Saturday, January 2, 2021



                                       2021 January FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

Happy New Year!!!  I truly hope this year will be so much better than last.  I know I’m not alone with my hope.  However, for every blessing, whether it’s little or big, we need to say, “Thank you” and maybe write it down to read and reflect on at the end of this year.

I read where the body knows what the mind thinks.  I know this to be true.  It was a difficult day, and I was getting more frustrated as it progressed.  I didn’t seem to have time to do what was needed to be done.  As the spilled syrup spread over the counter, I thought, “Oh crap!”  The body responded to the thought giving me only seconds to run to the bathroom where I did.

The best theology is probably no theology; just love one another. -Charles Schulz, cartoonist (26 Nov 1922-2000) That’s a lot easier to say than do.  Some people are really difficult to like, let alone love.  But, as I have learned through experience and studying psychology, to love someone is not as difficult as to like them.  The Bible says to love one another; it doesn’t mention a thing about liking.  So, I’ll go on loving others, but choose who I like AND love.  I hear some murmurs of agreement.  You’re welcome.

I approached the little house with the front porch holding 4 rocking chairs.  It was a bit too cold to sit and chat out there, so I knocked on the door.  “Well, looky here!  It’s you coming for a visit.  Come on in, chile,” invited the sweet, wise lady.  “How are you on this fine January day?” she asked.  “I’m doing fine and really glad last year is behind me.  Gosh, Aint Daisy, it surely was a difficult one all along the way.  I’m thankful I made it though.  I know the Bible say to be thankful for the trials and tribulations, but it got a bit difficult at times.”  She listened intently.  I could tell she was thinking and remembering her blessings, trials, and tribulations of last year.  It was as though the Rolodex was turning in her mind.  “Ya know, chile, I’ve lived a long time, had lots of blessings, and had lots of tribulations.   I’ve walked a lot of “paths” and on each one there were “holes” with water of one size or another.  Every path has a few puddles.  You can either go through ‘em, around ‘em, or over ‘em, and the dry spots will be welcomed more.  Well, that is unless you’re a child---------then, you jump smack dab in the middle splashing the water and laugh.”

In the surrounding neighborhoods, there have been some “kids will be kids” attitudes at the pranks and inconsiderate actions of some of the youth in the area.  I’ve dealt with kids for over 60 years; of course, part of that I was a kid, too.  I have/had taught all levels of school for over 30 years. I have seen a drastic change in parenting strongly leaning to the school to do it and a lackadaisical attitude toward discipline of those who are parents. I do not believe in "kids will be kids" or "let kids be kids" philosophy. Mistakes made in childhood can be a directional tool for a responsible parent to teach what is accepted in the majority of society. I, also, strongly believe in "treat others the way you'd like to be treated" and practice it, as well as, practiced it when I was teaching. Respect NEVER goes out of style and neither does responsibility for your actions and words.  I told mine as they were growing up, “You’re mine and have my name, so you’d better act and talk as though I’ll find out about your behavior and statements.  Do not embarrass me or I will do so to you in turn.  Your job is to make me prouder of you than I already am.”

My friend, Shelli Lillian, was fixing breakfast.  Little Miss Hazel was in the kitchen, too.  She spied some brownies.  Here is the conversation:  Hazel: What's this Lily?  Me: A brownie   Hazel: Can I have it?
Me:  No brownie until after breakfast (the brownie is about the size of an adult palm, and I was currently cooking bacon and eggs).  And, you're definitely not getting the whole thing. That's for damn sure!  Hazel in a whiny voice: "Who is 'Damnshur'?"

I’ve read so many statements of, “I don’t give a sh**” that it causes concern about chronic constipation for those people.

FRIEND, FIEND, FRIED all different, but one letter added or omitted changes the definition and word.  Interesting.

Here are some little tips:  *Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.  *Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.  *Never be too open-minded; your brains may fall out.  *Learn from the mistakes of others.  You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself, and besides, being greedy is one of the 7 deadly sins.

Memories are happenings of the past that, if you choose, can bring to the present and live all over again.  I find this to be true as I’ve done it when I am missing a loved one or a friend, or I’m feeling nostalgic.  Sometimes an odor/fragrance or a sound or sight of something will bring back a memory; and there I am, again.

I had someone tell me recently, “Oh what a rotten day it’s been so far, and it’s just started!!”  I felt their pain as I have had those moments and exact thoughts.  I looked at her, smiled, and said, “You awakened, sweetie.  That’s a blessing; and there are those who are glad you did.  I am one of them.”  

Prefixes (before) and Suffixes (after) can help you understand the meaning of a word.  Here are a few which can get you started:   miso- (hate), poly- (many), audio- (sound), deont- (obligation), silvi- (wood), and -cainea (new), -gyny (woman), -phile (love), -logy (study), -colous (inhabiting).

My sweet daughter-in-law gave me a very unique gift for Christmas---a memory book which is printed by a company the next year after you have answered questions which jog your memory about you and your “adventures” or other happenings.  It is bound and given as a gift from you to your children and grandchildren.  Here is one of my entries answering the question, “Where did you go on vacations as a child?”   Usually vacations were spent with my cousins, Sharon and Craig. They lived in Illinois. It was always an anticipated fun time which produced many adventures and laughter. I was the cautious one, but Sharon had adventure galore. One time she and I went to a dumpster and found some pretty flowers. We chose the best ones and went around the neighborhood selling them. We made a little money and used it to buy penny candy at the local store. Little did we know the flowers were thrown away from the recent funeral of a person in town. One lady even commented, “These look familiar.”

I used to be against gun control.  A while back, I mentioned that to a grizzled, old feller one day who was talking about his guns.  He was surprised to hear a woman say they were against gun control, so he asked me “Why?”  I told him I had 10 children---birth control hadn’t worked, so how could anyone think gun control would?  I don’t have 10 children, but I wanted to make my point.  Another time, I had someone ask me how many children I had.  I told them, “6.”  Then they asked me their ages.  I told them, “64, 35, 33, 30, 11, and 8.”  Sixty-four!?!” they exclaimed and questioned.  I said, “Yes, I count my husband.  Some men just never grow up.”

Now that most of us are in “snow time” and have dealt with too much to make us happy, haven’t you ever wondered how the guy who drives the snow plow gets to work ,to get out the snow plow, that goes down the road ways, to clear the road, for others to get to work?  I figure they just sleep at the snow plow barn from November to April.

There have been a few students go through my life whose mentality is somewhere between the intelligence of dead skin cells and pond scum.  This one particular boy became angry with me at the assignment I’d given.  He tried to get me to argue with him, which I didn’t. (You don’t bait the trap with soap and expect the mouse to bite.)  He became so angry he yelled, “You dumb bitch!”---Yes, some have been known to spew forth their entire vocabulary.  I gave him a pass to the dean’s office and told him it would be in his best interest to stay there.  Then, I went immediately to the principal’s office to tell him what had transpired.  When I told him the happenings, I included, “Dustin, also, called me a dumb bitch.” He came out of his chair.  He was incensed and started to go to the dean’s office.  As he passed me, he asked, “Is there anything else I need to know, Trudy?”  I said, “Yes, there is---for the record, I’m not dumb!”

As always, Trudy J