scintillate globule vivific fain. Would
I fathom they nature specific. Loftily
perched in the capacious ether, strongly resembling a carbonaceous gem Now that I have your attention, this is a
complex verbiage of TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE STAR. What difference simplicity makes. J
Wouldn’t it be
weird if you choked on a Life Saver?
Facebook keeps
asking "what's on your mind"? So here it is---I still have so many
unanswered questions! I never found out who let the dogs out; the way to get to
Sesame Street; why Dora doesn't just use Google Maps; why we don't ever see the
headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"; why women can't put on mascara with
their mouth closed; why "abbreviated" is such a long word; why lemon
juice is made with artificial flavor yet dish-washing liquid is made with real
lemons; why they sterilize the needle for lethal
injections; and, why do you have to "put your two cents in" but it's
only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to;
could that be a shipping and handling charge? Can a hearse carrying a corpse
drive in the carpool lane? Why do The Alphabet Song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little
Star have the same tune? Why did you just try to sing those two previous songs?
And just what is Victoria's secret; and why do noses run, but feet smell? Why is it no matter what color the soap
(liquid or solid) the bubbles are always white?
Where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent?
doesn’t require many words to speak the truth.”
Chief Joseph, Nez Perce
was in a debating mood the other day when she came over for some tea. We discussed a lot and her “wisdom” started
waning rapidly. “Ya know, Trute, dead people
don’t know they’re dead. They think they
are all right. It’s difficult for the
ones who know they’re dead, though.” I
thought for a moment trying to see her logic; then, said, “It’s like being
stupid, huh kiddo?”
A friend of mine was
so upset and feeling dark that she went to the pool and tried to drown herself.
She got to the bottom and slowly started to surface. She tried again.....failed. Tried a 3rd. time
thinking a 3rd time would be it.....failed. When she told her doctor about her
feelings, He became concerned. She told him, "Don't worry, I can't drown---I'm
too fat." He told her he was going to quit suggesting she lose weight,
"It's a life saver for you, Lois."
There is so much
controversy now about everyone. The
problem, though, is that no one who is objecting to a person’s religion, skin
color, orientation, or political position stops and thinks about
skeletons. Everyone’s skeleton is pretty
much the same: 1 head, a neck, torso, 2
arms, 2 hands, 2 legs, and 2 feet, except for pirates. Pirates, usually, have 1 ½ legs. So, if you must discriminate against someone,
discriminate against pirates. They’re
different when all the skin and muscles are stripped away.
The most valuable
possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is
an instrument of peace. -Carlos Santana, musician (b. 20 Jul 1947)
Recently my
daughter came over for some chatting and cups of coffee. When she arrived, she saw a dark spider on
the wall. She promptly found a tissue
and went after it. Sure she’d gotten it,
she slowly opened the tissue only to find it wasn’t there; she laid the tissue
on the table for a later attempt. I
said, “You realize you’re guilty of attempted murder with the murder weapon out
in plain sight, and now I'm an
accessory to that attempted murder because you laid that weapon on my furniture!”
After having a
bone scan done to see if I was free of osteoporosis problems, I saw a sign
inviting ladies of all ages to a friendly and fun get together. Here is what it said, “Fun-filled evening
with friends. Free mini-massage,
delicious desserts, bone scan, and uncomfortable and stress-free
mammogram.” Well, the first 3 were
enticing, and then it dawned on me, “A man had to have written this because NO
mammogram is void of discomfort or stress-free”…..well, at least the ones I’ve
Brenduhh has two
brothers…. Briten and Early. They were quietly sitting in a boat fishing, chewing tobacco and drinking beer when
suddenly Briten said, "Think I'm gonna divorce the wife – she ain't spoke
to me in over 2 months." Early
spits overboard, takes a long, slow sip of beer and said, "Better think it
over---women like that are hard to find."
Bless their hearts.
My friend has 3 boys. They are all interesting in their expressions
and descriptions of common objects. Here
is one of their gems: "Hey Mom, where do you keep the finger
pliers? You know, those mini pliers you use to take out splinters?" ...”Well
son, we call those tweezers.”
Have you ever wondered how TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE STAR is said in other languages? Here are some: Latin: Mica, mica parva stella. French: Brille, brille, petite étoile. Spanish:
Brilla, Brilla, pequeña estrella. German: funkel, funkel kleiner Stern. Mandarin Chinese: yī shǎn yī shǎn liàng jīng jīng. Hawaiian: `Imo `imo hôkû iki.
You will find relief from vain fancies if you do every act in life as though it were your last. -Marcus Aurelius, philosopher, writer, Roman emperor (121-180) (121-180)
If you use half dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels and pennies, you can make change for one dollar 293 times! Start counting. J
Have you ever
noticed music seems to say what the heart and soul can not? Whether it is happy, sad, frantic, calm there
is a song or piece written which will fill the emotion(s). Music grounds me and says what I have trouble
putting into words.
Smiles and
blessings to you as we close this year and look to another one. Trudy
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