy if the cow ended up going dry due to the amount needed.  Guy mentioned he didn’t look forward to winter mornings.  I think of what I fixed my kids on school mornings.  Usually COCOA WHEATS was requested.  Then we got into that time thing and they ended up with CW smoothies.  That is when you put COCOA WHEATS in a 16 oz. glass, some sugar, a glob of peanut butter, and fill it up the rest of the way with milk.  Stir quickly and drink it down.  The kids said they could see the headlights of the bus and still have time for a good breakfast.  I’d stand at the door with a tray of empty glasses waving “bye” to them.  ‘Sort of felt like June Cleaver or Aunt Bee. 

While talking to a friend, she shared she’d had a particular rough time from January until our talk, and she didn’t think it was over.  I thought a while remembering some of the tough, challenging times I’ve had.  I told her, “The experiences of the past bring you wisdom, insight, knowledge, and peace. God teaches us, in so many ways, that His plans for us are to mold us into being the best for Him and others.  Tough times do not last; tough people and prayer do.”  She doubted she was very tough.  I reassured her with, “Well, if you weren’t, you’d have not made it this far with your sanity and determination.”  She smiled; so did I.

This will be a long read.  I saw it on FACEBOOK and gave my reply.  Here is all of it:
The military branches explained:  the Army, Navy, and Marines are all brothers in a family.  Army is the oldest and mom and dad made all their parenting mistakes with him.  The Navy is the middle son, they’re the explorers who left home and no one cared.  The Marines are the youngest who mom and dad let do whatever they want and they still have an inferiority complex due to their small size.  Well, mom and dad got divorced once all the boys were grown.  Mom got remarried to a rich guy and quickly gave birth to a fourth son, the Air Force.  Now, she loves him the most, showers him with the best toys, and buys him whatever he wants. When they go on vacation they fly first class, stay in 5 star hotels, and enjoy the finest meals.  The Air Force is spoiled rotten and his three older brothers have bitter resentment toward him for this.  Finally, there’s the Coast Guard.  The coast Guard is the rich step-dad’s son from his first marriage and none of the other brothers think or act like he’s part of the family.
My perspective:  The “middle son” has the biggest ships, teaches the “youngest son” all about being in the water and its dangers and even has SEALS as pets.  The first son got the dirtiest and is usually first-in when there needs business to be taken care of.  They call all the other brothers for help depending on what the terrain is.  The fourth son is always up in the air about something, but boy can he fly and make statements about his skills.  Now along comes the rich step-dad’s son.  He hovers over the dangerous waters the other can get themselves into and drops rescuers to them, comes and gets them with his boats, and doesn’t blink an eye  He doesn’t care if he’s part of the family or not.  He knows his skills and knows them well.  All together, they protect.  Hoo-rah!!

“There isn’t a single person on this planet who is entitled to treat you like crap.  Remember that.”  Emblazon it on your conscious mind!

Distant hugs, smiles, and wishes for all the good you’re entitled to.  Trudy J

Tuesday, April 2, 2024



One of my readers, Kelly W., sent this to me.  It was the first laugh I had in the morning as I could see exactly what she was describing.  I want to share it with you:

So…couldn’t sleep. Have I ever told you I got whiplash from swatting a deer fly once? Yep! Had to wear a neck brace for 8 weeks. Also, this time of year, flies are sluggish and weird. I was reading my phone, in the dark, just trying to get sleepy. A fly would not stop crawling on my hands, dive -bombing my face. I swatted at it, but did not know where it went. UNTIL I felt it crawling on me under my nightgown! Jumped out of bed doing the “just get off me!” dance and figured it had flown off and was around planning its next sortee. I went to find the only flyswatter no one has lost…looks like an electrified tennis racket, and sat on the side of the bed with lamp on waiting for it to buzz the lamp. After about a minute, I feel it under my nightgown coming out from his hiding place under my “b****t! Let the dancing commence again! This time, I saw it fall and thank goodness, it had expired, as one might expect doing battle inside my nightgown with what lives in there. Held a brief trash bin-side service. Back in bed, but…Nope. Still not sleepy. And if hubby ever tells you he’s a light sleeper, just remember this and that he slept through all of it.

I felt defeated one particular day.  Defeated because I had so much planned in the domestic diva area, but every time I’d start to do one of the things, I ached somewhere on this old body.  Everything seemed absolutely daunting.  I sat down and thumbed through FACEBOOK, a mindless distraction most of the time.  One of my friends must have sensed I needed to read what she posted:  IT’S O.K. IF ALL YOU DID TODAY WAS SURVIVE.  Holy moley, that is exactly what I had done……survived.

EARLY VACUUM CLEANERS RAN ON GAS, NOT ELECTRICITY.  Well, I’ve seen “vacuum cleaners” sucking up meal droppings under the table---they run on four legs and have a wagging tail.

It’s easy to distract fat people; it’s a piece of cake.  It’s easy to distract squirrels; they’re nuts.  It’s easy to distract teachers; everything is chalked up to experience.  It’s easy to distract a laundry attendant; they’re such bubble heads.  It’s easy to distract a bear; just say “Aww, Honey.”  It’s easy to distract detectives; they don’t have a clue.  It’s easy to distract a child, just kid ‘em.  It’s easy to distract a grocer, give them some food for thought.

I learned a new expression---“fun hoover”.  It’s a person who sucks the fun out of something like a Hoover vacuum cleaner.

People who can’t communicate effectively think everything is an argument.

Word for the day:  HURKLE-DURKLE---a 200 year-old Scottish term meaning to lounge in bed long after it’s time to get up.  Hmmm, I do that often.  I love being retired so I can hurkle-durkle until the sun comes up.

Aint Daisy lives in the country. I asked her what those who visit her who live in the city ask, “How do you tolerate the quiet?”  She told me she tells them, “I tol'rate the sublime quiet very well.  It’s the noisy city I cain’t tol'rate.  Of course, there are some loud ‘Moos’ and chatterin' squirrels to put up with an' the birds tell me whar they are.  Then the coyotes sing the song of their tribe at night from time t' time.  The hooty owls call out t' let me know they are a-watching.  Yes, it can get a bit noisy out here sometimes,” she said with a grin and twinkle in her eyes.  Ahh, wisdom from the Lady of the Holler.

Masculinity isn’t toxic.  The absence of it is.  Weak men are abusive and spiteful.  Strong men are protective and loving.

My friend, Dianna, and I were taking a little road trip. She talked to me as I drove and let me know of different things to see. As I drove, nothing looked familiar---I had driven through the area a while before. I asked her to look at the map. She looked at me with a puzzled look and said, "This map is a little confusing to me. I think I'm your 'naviguesser’."

I love how the first thing they do at the doctor’s office is weigh you.  I was already nervous, now I’m depressed.  Maybe next they can bring up something I regret from my past and really get this party started.  My doctor noticed my blood pressure was a little high.  I told him, “Of course it is.  Your nurse insisted she had to weigh me.  She wouldn’t take my word for it when I told how much I weigh,” I grumbled.  “Well, Trudy, what do you weigh?”  He asked.  I told him, “Write this down on my chart.  I weigh too much.”  He chuckled.

Today will never come again. Be a blessing; be a friend; say words to encourage, comfort, heal, not wound. Give someone a smile, it may be the only one they get all day.  Having a soft heart in a cruel world is courage, not weakness.

I was reading some Facebook posts.  I saw this enlightenment and found it to be so very true. I'd like to share it with you and my added statement:   "I've learned a lot this year.... I learned that things don't always turn out the way you planned, or the way you think they should.  And, I've learned that there are things that go wrong that don't always get fixed or put back together the way they were before.  I've learned that some things stay broken, and I've learned that you can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones, as long as you have people who love you."  Jennifer Weiner  I added:  “As I've discovered/learned, some times looking through the opened window, when the door has closed, gives you a better view and perspective."

Shakespeare had such a way with words; however, in today’s English the thought or meaning gets right to the point.  Here are a few examples I’ve found and interpreted.  Shakespeare: “What light through yonder window breaks?”  Now: “Yo, shut the dang window!  I’m sleeping!”   Shakespeare: “And others have greatness thrust upon them.”   Now:  “What?!  More responsibility on top of all this other work?!”   Shakespeare:  “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.”   Now: “Yep, I’m Noah. What!? You want me to build an ark?  I’m NOT a carpenter!  I have things to do!”   Shakespeare:  “Et tu, Brute?”   Now:    Really, man?  Really??!!   Shakespeare:  "Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice."   Now:  “You need to shut up and listen more!”  Shakespeare:  "What's done can't be undone."  Now:  “Yes, I ate the whole pie.  You want it back?”

Brenduhh came over to tell me she saw a sign advertising for a pickle ball tournament. "Trudy, there's a sign wanting people to play in a pickle ball tournament.  What a waste of good pickles.  Next there will be 'tomato ball', or 'onion ball', or 'head lettuce ball', or maybe even 'watermelon ball' !!"  Oh dear, oh dear, I don't dare mention badminton because she'd hear 'bad mitten' and go off on that.  I can hear her now, "How can a mitten be bad?"

Sitting in church, my stomach started to make the call of a love-sick whale.  No matter how I moved, the sound continued.  I remembered my biology teacher telling us that sound has a name.  This information came about because in the middle of a test, my stomach started to make the sound, and everyone heard it, including the teacher.  The teacher announced, "No, that's not a love-sick whale's call.  It is an empty stomach's sound.  The sound is called borborygmus (bor-bo-ryg-mus).  Having an inquisitive mind, I looked up the definition.  It said, "Borborygmus is the sound from the intestines of the fluids and gasses moving.  I thought, "Along the avenue of exit, which causes another sound, which brings laughter to boys for some reason."

As always, Trudy J