Friday, March 1, 2019



Recently I had a friend tell me they hadn’t done much that day, and they felt very guilty about it.  They, also, seemed a bit discouraged.  I asked them, “Did you make your bed?  Did you wash any dishes?  Did you make someone smile?  Did you say, ‘God bless you’ to someone?  Did you pray?  Did you smile?  Did you eat something you enjoyed?  Did you make coffee and drink it?  Did you breathe?  Did you feel your heart beating?  Did you tell someone, “Thank you”?  Did someone tell YOU, “Thank you.”?  Did you think of a loved one?  If you can answer, “Yes” to 90% of these, you did something today.  She told me, “There are yeses to all but 2 of them.  I seem to have been very busy; I’m exhausted.”

I saw this recently.  It makes a lot of sense.  “Worry is a conversation you have with yourself about the things you cannot change.  Prayer is a conversation you have with God about things He can change.”  I’d like to add, “Wisdom is knowing which one will bring positive results.”

“I've made plans to return as a spirit when I die.  “You know when I'm gone I really won't be, don't you? I'll visit often and you'll know," I told my daughter.  She replied, "I know, Mom. You'll HAUNT the hell out of me." I told her, "Well, someone has to. Ahhgrahhh, a mother's work is never done."

It was rainy with loud thunder in central Illinois.  A male friend of mine posted a picture of him and his sweet dog, Betty.  He said, “Someone is a bit afraid of all the thunder.”  I replied, “It’s a good thing you have Betty.”

It was a very busy, needful school morning.  I'd made some toast, got sidetracked due to a child's needs, and ended up burning the toast. I took it out of the toaster, buttered it, put it on a plate at my place at the table with the intention of eating it as soon as possible. Another need was announced, so I tended to that one. When I came back, the toast was gone and the plate was in front of Guy, my beloved. I told him I'd be glad to make some non-burned toast for him. He said, "You're busy with what is more important than more toast for me. Besides, I like burned, buttered toast." I looked at him and asked, "Since when, big boy?" He smiled and said, "Oh, since 5 minutes ago." THAT WAS MY BELOVED GUY.

Y’all probably don’t know about the word “whipper snapper”.  Well, you probably never thought of it, either, if ya didn’t get smacked with your daddy’s belt.  Daddy didn’t go to that level often, not that I was an angel, but when he did, that belt came flying out of his belt loops faster than I could blink.  First, he’d smack his hand, then my butt was next.  Just two licks (that’s what they’re called) did the trick of convincing me of the 11th commandment---“THOU SHALT NOT BE STUPID AND DO THAT AGAIN”.  So now you know where the term “whipper snapper” came from………….the lightening speed of my Daddy’s belt, to be placed on my buttocks 2 times, as it left his pants’ belt loops.

It was raining pretty hard and splashing onto the porch at Aint Daisy’s.  So, we sat in the living room where there were pictures of many people in her family.  She displayed them proudly and had a story to tell about each one.  “Those stories I tell are verbal history, chile.  Not all you read in history books is true, and a lot of simple, interesting information is left out.  Listen to your elders as they talk about their experiences of their life.  Ask them what was going on around them when they were your age.  You’ll learn a lot…more than what you’ll read in a history book.”  I still remember the stories Mother told me of her childhood.  They aren’t written down in books…they’re verbal history. 

My hairdresser, Cathy, has a 4 year old granddaughter who says anything she thinks; she has no filter.  Cathy told her, “Abby, you make me smile.”  Abby replied, “Oh Grannie, you make me laugh.”  Cathy continued, “I never know what will come out of your mouth.  I love you so much.”  “Grannie, your teeth come out of your mouth.  I love you so much.”

True friends do not “abandon your ship” when things get rough.  They grab an oar and help you row.

Conner, age 6, was watching his dad work on the family car.  Usually when his dad works on something of that caliber, something goes wrong.  After about 1 hour, Conner ran into the house and announced with the exuberance of a 6 year old, “Dad’s been working on the car.  It didn’t blow up!!”  In another happening, he went running up the stairs to his brothers’ rooms shouting, “Who wants a knuckle sandwich?” thinking it had to do with food and snacks.

Never, never, EVER store your CHAPSTICK in the same drawer as the glue stick!!  I speak from experience.

Brenduhh asked me over for some tea.  She said she had something important to tell me and it was a secret.  I arrived and saw her putting her Tupperware lids in the freezer.  “What in the world are you doing?” I asked.  “I’m making lethal weapons.  They are the best weapons because no one will ever find them.”  She has a point. She called the Hershey candy company telling them they needed to recall all the MOUNDS bars because hers had an upside down wrapper on it and all the others she looked at did, too.  She said, “I bought a Mounds candy bar, but the wrapper said, My Mounds bar wrapper says, ‘Spunow’.  You need to recall all of them and put the correct wrapper on them.”  I told her to eat it anyway; it would taste just as good.  

Andy’s….:  (Andy is a former student of mine.  He’s one of my treasures.  He says he’s lived a full-life with all he’s done.  He is rough, but honest; hard, but tempered; protective, but kind and giving.  He has shared many profound observations with me.  I want to share them with you.  That is why I call this “Andy’s…”.)
“Life ain’t never been easy, but, man, it’s worth it.  Find the good in today and make the day count.” 
“Death is nothing.  How you live your life is everything.”  I like the black sheep, the odd ones, the ones who are different, the ones that think differently than me…that make me see the world through their abstract mind. The artist, the poets, the musicians, for they are the light in a dark world.”  “I will be 47 in a couple days and I have lived far from a perfect life, but I have definitely lived a full life.  I went out last night with a young man for his 21st birthday, and thought to myself ‘his life is just beginning’.  By the time I was 21, I had already lived a wild life.  I actually and seriously didn't think I would see my 21st birthday, and as birthdays came and passed, I decided God wasn't going to let me die.   Good or bad, here I am working towards 50, feeling blessed to have made it this far. Lord knows I have felt pain, I have suffered loss, watched friend's and family pass away like leaves falling to the ground. But, I have seen some of the most beautiful and amazing things in life also. ‘Watched friends find love, babies being born, grandson growing up, beautiful daughter becoming a woman, and boys becoming men who I am proud to call my friends.”  No one's lived your life, no one has experienced the pain that you have, nor do they or will they ever understand.  We may have the capacity to relate with someone else, but we will never understand how “life’s garbage” affects someone else psychologically.   So, try not to judge, be kind when you can, if you ever need me I will do my best to relate and listen.  I have lost too many to things which I have lived through not to offer. Please know, I might not say what you want to hear, but I will be honest.”

Some people can lie, cheat, treat you badly and somehow manage to make it all seem like it’s your entire fault.  There is a psychological term for that----“manipulative psychopath.”  The street term for that is----“fu**in’ sh**head.”

FACEBOOK tells and teaches a lot.  One of the many things it has told me is, most of the users are not ready for a spelling bee, yet.  It has taught me that drama can begin with one innocent agreement or disagreement.

I was telling my friends, “Jesus plays SCATTERGORIES.”  They were both surprised to hear that and asked what made me think that.  I told them, “Well, Jesus said, ‘If you are gathered in my name, I’ll be there, too.’  We pray together, we have fellowship, and talk about our blessings while we are playing SCATTERGORIES.  So, He’s here right in the middle of us playing right along.”  I don’t know why they were shaking their heads.

I was standing in the “15 items or less” aisle at Kroger.  The gal behind me had a full cart of food and stuff.   I looked at her, then the cart, then back to her.  I said to her, “Math wasn’t your strongest subject in school, was it?”  She grinned, and I saw only 7 teeth in her entire mouth.  I thought, “Dental hygiene wasn’t either.”