Monday, February 1, 2016

2016 FEBRUARY "From My Perspective"

 2016 February “FROM MY PERSPECTIVE”
 There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.” Henry David Thoreau

“Mm plz snd me sm $$” came a message on my cell phone from one of my kids.  I called them and asked why they had spelled the words like they did, and that reading them was a jolt to my English teacher psyche.  They said, “It’s faster to write like that.”  So, I texted them, “No”….it was faster than “Yes”.

I just read that my favorite breed of dog, two of which I owned, is #24 in the list of the 27 laziest dogs.  It is no wonder, though; they have a burst of speed of up to 40 mph, but after that, they are truly the fastest couch potatoes.  Tux would run for a while then come in and curl up on his futon and sleep for at least 6 hours only opening one eye to check the sounds.  If I called to him to come to me, he’d just lay there with a look of, “Mom, I’m sleeping; YOU come to me, unless you have food.  I’ll get up for food.”  By the way, the greyhound is the one dog in all of dogdom which has the best sight.

While driving on the highway, a car passed me with the license plate of “ENGUSA 1”.  I thought it was rather amusing since the car was a Korean made one.

I make my bed every day. It makes me feel good and when I go to it at night, if the day has been chaotic, I at least have ONE thing to show that that day has had order somewhere. The bed is made.
Here is another explanation, and it is sound.

While talking with friends, the subject came up of “What do you seem to struggle with?”  One person spoke of approval from those she loves who are closest to her.  I thought for a moment then made these statements:  The one nearest you and whom you should love and seek approval is yourself. You live with you 24-7. If you don't approve of yourself, get busy and make the improvement(s). You are the only one who needs to approve of you. No one else lives with you as much as you do.”  I almost felt like I was speaking wisdom from Dr. Seuss.

A friend and I were sitting with a friend who had been emotionally beaten and devastated by her abusive husband, she said, “I feel so broken.”  Sometimes a few words give more comfort and realization than a plethora of them.  The other friend took her hand and said, “Broken crayons still color beautifully, sweetie.” 

I was asked if I could spend 24 hours without swearing.  My reply to that person was, “A lady tries to find an alternative to a swear word, but sometimes, ‘Male child of a female dog’, ‘male bovine fertilizer’, ‘diarrhea head’, ‘proctologist's work area’ and ‘Oh, Satan's home yes/no’,  just doesn't take care of the moment.”  The questioner replied with, “What???”

I’m sure you’ve had electronic surveys which seem to be a bit too personal.  I did and here is what I said, “I was born on my birthday in the year I was born.  I am human, have all my teeth, and I have an extensive vocabulary.  I am naked under the clothes I’m wearing.  I have taken care of children….more in count of others’ than my own.  I enjoyed and was bound by a loving relationship until death.”

How often have you had tears, but could not say the words?  Tears ARE words---“What cannot be said will be wept.”  Sappho

I saw that Wal-mart was going to be closing 269 stores in 2016.  How heartless that corporation is.  Closing those stores will put 14 cashiers out of work.

Do you remember when as a kid you’d knock on people’s doors and run away before they could answer?  Well, guess what?  UPS is hiring.

This month is very, very special this year.  Only in every 823 years does February have:

4 Sundays, 4 Mondays, 4 Tuesdays, 4 Wednesdays, 4 Thursdays, 4 Fridays and 4 Saturdays.  You’ll never see this again…..EVER!!!!

The names of groups of animals and insects have some interesting reading.  Here are some:  APES: troop; BUFFALO: obstinacy; BUZZARDS:  wake; CAMELS: caravan;  CHEETAHS: coalition; COCKROACHES: intrusion (oh yes!); DOVES: pitying; FLAMINGOS: flamboyance (that’s for sure); GIRAFFES: tower (now you know!); HIPPOPOTAMUSES: bloat; HYENAS: cackle; OXEN: yoke; RHINOCEROSES: crash (fitting, huh?)

Did you know that Chinese is spoken by 1.197 million people?  This makes it the most spoken language in the world.  Coming in at second is Spanish with 399 million, and English is third with 335 million.  The rarest and least spoken language of the world is Taushiro, a language of native Peru.  It is spoken in the region of the Tigre River, Aucayacu River, which is a tributary of the Ahuaruna River. It is known as an isolated language, which means it has no demonstrable relationship with any other language.   There is only one known person who speaks it fluently.  It is considered nearly extinct.  I guess this person talks only to them self.  Imagine the arguments!

I saw two signs recently.  I couldn’t stop laughing because they rang so true.  “I’m not one to brag, but I made it out of bed this morning” and “With enough coffee I can rule the world”, but ‘rule the world’ was crossed out and replaced with, “dress myself and use my grown up manners.” 

My friend gave me a blank piece of paper which said, "Here is a list of 10 ways to win an argument with a woman."  The page was blank.  I went into the other room for a while, returned and gave her the page.  "What is this, Trudy?" she asked.  I told her, "Turn it over.  You'll see."  On the back I'd written, " How to win arguments with a man. #1. "Laugh yourself silly." #2. Say, "Oh really, Buster?" #3-10 "Repeat 1 and 2." If that fails, say, "I'm going to tell your mother."

That’s it for this short month.  Smiles and blessings to you.


1 comment:

  1. I just sent the Wal-Mart store closing joke to my friend Sue. She and I hate the Wal-Mart closest to us and this will make her laugh [I hope] or tell me her latest story from there. [she was there yesterday]
