Thursday, December 2, 2021


     🎄🎄🎄   2021 December FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

For anyone feeling lonely and wishing someone would call: Just go to any page advertising Medicare information; it doesn't matter your age. If you give them your phone number, you will get more calls than you can imagine! There are, also, car warranties people who will track you to the most remote island in the middle of nowhere in unnamed waters.  You might want to turn off your phone!

Here are some words of wisdom.  Most of you probably don’t need to read them, since you’re already wise.  1.  Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.   2.  Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.  3.  Never be too open-minded; your brains may fall out.  4.  Just going to church doesn’t make you any more a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car.  5.  Learn from the mistakes of others.  You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself, and besides, being greedy is one of the 7 deadly sins.  6.  Some days the statue, some days the bird.

"The body consists of three parts - the brainium, the borax and the abominable cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs, and the abominable cavity contains the bowels, of which there are five - a, e, i, o and u."  Child of much knowledge age 10.

I asked our Tara, age 9 at the time, what a rainbow was.  She thought and said, “When God is happy he sends all these colors in the sky to us, but leaves out the grey and black.  When He is unhappy, He sends just the grey and black and slams his door a lot; just like you do, Mom, when you’re real angry with Stephen.”  I asked her, “What?  God has a door to slam?”  She replied, “The thunder is the sound of the door slamming, Mom.  Don’t you know that?”  I guess I’d better go tell the meteorologists they’re wrong about air molecules being split and slamming back together.  Tara’s answer makes more sense.

The kids were hungry and could hardly wait for supper.  I worked quickly to put together mac ‘n cheese, hot dogs, peas and carrots, and warm applesauce.  I left the extra food on the stove for Guy and me to eat later.  They took their plates, piled high with all the goodies, and went to the 4-seasons room to eat and watch television.  Guy was in his chair talking to me as I sat on the couch with my back to the kitchen.  I heard some noise.  Before I could question what it was, Guy said, “It’s the herd; they’ve come to graze on the range.”  Farm boys never forget.

It was quite chilly the day I stopped by Aint Daisy’s.  I opened the front door and called, “Aint Daisy, are you here?  I’m coming in.”  There was no sound, which concerned me.  I walked around the house checking the rooms to make sure she was not on a floor or sick.  Nothing, but the back door was ajar.  I saw her rushing up the back walk wearing just her shawl.  “Well, hello, chile.  What are you doing here?” she said muffled as her face was buried in her shawl.  “Oh, I just thought I’d stop and check on you.  Are you all right, Aint Daisy?”  I inquired.  “Oh yes, just a bit chilly.  Silly me, I should have put on more than my shawl to scoot out the back door and go check on Miss Agnes.  You know she’s close to her nineties and doesn’t get many visitors.  I took her some chicken and noodles, pumpkin bread and an apple pie.”  “Aint Daisy, you are such a caring friend.  I know she’ll enjoy it all.”  As we talked in the warm kitchen, I noticed she was sitting under a cross-stitched piece she’d had put in an oval frame and hung on the wall.  It said, A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.”  How interesting Aint Daisy would be sitting under it, and it would look like a halo above her head.   More wisdom from the Lady of the Holler.

I usually try not to drive after dark.  It’s not that I’m afraid; it’s just that the LED headlights of the newer vehicles really bother my eyes, and God help anyone when the fool has turned them on HIGH beam.  They were so bright I think he could see my thoughts!!!  I showed one to him.

Some fella is suing SMART WATER for not making him smarter.  I am now announcing my actions of suing the Girl Scouts for lying about THIN MINTS, and Nabisco for advertising about REDUCED FAT in their cookies.  I’ve not gotten any thinner or any fat on my body reduced.  Liars!!!

Recently I was taking with an employee of a recycling company asking her the procedure for her company to receive my “dead” television.  She told me, “Come to the front door of the building and enter.  You will see me, and it is there I’ll tell you where to go to dispose of your “dead” television.”  I couldn’t help but laugh out loud.  I told her, “I’m a retired high school teacher.  I’ve had some brave kids tell me where to go.  In one class, a boy was really upset with me, and told me, “Go to Hell!!”  I told him, “Oh child, I’ll be there before you; I’ll meet you there.  My broom will travel faster than your legs.”  The class exploded with laughter after he left; so did the secretary with whom I was reminiscing.

MEMORIES:  I remember the 2 Dodges Daddy had.  One was a 1950 brown Dodge sedan; the other was a 1953 red Dodge sedan.  That was the only red car Daddy ever had.  Each of them had a hood ornament; a silver ram; one in the striking pose and the other was just the head.  After the red one needed to be replaced due to high milage, he got Oldsmobiles.  I think the Olds had a rocket.  He, also, had a ’46 Studebaker, but I can’t remember the hood ornament on it.  Guy and I bought a 1993 Buick Roadmaster in ’93.  It had the Buick emblem in a circle on the hood.  It was attached with a spring wire.  Little did we know they were considered “trophies” to certain gang members.  We lost it to a “trophy hunter”.  When Guy talked to the parts department manager, he was told it would cost $90 plus labor to have another one put on.  We left the space unadorned.  Guy traded for a ’93 Chevy Classic with very low miles.  It had an ornament, but never got taken.  ‘Guess it wasn’t a “trophy”, for which we were glad.  Hood ornaments are not as predominant as they used to be.  Guess it’s tough getting bug guts out of all the little crevices. But, my oh my, weren’t those ornaments attractive things?

On July 25th, I ordered a new microwave, via phone, from a local reputable store.  Many weeks later it still had not arrived.  I called the store and asked why it was taking so long.  The manager told me it was difficult to get drivers for the truck to deliver it from Kentucky to the Peoria store.  I told him I could drive down there, get it, and be home in one day.  He said it doesn’t work that way.  So, I waited longer---September 25 it arrived and was delivered.  By October 4, I had used it two times.  It had a very loud vibrating sound causing me to be very leery of it.  I called the store and asked for a technician to come out and find out what was wrong.  One arrived and found that the fan and magnetron were bad in this brand new microwave.  He said he’d order new parts and would get back to me when they arrived.  Three weeks later I called the store and talked with the manager.  He said they couldn’t get the parts or they were “on a ship in a harbor waiting to dock to be unloaded.”  I told him, “That sounds like lyrics to a sad song!”  I ordered a different one, received money back, and will not be charged for delivery and set up.  I’m not doing business with that store again.  So, if you need a new small appliance, make sure you GO to the store and get it right there; or, you could be listening to the lyrics of a sad song.

I hope your holidays are filled with warm memories, love, laughter, and so much you enjoy.  Blessings, smiles, and best wishes.  Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa from me to you.

Always,  Trudy