Thursday, December 2, 2021


     πŸŽ„πŸŽ„πŸŽ„   2021 December FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

For anyone feeling lonely and wishing someone would call: Just go to any page advertising Medicare information; it doesn't matter your age. If you give them your phone number, you will get more calls than you can imagine! There are, also, car warranties people who will track you to the most remote island in the middle of nowhere in unnamed waters.  You might want to turn off your phone!

Here are some words of wisdom.  Most of you probably don’t need to read them, since you’re already wise.  1.  Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.   2.  Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.  3.  Never be too open-minded; your brains may fall out.  4.  Just going to church doesn’t make you any more a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car.  5.  Learn from the mistakes of others.  You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself, and besides, being greedy is one of the 7 deadly sins.  6.  Some days the statue, some days the bird.

"The body consists of three parts - the brainium, the borax and the abominable cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the bowels, of which there are five - a, e, i, o and u."  Child of much knowledge age 10.

I asked our Tara, age 9 at the time, what a rainbow was.  She thought and said, “When God is happy he sends all these colors in the sky to us, but leaves out the grey and black.  When He is unhappy, He sends just the grey and black and slams his door a lot; just like you do, Mom, when you’re real angry with Stephen.”  I asked her, “What?  God has a door to slam?”  She replied, “The thunder is the sound of the door slamming, Mom.  Don’t you know that?”  I guess I’d better go tell the meteorologists they’re wrong about air molecules being split and slamming back together.  Tara’s answer makes more sense.

The kids were hungry and could hardly wait for supper.  I worked quickly to put together mac ‘n cheese, hot dogs, peas and carrots, and warm applesauce.  I left the extra food on the stove for Guy and me to eat later.  They took their plates, piled high with all the goodies, and went to the 4-seasons room to eat and watch television.  Guy was in his chair talking to me as I sat on the couch with my back to the kitchen.  I heard some noise.  Before I could question what it was, Guy said, “It’s the herd; they’ve come to graze on the range.”  Farm boys never forget.

It was quite chilly the day I stopped by Aint Daisy’s.  I opened the front door and called, “Aint Daisy, are you here?  I’m coming in.”  There was no sound, which concerned me.  I walked around the house checking the rooms to make sure she was not on a floor or sick.  Nothing, but the back door was ajar.  I saw her rushing up the back walk wearing just her shawl.  “Well, hello, chile.  What are you doing here?” she said muffled as her face was buried in her shawl.  “Oh, I just thought I’d stop and check on you.  Are you all right, Aint Daisy?”  I inquired.  “Oh yes, just a bit chilly.  Silly me, I should have put on more than my shawl to scoot out the back door and go check on Miss Agnes.  You know she’s close to her nineties and doesn’t get many visitors.  I took her some chicken and noodles, pumpkin bread and an apple pie.”  “Aint Daisy, you are such a caring friend.  I know she’ll enjoy it all.”  As we talked in the warm kitchen, I noticed she was sitting under a cross-stitched piece she’d had put in an oval frame and hung on the wall.  It said, A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.”  How interesting Aint Daisy would be sitting under it, and it would look like a halo above her head.   More wisdom from the Lady of the Holler.

I usually try not to drive after dark.  It’s not that I’m afraid; it’s just that the LED headlights of the newer vehicles really bother my eyes, and God help anyone when the fool has turned them on HIGH beam.  They were so bright I think he could see my thoughts!!!  I showed one to him.

Some fella is suing SMART WATER for not making him smarter.  I am now announcing my actions of suing the Girl Scouts for lying about THIN MINTS, and Nabisco for advertising about REDUCED FAT in their cookies.  I’ve not gotten any thinner or any fat on my body reduced.  Liars!!!

Recently I was taking with an employee of a recycling company asking her the procedure for her company to receive my “dead” television.  She told me, “Come to the front door of the building and enter.  You will see me, and it is there I’ll tell you where to go to dispose of your “dead” television.”  I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.  I told her, “I’m a retired high school teacher.  I’ve had some brave kids tell me where to go.  In one class, a boy was really upset with me, and told me, “Go to Hell!!”  I told him, “Oh child, I’ll be there before you; I’ll meet you there.  My broom will travel faster than your legs.”  The class exploded with laughter after he left; so did the secretary with whom I was reminiscing.

MEMORIES:  I remember the 2 Dodges Daddy had.  One was a 1950 brown Dodge sedan; the other was a 1953 red Dodge sedan.  That was the only red car Daddy ever had.  Each of them had a hood ornament; a silver ram; one in the striking pose and the other was just the head.  After the red one needed to be replaced due to high milage, he got Oldsmobiles.  I think the Olds had a rocket.  He, also, had a ’46 Studebaker, but I can’t remember the hood ornament on it.  Guy and I bought a 1993 Buick Roadmaster in ’93.  It had the Buick emblem in a circle on the hood.  It was attached with a spring wire.  Little did we know they were considered “trophies” to certain gang members.  We lost it to a “trophy hunter”.  When Guy talked to the parts department manager, he was told it would cost $90 plus labor to have another one put on.  We left the space unadorned.  Guy traded for a ’93 Chevy Classic with very low miles.  It had an ornament, but never got taken.  ‘Guess it wasn’t a “trophy”, for which we were glad.  Hood ornaments are not as predominant as they used to be.  Guess it’s tough getting bug guts out of all the little crevices. But, my oh my, weren’t those ornaments attractive things?

On July 25th, I ordered a new microwave, via phone, from a local reputable store.  Many weeks later it still had not arrived.  I called the store and asked why it was taking so long.  The manager told me it was difficult to get drivers for the truck to deliver it from Kentucky to the Peoria store.  I told him I could drive down there, get it, and be home in one day.  He said it doesn’t work that way.  So, I waited longer---September 25 it arrived and was delivered.  By October 4, I had used it two times.  It had a very loud vibrating sound causing me to be very leery of it.  I called the store and asked for a technician to come out and find out what was wrong.  One arrived and found that the fan and magnetron were bad in this brand new microwave.  He said he’d order new parts and would get back to me when they arrived.  Three weeks later I called the store and talked with the manager.  He said they couldn’t get the parts or they were “on a ship in a harbor waiting to dock to be unloaded.”  I told him, “That sounds like lyrics to a sad song!”  I ordered a different one, received money back, and will not be charged for delivery and set up.  I’m not doing business with that store again.  So, if you need a new small appliance, make sure you GO to the store and get it right there; or, you could be listening to the lyrics of a sad song.

I hope your holidays are filled with warm memories, love, laughter, and so much you enjoy.  Blessings, smiles, and best wishes.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa from me to you.

Always,  Trudy

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


    πŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒπŸ¦ƒ  2021 November FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

“Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge.  It requires no accountability, no understanding.  The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world.  It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.”  Plato  Everyone has an opinion, but not everyone has empathy, in my experiences with people.

A while ago, I saw a bumper sticker that said, “I’m a veterinarian, therefore, I can drive like an animal.”  All of a sudden I realized how many proctologists are on the roads.  This is a segue to an encounter I had with a nasty person.  I’ve always tried to tell a person off politely and remain a lady.  This person was being most irritating and their actions and words were becoming hurtful.  I told them they needed to go see a proctologist.  They snarled, “Why?”  I told them, “Your words and actions are hemorrhoid-like, and you know where that’s a pain.”

Seeing a picture of a daughter wrapped in a snuggle blanket sitting on a comfy chair.  The picture of this gal said, “I’m going to Mom’s and let her take care of the kids while I totally relax like I can’t at home.” It reminded me of one of my own.  I have one who will come over and we'll be talking.   I'll look over and they will be asleep. They've told me, "It's so peaceful and quiet here, Mom."   I've told them I have some empty beds they can go to and sleep. They reply, "No, I’m staying here because if I go to one of the beds, you're not next to me." My heart is full.

GREIGE PRONUNCIATION:  (grayzh)  MEANING:  noun:  1. A color between gray and beige. (In my definition, it is dull dinge; little hand/finger prints on the clean walls greige)  ETYMOLOGY:  For noun, adj. 1: A blend of gray + beige. Earliest documented use:1927. (Ha!!!  When children put their dirty hands on the walls is the earliest use of that word.)

From time to time, I read the philosophy of Nietzsche just to think about his perspective of “To do is to be.”  Then, along comes Kant whose philosophy is “To be is to do.”  Finally, while listening to Frank Sinatra singing, he breaks out with, “Do be do be do.” 

Don’t worry about the hater.  They are just angry because the truth you speak contradicts the lie they live.  Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.

“Ohh, I can smell the pies cooking,” I thought to myself as I approached Aint Daisy’s front screen door.   I knocked, and she called out, “Y’all come on in.  I’m in the kitchen, so come set a spell and chat.”  I pulled out the old, wooden chair and sat behind the multiple pies which were cooling on the racks on the table.  “I know you love cherry pie, so grab a plate and cut yerself a piece.  ‘Got some fresh lemonade, too.”  I obeyed her words and could hardly wait to eat the pie and sip the lemonade.  The few bites of pie were wonderful, slightly warm, crispy crust, and sweet, sweet cherries and filling.  I took a drink of the lemonade and shuddered.  “Oh, Aint Daisy, the pie and lemonade do not taste good together,” I exclaimed.  She chuckled telling me, “Chile, that’s sort of the way it is with some people---they’re sweet alone, but sometimes when you put another sweet one with them, the combination gets sour.  So, be careful who and what you put together for your enjoyment.”  Another lesson from the Lady of the Holler.

More than ½ of the bones in your body are in your hands and feet.  The strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue---it can build, or it can tear down in a few quick movements.

Recent gasoline prices at a station:  UNLEADED: LOL 9/10;  PLUS: OMG 9/10;  PREMIUM:  WTF 9/10.  I couldn’t stop laughing.  For those of you who don’t know the “computer slang”, here is a translation:  LOL=laughing out loud; OMG=oh my god; WTF=what the f**k.  Appropriate pricing, huh?

Have you ever skipped rocks on the surface of a lake or deep creek?  I have and found it fun and required a skill of:  finding just the right flat rock, how you hold a rock, and how you throw it.  The goal is to have the rock skip more than twice and then sink.  Did you know pumice is the only rock which floats?

"One isn't necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can't be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest." (Maya Angelou) Those of you who have practiced the virtues of kind, true, merciful, generous, or honesty now know from where they truly came.  Kindness, truthfulness, mercifulness, generosity, and honesty all have an opposite.  It takes courage to continue any of these in the face of the opposite.

Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give, but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers in the corners of your eyes and run down your cheeks; the lump in your throat that keeps you from talking; and in the hollow part of your chest that has your name on it. Grief is just love with no place to go.  ILY/143 Forever.

“Success has many fathers/mothers; failure is an orphan.”  Alsair

News flash:  Queen Elizabeth of England doesn’t like the smell of hamburgers cooking.  Well!  Right there tells me she could never be an American.

ClichΓ©s: little phrases that help one understand or appreciate a situation they are experiencing.  Here are some to think about and my thoughts about each one.

1.  There is harmony in disharmony---right, and a good fight clears the air!  2.  Feeling bad is just a new sensation---so, maybe I don’t like new so well.  Remember how new shoes feel?  3.  Tomorrow is another day---of course it is, Einstein!!  4. There is a light at the end of the tunnel---and it happens to    be the train, for crying out loud!  5.  After the rain comes the rainbow---not really, what about all that mud?  6. Midnight is where the day begins---unless you live in Northern Alaska.  Then, it’s 6 months of daylight at midnight.  7. Life’s not so bad when you consider the alternative---ohreally?  The alternative has silence, no decisions, no telemarketers, no dirty dishes, no toilets to clean, no lines of waiting, no road rage, no stress.  8. When in doubt, consult your inner child---I did and we played hide and seek all day, colored (I stayed in the lines), took a nap, and had cookies and milk.  9. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder---and I’ve seen some blind-struck beholders, too.  10.  When life gives you lemons, make lemonade---I make lemon pie.  Where is Soupy Sales? Actually, a little vodka in it isn’t so bad, either.

Brenduhh and I went looking for a pumpkin to make desserts with.  We arrived at the farmer’s field, looked it over, and started to walk.  Me:  “Well, there surely are a lot of them.  Which one do you think looks good?”  Breduhh:  “That one over there…as she points in a direction.  Me:  “Which one?”  Brenduhh:  “The orange one.”  Me thinking:  “Great!  That narrows is down a bit.”

                                Peace, smiles, and good thoughts------------Trudy

Thursday, September 30, 2021

  πŸ‘»πŸ‘» 2021 October FROM MY PERSPECTIVE πŸ‘»πŸ‘»

It’s October already so that means it’s Happy Hallowgivingstmas.  In September the stores started putting out the holiday “stuff”.  I say, “stuff” because it is not just one thing, it’s so much.  I think a card should be made which says, “Happy Hallowgivingstmas-kkah-zaa”.  It would cover Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa all at once.  Of course, spell check would go nutz and keep trying to auto-correct it leaving the printer person almost exhausted because they’d be running back and forth re-correcting the auto-correct.

I saw some real life teen moment cards the other day.  They were so true when I had my teens.  Here is what I experienced:  “Open the fridge door, look in to find what you want; leave the door open and walk away.”  “Remove socks in a rolled ball on the family room floor along with your shoes.  Walk away and leave for days.”  “Fill your coffee cup, drink some, let it cool, set it down, forget where you left it, but know the cat will find it.”  “When the ice cube tray is empty return to freezer---empty.”  “When the trash is full, practice the physics law of tilt and fall you learned in school----when the container is full, add more trash, and then some more.”  “Leave a tablespoonful of milk in the carton---return it to the fridge.”  “At 5 minutes of needing to be in attendance at an important meeting 10 miles away, announce you HAVE TO BE THERE on time or you’ll be penalized.”  “When washing your clothes, forget about separating the darks and whites, put them all in together.  Grey is a universal color!”  “Leave the hall light on, which shines in your sleeping mother’s eyes, when you get home at 1:00 in the morning.”  “Leave every light on in the house while your parents are gone as you find what you were looking for; then, leave for your date.”  “Use dishwashing liquid soap in the dishwasher because there is no more dishwasher liquid compound.  Turn on, watch the bubbles spill out of the dishwasher; yell for Mom.”  “Eat the 2 pounds of left over meat loaf for a snack.  When Mom complains that it was going to be for supper---ask her if she wants it back.  Listen to her laugh.”  “Decorate your step-father’s favorite boxer underpants with lace and sequins.  Wear them over your biking pants in front of him.  Listen to him laugh.”  I’m sure some of you can add to this list.  PLEASE share with me, if you’d like.  You might see it in another column.

Looking through some fun English books, I found a paragraph written which had no “E” in any word used.  I enjoy these kinds of challenges and devised one of my own.  Peter Piper thought he’d picked one peck of pickled peppers.  However, he could not do the chore due to pickled peppers get processed in the home on the stove, not in the outdoors’ veggie beds.  Pickled peppers don’t grow pickled.”  This is the one I wrote leaving out the letter “A”.  It took a while to choose the correct words for understanding of the known tongue twister, which is actually alliteration.  But, that’s a whole other English lesson for another time.

She was sitting in her favorite rocking chair on the porch slowly rocking, holding a worn, black book trimmed in gold.  I knew it was her Bible.  She had a look on her face of contentment and a bit of irritation.  “What are you thinking, Aint Daisy?” I asked as I approached sitting down in the other rocker. I watched her eyes.  I can always tell when she is thinking and remembering.  “Oh, I’m jes’ thinkin’ about what a young feller said a while ago when he visited me talkin’ like he knew so much.  He told me, ‘Not everything you read in the Bible is true, ya know, Mz. Daisy.  Some of that is just tall tales,’ he went on.”  I could tell just remembering what he said was irritating her more.  “You know chile, I’ve lived a long time, gone through a lot, and watched more than most people have, especially that young feller.  The longer I live and watch this world, the more I believe the words written in red---Jesus said those---and believe even stronger what is written is true.”  “I’m sure what that fella said irritated you a lot.  Did you say anything to him that he would remember?” I asked her.  “Yep.  I let him go on about his thinkin’ some of what is written is tall tales, and that maybe some is not true.  Then, when I knew he was finished, and he asked me, ‘So, what do you think, Mz. Daisy?’  I jes’ looked him the eyes, patted my Bible and asked, ‘How do you know it hain’t true?”  More wisdom from the Lady of the Holler.

I remember when CRAYOLA came out with their 64-count with sharpener box of crayons.  I was thrilled when my mother bought me that box.  I was so careful to hold the crayon carefully so it would not break.  I didn’t share them, either.  The teacher sort of scolded me for that, but when I told her she could buy my next box if any got broken by another, emphatically using “MY CRAYONS”, she left me alone.  Mother and Daddy got a phone call, though.  CRAYOLA came out with the 120-count box.  I just about lost my mind as I danced in the aisle, holding the box to my heart, yelling, “Oh yes, oh yes”, and smelling the box.  The manager came to aisle 7 and asked me to purchase the box and move on out to my vehicle.  Yep, it was two days ago.  I’m not sharing, either.  “Crayon” in French means---pencil.  What we call a crayon in English would be referred to in French as une craie de cire, which literally means “wax pencil”.

QUEUEING is the only English word which has 5 vowels in a row.  It means: lining up. 

“Lying is done with words and also with silence.” Adrienne Rich, writer and teacher (1929- ) “A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with, the wind.” -John Neal, author and critic (25 Aug 1793-1876)  

I had gotten some yellow, grape tomatoes which were delicious, sweet, and just the right size to pop into one’s mouth.  I was telling my daughter, Della, about them and offered to give her some.  She looked at me and said, “Mom, what’s the last word in that offer?  It’s ‘tomatoes’, and you know I don’t like them.”  I continued to defend the lowly fruit/veggie saying how sweet they were, so easy to store, pop-in-your-mouth convenient, etc.  She said, “Mom, you are sounding like a TOMATO-TORNEY, a defender of tomatoes.  In fact, with your position of power about these balls of alleged goodness, I’m giving you a position of ‘Power of Tomato-torney’ and what you can do with them.”  The girl is writing her own dictionary, folks.

Peace, smiles, and kind thoughts to you-----------Trudy



Friday, September 3, 2021


                          🍎🍏  2021 September FROM MY PERSPECTIVE


I have a favorite blouse which has ¾ sleeves.  The cuffs on the sleeves are torn and worn; well, so is the shirt.  I didn’t really want to throw it away because there was still some good use from it.  So, I decided to make an apron out of it.   I cut the sleeves off all but an inch; turned that and sewed it down around the arm holes.  Now I have a loved shirt to wear in the kitchen when my skills get messy.

I walked up onto the porch to have a little visit with Aint Daisy.  I could tell she was a bit upset.  I asked permission to sit with her; it was granted.  (I was taught to ask permission to sit with someone when they are noticeably upset because they might want to be alone.)  I asked her what was troubling her.  She replied with heaviness in her voice, “Oh honey, that neighbor across the way has two little fellas who are always ‘busy’ with adventure.  She yells at ‘em, scolds ‘em, calls ‘em names, and just doesn’t seem to care who hears her.  The little ones just keep on being ‘busy’ with their adventures and that makes her even madder.  I can’t help but hear every word she says in anger to ‘em.  What she doesn’t realize is this old saying is so true, ‘Words that soak into your ears are whispered…not yelled.’  That’s why they keep on bein’ ‘busy with adventures’.  They hear her, but they’re not listening.”  ‘Another gem of wisdom from the lady of the holler.

When I awaken in the mornings I say, “Thank you.”  Before I go to sleep, I say, “Thank you.”  I do this out of gratitude for giving me another day and a night’s sleep and for the day I was given, no matter what happened.

One of mine was grumpy about all homework they had.  I tried to soothe them by telling them, “The way you eat a steak is one bite at a time.  So it is with all your homework---one subject at a time.”  They were quiet for a moment, and then blurted, “I’m so dang tired of learning!  I know enough!!”  Well, that was a 14 year old versus an over 48 year old mother.  I quietly responded with, “Write this down and read it when you feel like it: Proverbs 19:20 and 27.”  I knew those two verses would give them something to think about.

Have you ever noticed that all instruments searching for intelligent life are pointed away from Earth?   Well, that’s a great big “Hmmmmmm”.

Brenduhh stopped by.  We had some sweet tea and chatted.  She was puzzled and asked, “Trudy, I have 3 sisters, but when I told my brother, Duhlan, he said, ‘That’s nothin’; I have four sisters.’  I can’t figure it out; we have the same parents and were raised in the same house.  Do you know the answer to why he has four sisters and I only have three?”  I could not look her in the eye and tell her the answer, nor could my head stop slowly shaking.

Most of you know I like words.  I found some words which end in “nym”.   I subscribe to a website, DAILY WRITING TIPS, which is all about words.  Here is some of what was sent to me:  ethnonym:   The name of an ethnic group, tribe, or people. The residents of the United States are called Americans. Other ethnonyms used by Americans include African-American, Black, Indian, Native American, and Asian-American. A similar term, demonym, is a term that refers to the inhabitants of a place. For example, Chicagoans, Londoners, Mancunians (inhabitants of Manchester, England).  Toponym:   The name of a place. Because the Romans occupied Britain for three and a half centuries, many British place names derive from Latin words. For example, the Romans called their camps castra, a word that developed into the suffix chester/cester, giving modern Manchester, Winchester, and Cirencester.  Paronym:  This word has three definitions:  1. a word having the same root as another: child/childish.   2.a word that translates into another language with only minor changes or no change at all: Schadenfreude (Schaud-in-froi-duh) which means, pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.  The English word is: “epicaricacy”  3. a word similar in sound or appearance to another: affect/effect.  Tautonym:  A repetitious taxonomic term.  In the binomial Linnaean system of classification, plants and animals are identified as to genus, and species. For example, the domestic cat is Felis catus; the domestic dog is Canis lupus, and the sheep is Ovis aries.   When the words for genus and species are the same, the resulting binomial name is considered to be a tautonym. The following binomials are tautonyms:  gorilla—Gorilla gorilla; wolverine—Gulo gulo; red fox—Vulpes vulpes; moose—Alces alces

This word just appeared to me from another website, Word.A.Day.  How appropriate as I just finished a large bowl of ice cream. akrasia PRONUNCIATION: (uh-KRAY-zh/zhee-uh)  MEANING:  noun: The lack of will or self-control resulting in one acting against one’s better judgment.

Have you ever been manipulated and your reaction caused the person to get upset.  Well, here is a good definition of that.  MANIPULATION is when they blame you for your reaction to their disrespect.  Oh boy, can I ever relate to that, especially being a teacher and dealing with some people who think they know how I should teach their nasty offspring.  One mother wanted me to cancel, on her son, my referral to the dean for his disrespectful behavior.  I told her, “Since you weren’t there to hear and see the level of disrespect he was showing me, the referral remains as I wrote it.  You’re not doing your child any favors by trying to rescind the consequences of his words and actions.”  Since both deans and the liaison police officer were present, she didn’t have much to say about my response.

While driving to an appointment I saw a sewage disposal truck.  The sign on the back of it said, “We haul used groceries.”  I couldn’t help but chuckle.

Whether it is good or bad, what is done in the dark will eventually come to light.

My friend was told by a governmental agency to submit the paperwork needed for her reimbursement, as soon as possible.  After waiting for 2 months, she’s learned governmental agencies “do nothing very fast.”

“If good things lasted forever, would we appreciate how precious they are?”  Hobbes

Peace and smiles…….Trudy

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


                       😊  2021 August FROM MY PERSPECTIVE  😊

I knocked on the screen door.  I soft voice told me to come on in and set a spell.  Aint Daisy was sitting on her overstuffed couch with a photo album in her lap, a flowered handkerchief was in her hand, and dabbed some moisture from her cheek.  “Are you all right, Aint Daisy?” I asked.  “Oh yes, honey.  I was just looking at pictures of my sweet man and traveling down the path of memories left to me.  A few “rain drops” fell on my cheek, too.  He was so kind and gentle, which amazed people since he was larger than most men.  Why, I couldn’t even lace my fingers through his to hold hands; his fingers were so long and big.  He’d cup my hand in his and it would seem to disappear.  I miss him terribly, and I miss us.  But, that is the dues one pays for loving another.  I didn’t just love him; I was in love with him for all those years we were together.  And an interesting thing some have told me, it was obvious I was in love with loving him.  There’s nothing wrong with all that because when they’re gone, you’re rewarded with their presence in the memories you made together.”  There was a tissue box next to me offering one to me to dab a “rain drop or two” from my cheek.  More wisdom said from the Lady of the Holler.

“Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.”  Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history:  SPADES--King David HEARTS—Charlemagne CLUBS--Alexander the Great DIAMONDS—Julius Caesar

Some thoughts of intelligent women:  “If the world were truly logical, men would ride sidesaddle.”  Rita Mae Brown    “Take your life into your own hands and what happens?  A terrible thing:  no one to blame.”  Erika Jong

Did you know that Bozo the Clown wore an 83AAA shoe?  He had a pretty good understanding of his craft, I’d say.  Daddy wore a size 12AA.  He had a terrible time trying to find shoes to fit his slender feet.  When he did, he’d buy 2 or 3 pairs of them.  This was during the time he worked for DuPont and ALCOA.  When he retired he found some Reebok walking shoes that were most comfortable.  He bought a few pair and that is what he wore from then on, except for when he had to “dress up”, as he called it.  Then, he’d get out his dress shoes, polish them, and put them on.  He never forgot how to give those shoes a Navy shine.  I’d watch him buff them, spit on them, and buff them some more.  He was able to see his face in the toe afterwards.  Some things you just don’t forget, do you?

When my 27 year old son, Stephen, was young, he was singing LEAN ON ME while in the shower.  He was really belting it out.  He came to the line, “Every body needs somebody to lean on”; however, he sang, “Every body needs somebody to leave alone.”  YEP!!!

According to a study, the average American spends about an hour a day in the bathroom, including time spent bathing. That comes to about two weeks total per year.
• How do people pass the time in the bathroom? About half of survey respondents said they thought about “serious issues.” Well, what about reading?  ‘Best place around here.
• Nearly two-thirds say they engage in “toilet mapping”—scouting out the locations of public restrooms in advance of actually needing them.
• The majority of people surveyed think of their bathroom as a relaxing place to get away from the stress of life.  Unless, there are others in the home who keep knocking on the door wanting to be where you are!

It seems that in January, 1990, over 20 toilets and urinals in the King County, Washington, Court House erupted after being flushed.  Apparently, a plumber who was making repairs mistakenly switched an air compressor with a water line.  Yeesh! Talk about a power bidet and squeaky clean.  I surely hope no one was sitting at the time.  And, how would you like to be from Flushing, NY?  Which is a terrific segue to the new automatic flushing toilets found in public restrooms.  I’m not real fond of them.  Besides, when I have control of it, I will definitely know that everything will have gone to “a land where no man has gone before.”  I think these things are operated by someone who is really behind the wall reading Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader (multiple editions and each one is fascinating) and gotten so engrossed in it, that they forgot to check the gauge to tell if you have left.  I’ve walked out of the stall and nothing has happened; moved to the side of the stall only to find some part of my body protruded into the “eye zone” and still nothing happened.  This can be embarrassing when someone else needs to use the same stall.  How do you tell someone, who is doing the I-really-have-to-go dance, to wait until you flush?  I can still stand on one foot, put my other on the chrome handle, and push.  Of course, that’s a “dance” which can be dangerous, especially when you have your hands full of coat, purse, packages and keys.

 My beloved, Guy, had fallen asleep for the umpteenth time.  I called to him to go to bed, but he told me he was comfortable.  I encouraged him again with a descant of, "You are snoring!"  The next day I mentioned his snoring, "You have no idea how loud you were!"  I guess he was miffed and snorted, "No I don't, but I'm sure you'll tell me.  Do you want to demonstrate while you're at it?"  "If I did, I'd suck out my brain," I sniffed.  "Well, wait a minute before you start; I have a corner of my handkerchief not used yet," he snorted.  Folks, the man made me laugh just about every day.  He had quite a quick wit.

Inane is very silly or stupid: “He was ridiculed by his friends for his inane and inept remarks.” Insane means having or showing severe mental illness; mentally ill or deranged: “The accused was given a benefit of doubt because he had been declared insane by the doctors.”  So, was the farmer’s wife’s action, who cut of the mice’s tails with a knife, inane or insane or both??

In July, my daughter and I were talking about her getting her shots for covid.  She told me she was going to get her first one the day after our conversation.  I told her that we had an important meeting to attend and that by the last of August and the date of the meeting she should be fully-inoculated.  She laughingly told me to read my statement again.  I did and saw the phone had interpreted “inoculated” as “fully-ovulated”.  Why do phones do this??  I now have to read everything I write/message so no word will get twisted.

Peace, smiles, and harmony to you.  Trudy πŸ˜‰

Friday, July 2, 2021



                      πŸ‘€           2021 July FROM MY PERSPECTIVE        πŸ‘€

JULY: This month used to be called Quintilis – the Roman word for “fifth” as it was the fifth month of the Roman year. It was later changed to July by the ruler of Roman world, Julius Caesar, after his family name (Julius).  The Romans originally used a 10-month calendar, but Julius and Augustus Caesar each wanted months named after them, so they added July and August.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with these young’uns now-a-days,” scolded Aint Daisy.  “They’re either too lazy to get up and work or they think they need to start a job with a big salary.  Heavens if they are offered one at the bottom 'cause they’re not qualified for any other higher position.”  She was really irritated, so I just listened as she went on.  “What these young whipper snappers don’t know is….ya don’t put a roof on a building that h’aint been constructed, yet.  Ya need to start at the bottom of a job so you can know how ya got to the top and what goes with it to earn the salary that’s at the top.”  More wisdom given to me from the Lady of the Holler.

ABILITY is what you’re capable of doing.  MOTIVATION determines what you do.  ATTITUDE determines how well you do it.  I’ve seen all this to be true.  I’ve had students of different intelligence levels.  One in particular had the ability to achieve the highest grades, but their motivation was almost non-existent, and their attitude was less than desirable.  As I watched them, all I could think of was, “What a waste of a good mind.”  Then, I became blessed with my two grandchildren who had challenges.  The social worker said to me, “You know they are challenged and will not achieve much or meet your expectations.”  I told her, “The bumble bee is not designed to fly, but it does.  Do you know why?  It is because no one told it, it could NOT.  With all Guy and my resources of teaching, I don’t think there is very much they won’t be able to learn, if they want to learn it.”  She had very little to say after that.  They are both successful in what they’ve chosen to learn and apply.  So, never give up trying and learning.  Quitters never win and winners never quit.  If you think you can’t---you’re right; if you think you can---you’re right.

Brenduuh called me in a panic.  “Trudy, I’m locked in my car and can’t get out!!!”  I told her to put her hand on the handle and open the door.  “I can’t open the door because all the windows are rolled up on my convertible, the doors are locked, and the top is down,” she lamented.  I had to hang up the telephone; I just couldn’t talk any more.

I saw a joke and immediately thought that my two grandchildren ages 12 and 14, would probably tell it to someone.  They have dry senses of humor like their dad (my son), and my father.  Here is the joke: CJ or Will:  Why did the chicken cross the road?  Me:  Why?  CJ or Will:  To get to the dummy’s house.  Me:  silence of thinking  CJ or Will:  no response; waiting for me to respond  Me:  still silent and thinking  CJ or Will:  Knock, knock  Me:  Who’s there? CJ or Will:  The chicken.

It takes more time to do something right the first time than it does when you have to do it the second time.

When one of my 5 children was very little, it was potty training time.  They’d sit on the little potty seat on the toilet as they should, but would not let me flush the toilet until they were standing at the bathroom door watching.  I tried to have them just sit there when the toilet was flushed.  Oh heavens no, no, no.  One time I quickly flushed the toilet when they were on the little potty seat on the toilet.  They let out a scream and quickly jumped down.  I told them all would be fine and they would not fall in and that I don’t fall in.  Out of the mouths of babes came this gem, “Oh I don’t know; I just might.  You don’t because your butt is so big!”

Motels have been known to entice people to do really weird things.  Guy and I were staying at one.  It was so peaceful; then I got a crazy notion.  I took off all my clothes and ran around the room.  He was amazed (guess he didn’t think I could run that fast) and said, “What the h*** are you doing?”  I said, “I’m pretending it’s our honeymoon.”  He snorted, “What honeymoon?  We never had one.”  I retaliated, “I know, that’s why I’m pretending.  Now pretend I’m a size 14 without an ounce of fat.”  “Eeee, gods, Troot, you come up with the craziest ideas.”   He left to get a cup of coffee.  See how weird he was?

I read this recently and wanted to share it with you.  It is profound, in my thinking.  “Love is the most givable gift.  Give it in thought, actions, deeds, and physically.”

Nothing so soothes our vanity as a display of greater vanity in others; it makes us vain, in fact, of our modesty. -Louis Kronenberger, writer (1904-1980)

Mother always said, “Beauty is as beauty does,” and “Beauty is only skin deep.”  In our culture today, beauty and youth are emphasized; much too much in my opinion.  I’ve seen “beautiful people”, those whom are considered beautiful by our society’s standards, and have found most of them to be shallow and selfish.  I’m sure you have too.  Then, I’ve seen unattractive people who are truly beautiful in every sense of the word.  I think of the looks and appearance of the people who were covered in dust and dirt giving aide to those who needed it on 9/11/01; those who were dirty, worn, and disheveled helping those who were victims of hurricane Katrina’s aftermath; the military personnel in all their gear fighting for our right to continue with freedom.  I think of what the soldiers looked like when they raised our beautiful flag at Mt. Suribachi after a grueling fight.  And, I look at the pictures of the crew on the ship my Daddy commanded at Iwo Jima after the battles.  I remember a friend of mine who is not physically beautiful; however, she was the only one who sat beside me during a horrific time in my life when I was all alone.  She sat there, not saying a word, but her support and empathy spoke volumes.  She wanted me to know she would miss me more that I could imagine if I left this world.  My pain would be finished, but the pain of those who loved me would only just begin.  None of these beautiful people measured up to the visual “beauty standards” expounded by our society.  True beauty comes from within, is unselfish, kind, principled, empathetic, and honest.  All of that can’t be washed away in 5 minutes with soap and water.

A VIRGINIA FOREST RANGER WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING 7 TIMES FROM 1942 TO 1977.  You can bet his least favorite song is GLOWWORM by the Mills Brothers.

I shared with Guy this trivia factoid:  A column of air 1 inch square and 600 miles high weighs about 15 pounds.  He looked at me and mumbled, “Hmm, are those the reserve tanks you keep on your chest?”  The man was very brave, folks.         Peace and smiles.  Trudy

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


                                      2021 June FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

“Youth lasts much longer than young people think.”  I came across this statement and thought, “What a good double entendre.”  If you deal with youth, you know how immediate the thinking is---immediate gratification, immediate results, immediate time, and so on.  There is little thought to the future.  In fact, I see it with young adults anymore.  I know someone who has a daughter.  She is always telling her mother to live for now because the future isn’t promised.  Well, she lived for now, spent as much money as she earned on what she wanted and enjoyed the immediate gratification.  Suddenly, her high-paying job was gone and she had to accept one which was much less in salary.  Sounds like the grasshopper and the ant fable.

Years ago, I went to substitute one day leaving Guy, my beloved, home alone where it was very quiet.  He said he went to cardiac rehab, got some groceries, and read.  I noticed he hadn’t done the dishes or tidied up the house as I’d asked.  “How’d you do at rehab, today?” I inquired.  “Pretty good; 70%,” he said proudly.  “Did you get a nap?” I asked.  “Yes, a 20 minute one,” he responded.  “Oh, that’s nice.  How many times?”  I slyly asked.  “I lost count!” he scowled.  He knew he’d not fooled me.

Have you ever noticed when someone says, “Just a minute” they aren’t standing at the closed bathroom door needing to get in?  Have you ever wondered if someone could really “be there in a jiffy”? It is an actual measurement of time; 1/100th of a second is all it takes.  Have you ever hated hearing “Oh no!” after your dentist has drilled for a short time?  Strikes fear into the heart of the boldest, doesn’t it?  Have you ever thought, “I could do that better” as you watched someone do something you have a minuscule bit of knowledge about, and then be asked to take over?  Some things are best left unthought-of.

One of mine was dawdling getting dressed for school.  Breakfast still had to be eaten, teeth brushed, and school gear gathered before the bus came.  I mentioned all this to the dawdler.  Silence.  I mentioned it again.  Silence and a sniff.  “Answer me, please!  Are you about ready?”  I firmly questioned.  Then came the wail, “My socks are being a problem!!”  I went in to see the problem.  “How can your identical socks be a problem?”  “They are on the wrong feet,” wailed the dawdler.  I had to hang onto the door knob.

Some things a bout with shingles have taught me:  I can gain weight faster than they heal; there really is a thing called “phantom itching”----hello scratching air!; the left side of my head is numb----am I considered a numb skull?; a wild hair day is more than one day and I now consider it a fashion statement; my vocal, unfiltered daughter told me I look like Freddy Kreuger------her name is in pencil in my will, now; I have involuntary naps throughout the day…I like to choose my nap times; my doctor told me, “It may take over three weeks to heal”….he needs a new calendar and time reference, and forget about the word “may”; I do not like my patience tested anymore.

My friend, Shelli, told me, “A very nice police officer just stopped to say, ‘Hello’.”  I asked her why.  She told me, “88 in a 65 zone.”  I told her, “Well, ‘Hello’ ticket master!”

It seems there are some telephone scammers calling people trying to get their bank account numbers and social security numbers.  If this happens to you, you can either hang up or have some fun at their expense.  Here is what fun I usually have:   I tell them I can not understand their accent, so they are to spell every word they say to me and if they misspell a word they have to start over. They usually hang up and I roar with laughter. Or, I'll tell them I have a sophisticated GPS system on my phone and I know exactly where they are and am sending a few of my people to have a chat with them...they may be delivering food or be service utility people. Or, I talk to them about diarrhea and incontinence or throwing up complete with sound effects. Oh, I have a lot of fun.

She who laughs-----------lasts.  Scientifically proven.  Laughing encourages the body to relax; boosts the immune system; triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals; protects the heart; burns calories, and lightens anger’s heavy load.  Going for the snort is even better!!

The South has some endearing terms.  I use them from time to time.  “Bless your heart”—I really mean it.  But, there are times I say it so I won’t say what I really think of the person.  “Quit chyer bein’ ugly”---it’s about behavior, not physical appearance.  It seems rightly so because when a person acts ugly, they ARE ugly in appearance.  People from the South tell of “carrying a person somewhere”---I like this one because, to me, when you carry someone somewhere you, also, are offering to help carry their burden(s) momentarily; it gives a peaceful feeling to me.  “Cain’t never could”----a positive thinking in southern style.  You won’t accomplish much if you always say or think you can’t do something.  Be positive and give it a try and you might find out you could do it after all.  “Can’t never could do nothing!”  “Make your mama proud” ---well that speaks for itself, in my opinion.

My friend, Mary, took a driver’s ed class with two nuns one summer.  She’s not the most accomplished driver, yet.  She was telling me about her experience driving in heavy traffic with the two nuns in the back seat.  “They kept saying ‘Oh Hail Mary’ over and over; I guess they were saying their rosaries.  I wasn’t doing that badly and got out of the way of 3 semis in time.”  I’ve ridden with her as she would practiced her driving skills.  So, I know how she drives.  “Honey, I don’t think they were saying their Hail Marys.  I think it was more, “Oh HELL, Mary”; I’ve ridden with you a few times,” I chuckled.

I found this old time remedy for removing freckles from your face.  It says, “Rub a live frog over your face.”  Hmm, in some cases that could be considered cruelty to animals.

Aint Daisy was rocking in her favorite rocking chair on the porch.  She had a glass of sweet tea beside her and a slice of her delicious cherry pie.  “Hi, Aint Daisy.  It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?”  She smiled and invited me to “set a spell” and chat.  “Chile, you look a bit troubled.  What’s going on with you?” she asked.  “I’m angry at me because I should have known better about something I said to another.  I apologized, but I don’t feel it was enough,” I lamented.  “Honey, we all have a misspoken word fall out of our mouth.  It’s good you apologized.  It will not go unnoticed.  About being angry with yourself…..well, that’s the worst person in the world to be angry with.  You can NOT get away from you at all, now can ya.”  Another wise statement from the lady of the holler.


Monday, May 3, 2021



                          πŸŽ•           2021 May FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

Here it is May already; the third and last month of the season of Spring.  The birthstone of May is the emerald which symbolizes success and love.  May is named for the Roman goddess Maia, who oversaw the growth of plants, and the birth flower is the lily of the valley.    A lot of us help celebrate Cinco de Mayo with the Spanish community; like so many of us help celebrate St. Patrick’s day in March.  There is, also, Mother’s Day which was the idea of Anna Jarvis of Grafton, WV.  She held a memorial service for her mother at St. Andrew’s Methodist Church.  This was in 1908.  It wasn’t until 1914 when President Woodrow Wilson signed a proclamation designating Mother’s Day be held on the second Sunday in May as a national holiday to honor mothers.  The month is closed with the Indy 500 in Indianapolis, IN. 

I saw another county road warning sign.  It made me laugh.  “Hooray!!  Spring has sprung.  Use your seatbelt or you’ll get flung.”  Here’s another:  “Phone in one hand, ticket in the other.”

“Good afternoon, Aint Daisy.  Do you mind if I talk to you about something that’s been bothering me?”  The wise one was rocking in her favorite porch rocker as I walked up the steps.  “Naw chile, you jest come on up here and set a spell.  H’aint no use to carry a heavy burden when there’s one willin’ to hep you haul it,” she drawled in her country way.  “Well, you know Gina and all she does.  Good golly, she just seems to bring shame on her family all the time.  She goes to town and drinks, takes up with questionable men, swears, and seems to be proud of all that.  I imagine her folks just about hang their heads.”  Aint Daisy didn’t say a word, just rocked and pursed her lips.  I knew something wise was going to trip off her lips.  “Honey, I know what you’re talking about, but I know the family and perhaps why she’s thata way.  Her parents are kind, honest, and well-liked by others.  She has brothers and a sister who are good people, too.  Why, there ain’t a single one from that family that’s to be ashamed of.  I learned a long time ago, don’t judge people by their relatives.  Why, I know a family who is related to a famous outlaw, one of the Fords who rode with Jesse James.   But, on the other side of the family they’re related to royalty, King Richard of England.  Not a single one of ‘em act like the outlaw side, nor are they uppity about the royalty background, either”.  I left with a much better view of people.

Have you ever wondered about the name of people and the fitting of it to their personalities? I used to hate my given name---the one which appears on my birth certificate:  GERTRUDE.  My brother would tease me mercilessly about it, and Mother would remind me it was her mother’s name, and I should be proud.  So, I looked it up.  WOW!! It means “SPEARMAIDEN”.  I told this to Guy one time.  He agreed it quasi-fit my personality.  I took the bait and questioned his logic.  “Well, Honey, you are not only a spear maiden; you make them, carry them, AND throw them!” I told him, “You forget I catch them, too.” He proudly reminded me that his meant “Leader of people.”  I asked him, “So explain why you couldn’t find your way to the St.Louis airport when the man gave you explicit directions.”

I started a new diet Monday.  Boy, I’m glad Monday is over!!!

Some things I wonder about:  Do giraffes even know what farts smell like?  Are elephants ever light on their feet?  What does a mirror twin see when they look in the mirror----themselves or their sibling?  If coffee is a bean is it a veggie or legume?  Can an ant be an aunt?  In multiple births, do the others ever wonder if they were the one(s) unplanned?  SWIMS is the same upside down.  If I put a “T” where the “W” is in what, where, when, I’ll get the answer to each.  If you rip a hole in a net, are there fewer holes in it than there were before?  Why is the word for the “fear of long words”—hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliohpobia—so long?  Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle or tube?  If a spoon was made of gold, will it still be called silverware?

No response is a response and it can be a powerful one, at that.  Sometimes silence screams an answer.  Class is when you have a lot to say but you choose to remain silent in front of fools.

A while back I had a panic attack.  Those things are discerning, to say the least.  I quickly grabbed a brown paper bag and put it over my mouth.  The bottle of rum inside it surely did help.  I felt fine after that.

Whether you know it or not, you use quotes from Will Shakespeare more often than you think.  Here are some examples: It’s Greek to me!  Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark.  I have not slept one wink;  too much of a good thing;  neither rhyme nor reason;  wild-goose chase;  break the ice;  hoodwink ; and of course, “To be or not to be, that is the question” Is often quoted.

Brenduhh came over excited to tell me something.  “Trudy, I’ve driven by the same possum lying by the side of the road for three days and it is still in the dead position.  It surely is doing a good job playing dead.”  “Your knowledge of animal behavior just knocks me over, Miss Brenduhh,” I said with baited breath.

Becoming 76, as I told my doctor, has been an eye-opener.  I don’t think as most 76 year old people do, I don’t act as most 76 people do, and I don’t feel like some 76 year old people do.  In fact, my mind still thinks I’m 30, but my body thinks my mind is an idiot and provides the evidence when I’ve done too much.

I’m going to present some sensitive information here which was sent to me by a friend who knows I like to know where words and gestures originated.  If you’d prefer not to read it, please have a great May, and I’ll talk to you in June.

The insulting extension of the middle finger is referred to as digitus impudicus in Latin.  There is an article giving the “HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE FINGER” (that’s the title of it to Google should you want to read it) which I looked up and found to be false.  The account, though, is humorous.  I did learn a new word group:  labiodental fricative Labiodental sound: A sound that requires the involvement of the teeth and lips, such as "v," which involves the upper teeth and lower lip.  Fricative, in phonetics, a consonant sound, such as English f or v, produced by bringing the mouth into position to block the passage of the air stream, but not making complete closure, so that air moving through the mouth generates audible friction.

Now that all this explanation is about as clear as strong coffee, just read the false account and have a chuckle.  You could, also, use it as a conversation starter or startle.  I’d choose the latter.

A fun words:  morgenmuffel-----a person who is grumpy in the mornings and doesn’t like to wake up early.  Snicklefritz -----a Pennsylvania Dutch term of affection usually for young mischievous or talkative children.  (My sweet mother called me this.  I had no idea there was a meaning to it.)

On April 12, my red VW Bug was rear-ended by a drunken fool driving a big Ford truck.  My poor Bug was totaled.  I was given a motorist’s report to fill out, describe what happened, and insurance information for the state and my insurance company.  I did as required with the English composition teacher kicking in.  My daughter read my account of what happened.  She said, “Gods Mom, all they want is facts, not a novel!”  I became Joe Friday and gave just the facts.