Thursday, August 2, 2018


                                                 2018 August FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

I’ve wondered some things.  They don’t keep me awake at night, or in the day with an unplanned nap, but they do make me wonder.  Why is “monosyllabic” 5 syllables?  I have some green soap, but the foam and bubbles are white….WHY?  How does the medicine you take for something know where to go?  Why can I see something better when I look a bit away from it when I’m looking at it in the dark?  If the plural of goose is geese, why isn’t the plural of moose….meese?  Why does the hair on your head keep growing and stops at a certain point on other parts of your body? I.e. Your arms. (thank you Carole M. Wright)  Butterflies smell with their legs.. how do THEY know?? THEY say dogs see in black and white... how do THEY know?  And, who is THEY???  (thank you, Tammy C. Marquez)  Scientists say they can create living dinosaurs.  WHY???  Wasn’t the first round enough and we have crocodile and alligators as examples.  If you see a turtle without its shell……is it homeless? (thank you, Sam Saladino)  Why is there Braille at an ATM?  (thank you, Lisa Sipka)  Why do kids act nasty when I’m on the phone?  (thank you Rachel O.)

Brenduhh came over all excited.  “Trudy, I’m in love with a man whose name is “Didley Dildy”.  I asked, “So, if you would marry him, you last name would be “DILDY”?  She affirmed that.  I couldn’t stop laughing.  She asked why I was laughing.  I told her, “Be careful when you spell the last name.  It would be something if you replaced the “Y” with an “O”.

I had a very uncomfortable back ache.  I went to the store to get some over-the-counter relief.  The top two shelves had the aspirin, Motrin, and Advil.  The third and fourth shelves had EXCEDRIN PM, extra strength Tylenol, extra strength EXCEDRIN, Midol for killer cramps, and Bayer migraine strength.  The fifth and sixth shelves had ICY HOT, BEN GAY, SALONPAS, and infused back patches to stick on the area of discomfort……THE BOTTOM 2 SHELVES FOR THE PREPARATIONS TO RELIVE THE WORST PAIN!!!.  Yeesh!!  I guess, in the basement, you’ll find the coffins.

Have you ever wondered what a thesaurus has with its coffee in the mornings?  Well, the wondering is over ----------- Synonym rolls.

Just think, an opinion without 3.14 is just an onion.  If you’re wondering what 3.14 is, the answer is at the end of the column.  ****”pi—which is written as the Greek letter for p, or π—is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to the diameter of that circle. Regardless of the circle's size, this ratio will always equal pi. In decimal form, the value of pi is approximately 3.14.”  Thank you SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

As a parent of 5 children, I’ve had wonderful moments of peace and silence; like when I’ve put the kids in the car and closed their door, walked around to my own door.  It’s like a Caribbean cruise.  Then there are the 5 seconds of peace and quiet after I’ve closed the bathroom door to be alone due to nature’s call or to bathe.  Suddenly I’m needed; fingers are searching for me to touch me from under the door; the “door crack” talk of words through smooshed lips; the incessant knocking with my name being called more than 13 times.  I’m sure some of you can identify and are adding to the list.

It hadn't rained much that week, so the walk up to Ain’t Daisy's was a bit dusty.  She was out there on the porch like she always is at 4:00; just rocking and watching nature prance around.  "Come sit a spell, chile.  You’re hot and dusty.  How ‘bout some sweet tea?” she invited; "You look like you got something on your mind."  I sat down in the white rocker and joined her in her rocking rhythm.  "Ain’t Daisy, have you ever cried so much you don't think you have anymore tears left?"  She just kept rocking and her silence invited me to say more.  "I've had a big cry today all about what some think is silly, but it hurt me badly.  I don't think I have anymore tears left."  She rocked and looked my way with a gentle smile on her face.  "Honey, whatever is heavy on your heart is not silly, nor is it anyone's business of why it hurts.  It hurts and that's that.  Did you know that tears are the safety valve of the heart?  People who hold in their sadness or even anger hurt themselves on the inside.  Tears are good.  When I've had a cry, it seems the tears wash away the obstruction of my vision, and I can clearly see much better the problem or the answer.  Just like the rain has washed away the dust so you can see the leaves and rocks so much better."  How interesting that she'd know one of my favorite songs....."I Can See Clearly Now".

In the check out lane behind me at the grocery store was a young mother.  I placed the divider so she could put her things on the belt.  I didn't see that there was only a small amount of space for her items; so, after I realized it, I moved so she had more room.  She thanked me and said, "That was kind of you."  I smiled and told her, "It is never wrong to be kind."  She agreed and told me she was trying to teach her children that.  I smiled as I was glad to see there was a young parent trying to teach her children about being civil and kind.  I say that because I'd just spent more than a nano-second in an aisle with a mother who was too busy talking on her phone to get her children, who were running up and down the aisle and bumping into my cart, to walk quietly beside her.  None of them even said, "Excuse me."  I leaned over to the young mother behind me and said, "You, also, might teach them a Marine rule I had on my bulletin board when I taught high school....."Respect those in authority; if you can't respect them, respect their rank."  She told me she liked that and would be repeating it to her children.  I have no doubt that she will.

What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness? -Jean Jacques Rousseau, philosopher and author (28 Jun 1712-1778)

I was talking to a friend who needed a chiropractor in her insurance company’s “network”.  I mentioned a few in our area, but each wasn’t in it.  She said her insurance company is in Chicago and knows very little about downstate.  I don’t like Chicago and said, “Good luck with that. Chicago does not have a clue about anything south of the Cook County line. If that were the title of a song, there'd be NO TUNE or LYRICS.”    Peace……….Trudy