Sunday, July 1, 2018



Here are names of towns in the USA which are numbers:  Six, WV; Sixes, GA; Sixes, OR; Eight, WV; Twentysix, KY; Fifty-Six, AR; Sixty Six, SC; Seventy Six, KY; Seventy-Six, MO; Eighty Four, PA; Eighty Eight, KY; Ninety Six, SC; Hundred, WV.

How Will You Know? department:  Polish polish; wound wound; read read; bow bow;  bear bear; bass bass; desert desert; entrance entrance; lead lead; moped moped; object object; row row; tear tear; wind wind; number number.  Now, try to use them in a sentence with them not separated by another word or words.  Example:  He was putting putting last in his golf game.

My friend, Melodie, sent me this new word for my vocabulary.  Thank you so much, Melodie; you know I’ll use it.  HONEYFUGGLE:  verb:  to entice or deceive by flattery or sweet talk.  EXAMPLE:  Don’t think I am unaware of your attempts to honeyfuggle me.  My thought is, “Only a nithing would try to honeyfuggle me.”

I made roasted Brussels sprouts in a cast iron skillet in the oven. They are/were delicious. I offered some to Tara, my daughter. She said, "No thank you." I said, "You don't know what you're missing." She replied, "Oh yes I do, that's why I'm not accepting." I'm kinda of glad I don't have to share.

A former student of mine had this observance.  It is profound and very true.  “Never bet on another man, always bet on [you] to win. If you win you gain respect for yourself, if you lose you gain humility.”  Andrew Thomas

I went to visit Ain’t Daisy.  She was sitting on her porch rocking in her favorite rocking chair.  She saw I was a bit miffed and told me to, “Come and sit a spell.  We’ll talk.”  She asked what was bothering me.  I told her, “I have a friend who thinks she knows it all.  It irks me because there are so many times I want to share a happening or excitement of mine with her and she goes off on all she knows about that and more; thus, squelching conversations.”  Ain’t Daisy is old and wise.  She rocked a bit, then stopped and looked at me.  “Child, in all my days I’ve seen and heard this of some; it even has happened to me.  But, I just let them talk because I know for a fact, when one thinks they know it all, they don’t know much.  Ain’t no use of you letting someone put out your campfire when they only have a thimble full of water.”  I just love this lady.

Well, it’s the season for road repair. Those orange diamond shaped signs which say “Right lane closed ahead” or “Left lane closed ahead” are not in a foreign language. HOWEVER, as I’ve traveled the roads, I find some people read the sign as, “RIGHT LANE/LEFT LANE MIGHT BE CLOSED AHEAD. SO JUST STAY IN YOUR LANE AND MERGE AT THE ABSOLUTE LAST BLOODY SECOND IN FRONT OF THE ONE WHO PAID ATTENTION AND GOT IN THE CORRECT LANE AND WAS PREPARED, CAUSING HER TO SLAM ON HER BRAKES, SAY WORDS HER MOTHER NEVER TAUGHT HER, AND SHOWED YOU SHE CAN COUNT TO ONE IN A NANO-SECOND.”

I remember those toys of skill which had a wooden paddle, rubber “string”, and ball attached to that string.  I had fun with them utilizing them to improve my hand-eye skills.  My parents utilized them and used them against me………….usually on my butt.

There are days I’ve found that the supply of swear words is most insufficient to meet my demands and needs.

Do you ever feel alone….really alone?  I have and do from time to time.  I forget that there is a presence with me which I overlook until I start thinking about all those who have walked through my life.  Some have stayed for a very long time….73 years, some for as long as I can remember them being with me, some stayed briefly, and some stayed for just a very short while.  Each one had a purpose and was placed with me by a divine spirit, I believe.  I need to stop thinking I’m alone because I really am not.  That spirit is always with me.

I've been thinking about the word "mosey".  It's not commonly used in the cities of the North or some of the big cities of the South.  It's more a term used in the comforting rural 1/8 to 1/4 of a mile off the "hard road".  When one moseys they walk slowly and are usually deep in thought.  You just can't mosey and not be thinking.  Daddy used to tell me, "If you keep moseying along, moss will grow on your legs."  That was his way of telling me to hurry up.  Daddy was from the South.  I've found I can't "smell the roses" if I walk fast; I can't solve some problems while walking fast; and if I need to say some words of prayer.....well, moseying will take care of it much better.

Opposition by others is usually proof you’re on the right track…..EXCEPT when a child opposes.  I think it’s their job to oppose most things mentioned in raising them to be respectable, responsible contributing members of our society.  I’ve had 5 of those beings, and never did any of them immediately accept what I was saying, suggesting, or encouraging.  They are all on their own now.  When we talk, sometimes I hear me from the past.  Holy cow!!!  Something sunk in and stayed.  I don’t dare mention that, though.  I’d probably get some opposition.

One time my Beloved and I went to Wal-Mart together.  That’s an adventure in itself, folks.  He saw me browsing in the book section.  Knowing how much I enjoy reading, he was sure he was going to be stuck there for a while.  He groaned, “I suppose you’re going to be here a while.  I know how much you love books.”  I looked up long enough to say, “Yes, I do love books; especially CHECK books.”  I thought about sending him out to another store to get some things from there, but I knew the men of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years not asking for directions; I was sure things hadn’t changed.  We got home after a long arduous shopping time, and unfortunately got into some very heated, intense fellowship.  Mad as all get out, Beloved bellowed, “I’m leaving!!!”  He stormed out leaving me standing there wondering, “Do I shut the door or leave it open?” Dang! Decisions, decisions.

I have a little book by H. Jackson Browne called LIFE’S LITTLE INSTRUCTION BOOK.  He wrote it in 1991.  There are over 500 suggestions and life’s observations of his; I added a few of my own.  Here are some:  “What’s right it right; what’s wrong is wrong” (followed by)  “If it’s right it won’t be wrong, if it’s wrong it won’t be right.” “Be what you is because if you aren’t what you is, you isn’t what you are.”  “Stop to appreciate the silence; not everything of importance has sound.”  “Learn to agree to disagree, but don’t lower your values.”  “Silence can be your best response; it can, also, be your best weapon.”  “To be empathetic is lasting; to be sympathetic just takes care of a moment.”  “Not always is common sense common.”  “Give away at least one smile a day.”  Be appreciative of how hard someone works so that you may benefit from their labor of love; tell them, too, and give examples.”  “Live your life and treat others so that when you arrive they are happy, and when you leave, they are sad.”  And, wisdom from my mother:  “Treat your friends like family and your family like friends.”

"I'm sorry", an APOLOGY: The act of not meaning you were wrong or the other person was right. It means your relationship is valuable to you and more important than your ego.

I don’t know you, but if you’re reading this right now, we have something in common.  I wish I could remove every bad moment that’s ever happened to you, but I can’t.  They are growth spurts and learning curves of life.  So, this will have to do-----I hope you have some part of your day that is just the way you wanted it; I hope you remember you’re loved and appreciated by someone; I hope you smile at someone and they give you one right back.  But, most of all, I hope you have a peaceful moment every day of your life and talk to a Higher Power because you want to.
Peace, smiles,                                                                                                                                                                and blessings to you.  Trudy J