Saturday, January 4, 2020


                                        2020 January FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

HAPPY NEW YEAR AND NEW DECADE!!!!  I never thought I’d see 2020, but here it is and so am I.  I remember 2000 and how so many were sure it was going to be the end of the world……….but it wasn’t. Since I’m not a soothsayer, nor have I a crystal ball, I have no idea of what this year will bring, but whatever it is, I’ll be ready for it…….well, maybe I will……and it will be another adventure.  This year I’ll become ¾ of a century old/young.  I didn’t think that would happen, either.  I’ll have to wait another 25 years and 1 day to be considered an antique, but I can be considered vintage:  referring to something that is from an earlier generation.

I was looking at my box of crayons the other day.  YES, I have a box of crayons; my very own “96 Different Brilliant Colors BIG BOX OF CRAYONS” by Crayola.  God help the one(s) who think they are entitled to use any of them.  I have this little quirk because I didn’t have a huge box of them when I was a kid.  But, come to think of it, there weren’t 96 colors in a box 50 some years ago….only 48.  Some of the new colors are absolutely delicious…NEON CARROT, APRICOT, PLUM, MELON, ATOMIC TANGERINE, WILD WATERMELON, GRANNY SMITH APPLE, WILD STRAWBERRY, PEACH.  Then came the best---MACARONI AND CHEESE.  I just about ate that one!  I noticed there weren’t any real life colors, though.  Real life colors would be:  Dull Dinge taupe; Ring-around-the-collar grey; Ran-around-outside-with-my-white-socks–on brownish green grey; Fingerprints-on-the-walls-grayed brown; Chocolate milk-moustache peachy-brown; “Did-someone-go-potty-and-not- flush yellow; Ear wax golden yellow; Navel dust grey; and grimy sparkling white.  I could list other “real life” colors, but I don’t want you to get nauseous.  Oops, forgot one.  How about washed-your-underwear-with-a-new-red-towel-sorry-about-that pink?  My Beloved hated that color.

My husband and I had quite a relationship.  We laughed about every day and had plenty to talk about.  He was, also, the best straight man for my silly shtick.  He had a fabulous wit and left me vying for more many times.  Here’s an glimpse of his humor: 
Guy appeared to look as though he’d lost some weight.  I asked him, “Have you lost weight, Honey?” Tersely he replied, “Yep, sure have---lost some of my mind.”  What a smarty pants.
We were in the throes of “intense fellowship” one day.  Guy growled, “If you EVER get lock jaw, I’m going to throw a party!”  I told him I’d invest in a paper company so I could continue to communicate with him.  Then I tried to show him some sign language.  Still angry, he surprised me and showed me what he already knew.

When Daddy worked for ALCOA in Atlanta, there was a woman, in his office, whose last name was Sixxhaur, pronounced “six are”.  Evidently the new secretary, who was from Ohio, didn’t know how to pronounce the name.  A call came in asking for this person by their last name.  The secretary, red-faced, called out, “Do we have a sex hour here?” Daddy said there wasn’t a sober face in the office for a while, and someone yelled, “Is that during happy hour?”

A friend of mine has a daughter who likes to know where things are and one must be exact.  Here is some dialog between them.
Ireland: Mom, I don't know where the thumb drive for the Xbox is.  Me: It's in a clear box in the closet in the living room.  Ireland: Where?  Me: It's in a clear box inside a cardboard box in the living room closet.
Ireland: What color is the box?  Me: Clear  Ireland: Okay, but what color is that?  Me: Clear   Ireland: Mom, what color of box is it?  Me: Clear   Ireland: Is clear a color?  Me: No.  Ireland: What color of box is it in then?  Me: Clear  Ireland: MOM! What color?  Me: (Heavy sigh)...It is sitting inside of a transparent cube that is located inside a brown cardboard box which is located inside the living room closet which is currently sitting inside of this freaking house!  Ireland: Wow, whats your problem? Why are you so grumpy?
This reminds me of my son when he was about 6.  He was visiting a friend of mine who had adopted an African American child.  They were sitting on the sofa talking.  Stephen held his arm next to hers and asked her what color she was.  She told him, “I’m brown and proud.”  She asked him what color he was.  He thought and said, “I’m clear and proud.”

The game SCRABBLE is one of my all time favorites.  I came across a list of 2-lettered words.  I knew AA was an Hawaiian word for a type of lava, but these stump me:  AB, AE, AI, AR, DE, EF, EM, EN, ER, ES, ET, HM, KA, MM, NE, OE, OM, PE, TA, TI, UT.  I’m thinking (Guy would say, “Oh, we’re in trouble now.”) they may be Greek letters or abbreviations which are now accepted as actual words---ER comes to mind as Emergency Room; TA could be a word of “good-bye”…TA TA for now; HM is a thinking word or word of questioning, but that would be spelled with more than one M depending how deep and long you were thinking, HMM?  MM could be a vocalization for pleasure, and of course, the number of M’s involved depends on how pleasurable it is.  For example: fried chicken would be MM, but chocolate cheesecake is MMMMMMMMM!!!  Maybe some of the others are words from other languages which are now considered acceptable among our American English. People’s names are also words.  BOB= to move up and down; CARL= a peasant; DAWN=the first of morning; DONNA= an Italian lady; GLEN= a small valley; GUY= a male person; HANK=fasten a sail; JACK=raise with a type of lever; JOE= a fellow; JOHN=well, we already know that one (sorry about that JS); KIP=to sleep; MIKE=microphone; ROCKY=uneven terrain; TOM=a male cat.

My Beloved had a very quick wit.  We were sparring partners, for sure.  Here are 2 examples of his wit:
Guy appeared to look as though he’d lost some weight.  I asked him, “Have you lost weight, Honey?” Tersely he replied, “Yep, sure have---lost some of my mind.”  What a smarty pants.
I don’t know how many of you remember the routines of Abbott and Costello, but I do and just about every one of them.  I thought they were about the funniest 2 guys after Laurel and Hardy.  I was telling Guy about one of the routines---the adding of a column of numbers.  To my delight, he didn’t know about it.  Ahhhhh, now I can go in for the kill.  I made a column of numbers---24, 36, 12, 25, and 43.  Then I told him they’d add up to 320.  Being a fast thinker in math, he told me they couldn’t possibly, and that the correct answer would be 140.  So, I showed him it was true.  “3+5=8, +2=10, +10 more = 20.  Put down your zero and carry the 2. 20+2=22+3=25+1=26+2=28, plus 4 equals 32.  Put that down next to the zero….320!”  He called me a smart ass.  I told him, “Yes, they are smart.”  Then I got up and left him to think about some math.  Later that day, I returned.  He asked me how much 2 and 1 were.  I told him it was 3.  He couldn’t stop laughing, wrote it down and showed me it was 4.  He’d written a 2 and put a line immediately next to the 2 making it resemble a 4.  “Gotcha!!!” he gleefully exclaimed.  ‘Guess he’d lived for that moment all day.

I read recently that if you are getting married at Disney World, for an extra $375, you can have Goofy there.  Crimminies, I thought he was already present.

And Silence, like a poultice, comes / To heal the blows of sound. –Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., poet, novelist, essayist, and physician (1809-1894)  Good thought, unless it applies to children.  When my son, age 45 now, was about 11, he and his buddy Tom were outside playing and making all sorts of noise.  This was, to me, comforting and a tracking device.  You moms know what I’m talking about.  Then I noticed it was too quiet.  Guy was relieved, but I was uneasy.  I told him I was going to check to see what was going on.  Sure enough, they were into mischief, and hungry.  Dane had invaded the garage freezer and refrigerator, gotten out 2 quarts of milk and the 6 dozen peanut butter cookies I’d put in there to cure for the cookie exchange in two days.  There they sat; stuffing their mouths to see who could put the most cookies in and each swigging down a quart of milk.  Silence was NOT “like a poultice to heal the blows of sound” in this case.

Before there was caller ID, I would answer the phone when it rang without hesitancy.  A voice I didn’t recognize said, “We have your child.”  Fear gripped me, and I asked in a shaky voice, “What are your demands?”  The voice said, “You’re kidding, aren’t you?  This is the day care.  Please come get your child!”  Said child was very active and seldom slowed-down, was quite loquacious, extremely inquisitive, and would test the patience of Job.

Blessings, smiles, and best wishes to you for another year.  This year reminds me of one of my favorite songs---I CAN SEE CLEARLY NOW, because it is 2020.  Always, Trudy