Monday, July 31, 2017


                                                    2017 August FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

Brenduhh came over for some cold tea; it was a beastly hot day.  She wore as little as possible which would pass as legal.  She was hanging pictures in her house and kept missing the wooden boards behind the plaster leaving holes in it.  She didn't know what to do and asked me my suggestion.  I told her, "Go to the hardware store and ask for a stud finder.  This tool will help you a lot."  She thanked me and went on her merry way.  Later she returned with some perplexity.  "Trudy, I went into the hardware store and asked the 2 male assistants where I could locate some stud finders.  I don't know why they took so long answering me, smirked, sputtered in their reply, and tripped over themselves trying to walk down the aisle."  I asked her, "Did you go wearing what you have on now?"  She said she had.  I asked her if she got the stud finder tool.  She said she had, but one of the fellas asked her if she wanted him to come over to help her since she'd located a stud finder; she couldn't understand why he had asked that.   She, also, told me she’d told them, “I have a screw loose, too.”   I just rolled my eyes.

I had an opportunity to verbally annihilate someone who would have deserved every syllable I would have said to them, had I returned the verbal volley.  Instead, I chose to be totally silent with my response.  I quickly thought of how they could misquote me and accuse me of saying something threatening.  An opponent really can’t misquote a response of silence.  It really is a formidable weapon.  I shared this happening with a friend.  She jokingly said, “They did say something more offensive than that they hate to eat bacon, didn’t they?”  I told her, “Oh yes.  Bacon wasn’t even mentioned.  I did think of them in the original package, though.”

My Beloved was having difficulty getting up from his easy chair.   He had a few choice words as he struggled.  I said something he didn’t like and the “intense fellowship” was on.   When the mood cooled, I suggested we go shopping for one which is called “A Lifting Chair.”  He liked that idea and went with me.  We looked at many and finally found one which fit his 6’5”, 350 pound size.  He was very pleased.  The sales person mentioned it was electrical.  “Oh, so it’s an electric chair,” I commented and shot Beloved a look.  For some reason Beloved growled, “Wipe that smirk off your face, Tootsie.”  I couldn’t stop laughing. 

A single strand of spaghetti is called spaghetto.  I didn't know this, but then, again, who eats a single strand of spaghetti?   “Not I,” said the spaghetti slucker.

Shadow owes its birth to light. -John Gay, poet and dramatist (30 Jun 1685-1732)

Thanks to my dear friend, Melodie, for this morsel of fact…..”A “Buttload” is an actual measurement of volume - Equal to 126 gallons.”  I have seen examples of larger and smaller volumes of this.  I won’t say which category I fall into, though.

Have you ever missed someone so much you feel the missing envelops you, squeezes you so tightly that your eyes “run”?  That’s one of the dues one pays for caring and loving another.  “If you miss them, it means you were lucky; lucky enough to have had someone special in your life, someone worth missing.”

LITTLE TIDBITS:   Hypnagogia is the state in between being awake and asleep.  Many blood sucking insects with governmental affiliation are called “poly-tics”.

“Who you are is not as important as what you are.”

You know it is time to get back to the gym when...  1. You try to do a few pushups and discover that certain body parts refuse to leave the floor.  2. Your children look through your wedding album and want to know who mom's first husband was.  3. You get winded just saying the words "10 kilometer run".  4. You analyze your body honestly and decide what you should develop first is your sense of humor.  5. You step on a talking scale and it says, "Come back when you are alone".  6.  Your doctor doesn’t find it funny when he tells you you’re out of shape and you tell him, “Round is a shape.  I am round.”  6.  The staff at Ben and Jerry’s has named an ice cream after you.  7.  You go to Dairy Queen and they know your order before you give it. 

Have you ever just waved at someone you didn’t know just to wave at them?  I have because I know they’re going to spend the rest of the day trying to think how they know me.  ‘Makes me laugh every time.

I was looking in the phone book for a list of “podiatrists.”  The next specialty entry was “proctologists.”  How interesting the correlation of the placement of the two.

I saw a sign the other day.  It showed the sun shining brightly, a dog in a car and the windows were rolled up.  The sign said, “FRIENDS DON’T MAKE FRIENDS WAIT IN HOT CARS.”  I wish I’d had this sign a few summers ago when I saw a little dog locked in a car with the windows down only a crack.  It was parked in front of the library I was going to enter.  I asked the desk attendant if she knew who had a car with the license of  IMSTUPD.  She did not.  Around the stack of shelves came a woman who claimed the vehicle.  I told her it was very hot outside and her dog was clawing at the windows to get out.  She told me she’d only been in here a minute and I needed to mind my own business.  I told her our conversation had lasted more than a minute, and she was being cruel to her dog.  I let her know how quickly the interior of a vehicle can heat up in the hotter-than-Hades weather we were having.  She got all nasty with me, fool that she was.  Little did she know I had a friend on the police force who was on duty and parked 5 cars from mine.  I went out, went to them and told them about the cruelty to the animal.  When she came out, my friend was beside her car writing a ticket.  I asked my friend how much the ticket was for on that misdemeanor.  “Here in Illinois it can be from $75 to $2500 and a month to 1 year incarcerated.   The clincher is the judge she will have to talk with.  He is an animal lover, on the local board of directors of the animal shelter, and VERY opposed to leaving animals in cars on hot days.  The $75 will be the least of her worries.”  I smiled.

Brenduhh came over a bit irritated.  I asked her what the problem was.  “Well, Elma told me she didn’t think I was very smart.”  “Why would she say that to you?” I enquired.  “She asked me if I could spell Mississippi.  I asked her which one was she wanting----the river or the state.”   Sometimes biting your tongue is a good thing.
Another day she came over to play SCATTERGORIES, a game I just love to play.  I have a weekly “game day” with my friends, Dianna, Marva, and Kathy.  Kathy wasn’t able to be with us, so we invited Brenduhh.  We explained the game to her and she said she understood how to play it.  One of the categories for the 3rd. game was “About the Bible”; the word(s) for the category had to start with “E”.  We said our answers; Marva….”Ecclesiastes”; Dianna…..”Exodus”; me……”Ephesians”; and Brenduhh……”Ruthie”.  Eyes rolled and Brenduhh was questioned, “Why did you put ‘Ruthie’ when the word or words had to begin with ‘E’?”  Brenduhh thought then said, “Well, Ruthie has an ‘E’ in it; so, why not?”  We tried to explain, but it was futile.  We moved on to game #4 with another 12 categories.

When you sweat, your brain shrinks. When you drink your brain grows.  So, if you’re called “a fathead”, there is an element of truth and this explains a lot.
I took a class on-line about how to read maps backwards; it was nothing but spam.

I have found a new word to love.  Here it is and broken down for you: Zenzizenzizenzizenzike or
zenzi * zenzi * zenzi *zenzik *e.  It means:  Square of Squares Squaredly Squared 

If a concern is too small to be turned into a prayer, it is too small to be a burden.
“When your day’s not been a bed of roses, remember who wore the thorns.”  Profound, very profound.

Smiles and blessings to you for another month.  Trudy J

Saturday, July 1, 2017


                                                  July 2017 FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

My friend had to go to the doctor to discuss some issues she was having with her diet. I told her, "You might take me along to talk with him, too. You know I will tell him what you usually eat.” And with a twinkle in my eye I said, “Besides, you're afraid of me."  She glared at me and took her bag of M & Ms away which we were sharing. I guess she's not as afraid of me as I thought.

 800 different languages are spoken in New York City, making it the most linguistically diverse city on Earth.

My friend, Kelli, posted her dismay with her 4 boys:  “It’s not just toys they fight over.  Now they’re fighting over a stick.  Next, they’ll be arguing over who gets to breathe more air.  It’s gonna be a long summer break.”
Connor, age 6, helped her when she fell and hurt her knee due to some water on the floor.  “He wiped up the water, made me some hot chocolate, then, patted and kissed my knee.”  I remember those days of when I got a “boo-boo” from something.  There seems to be magical, profound healing power in a pat and kiss on the hurt area when it’s administered by a child.

On May 28 my daughter turned 21.  She came to me all excited saying, “Mom, I’m 21 today.  It feels so good to be 21!!”  I smiled, hugged her and wished her a happy birthday.  Then I said, “It seems like just yesterday you were 20.”

A friend of mine called and said, “My day has gone to sh**, already.”  I told her, “That particular matter improves the growth of plants and makes the flowers and fruit more abundant. So if your day has gone to "fertilizer" just think how much more fruit or flowers (or both) you're going to get. I'd prefer to say, "My day has gone to ice cream because there is always something good about ice cream.” You're welcome.

Think about this:  “And sometimes when you fall, you fly.”  Neil Gaiman.  It’s something to think about.

I was having difficulty pronouncing a word.  My friend, Marva, said with a twinkling eye, “I didn’t think you ever had trouble pronouncing any word.”   I looked at her and said, “Sometimes I do.  Would you like to hear all the ones I CAN pronounce?”  She declined.

There are 2 letters in our alphabet which do not look any different when you turn them upside down or flip them left or right upside down or right side up.  What are they??  The answer’s at the bottom of the column.

Remember when this symbol, #, meant “pound”, “number”, tic-tac-toe game? Now it means HASHTAG…whatever that is. I came across a list of internet acronyms, text message jargon, abbreviations, initialisms, cyberslang, leetspeak, SMS code, textese. HCB (Holy Cow Batman), it’s a whole different language out there. Not only are there letters and some symbols used, but there are numbers, too, which replace letters. A group of letters can replace an entire sentence.UR2G2B4G---You are too good to be forgotten. @TEOTD----At the end of the day. Bette Davis’ famous line can now be reduced to FYSBIGTBABR---“Fasten your seat belts; it’s going to be a bumpy ride.” As an English teacher who taught composition, I can only imagine what essays would look like if all these symbols, abbreviations, initials, etc. would be used. TTFN….Tah Tah For Now.

“The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.”  Margaret Chase Smith  I’ve always believed, “What’s right is right; what’s wrong is wrong.”  I’ve not been very popular at times because of this belief, either.
I saw a funny post on Facebook.  It said, “Yes, Mrs. Smith, it IS my fault and I should lose my job because YOUR child has never read a book at home and plays video games until 3 a.m. on school nights….said NO teacher EVER!!”  My reply to that was, “Oh, I don't know about that. There were a few parents I made a wedgie of their unders with my words. One I even told them their child needed to transfer to another class because they couldn't handle my expectations......their future job would probably be folding napkins. This was academic English, too. The parent told me I should give their child the letter grade they deserve. I told the parent, ‘Our alphabet only has 26 letters.’”

 A situation in which every choice you can make will be bad is called a "zugzwang."  I think I’ve had that from time to time in my life.  What a nice way to say, “It’s all going to hell.”  Just one word took care of that!!

Brenduhh came over all excited.  “Trudy, I’ve found wonderful pool exercises using one of those Styrofoam pool noodles.  You only have to do them for 15 minutes a day.  You jog in place for a bit; then, jump side to side with your feet together; next, keeping your head/chin high, squat down real low then shoot up real high.  The next one is a flutter kick moving your legs as fast as you can; then go to the deep end and ride an imaginary bicycle, and last hold on to the side of the pool and pull your knees up to your chest and shoot them out.  When you’re all through, just float around slowly moving to cool down your muscles.  Great, huh?”  After listening to her and watching her try to demonstrate all the moves on dry land, I told her, “I think by the time I finish with all that, the water will have become a tidal wave, and I’ll be slapped around like a dopey, small whale.  The waves will beat the fat off me.”

My Beloved and I were teachers at the same high school.  Many times we had the same students.  Recently I had a call from a former student of ours.  He asked me, knowing my Beloved had passed away almost 6 years ago and how much I loved him, “I don’t know how you do it Mz. R.  You keep on, and I know how much you loved Mr. R and miss him.”  I replied, “I take one moment at a time.  Some days are not as easy as others, but his memory and our wonderful time together helps ease the emptiness.  Grief robs one of so much, and I won’t be robbed of what I still have of him….his memory and influence.  I was so blessed to have him as long as I did.  The time we had together was more than some have, but it was, also, not as much as others have had.  Only you can pull yourself out of the quagmire of grief, and each person has a different time frame.”  He was silent for a moment, and then said, “You always seem to find the silver lining in the darkest places.”  I wanted to tell him it was the light reflecting off the tears in my eyes, but I just said, “Thank you.”

I’ve hyphened my last name.  I like it that way because it gives honor to my Daddy’s name and my Beloved’s name, but there are some last names upon marriage which need to be thought carefully about when contemplating hyphening.  Here are a few:  Ho – D’Dohe; Moore – Bacon;  Hunt – Kapture;  Brock – O’leigh;  Letter – Ripp;  Beenzen – Franks;  Looney – Ward;  Walkin – Woods;  Love – Lee (I like this one, though.)

You’ll laugh, you’ll cry.  You’ll hang on; you’ll let go.  You’ll praise; you’ll damn.  You’ll scream; you’ll whisper.  You’ll stay; you’ll go.  You’ll sing; you’ll hum.  You’ll ache; you’ll be at peace.  It’s called LIFE.  It’s worth all this.

My cousin passed away in June; it was a shock.  Our parents were siblings, and he was the same age as me and our other cousin, Sharon.  I knew him as “Butch” (most of the family called him that), but others called him, “Charlie”, “Chuck”, or “Sarge”.  He told me he didn’t mind all the names because he could go to the archives of his memory and remember how and where he knew the people.  I think that’s a good indicator of the people who pass through your life and how you remember them when you don’t see them for a long time.  I have just 2 names I’m usually called----Trudy or Mrs. Ripka/Mz. R.  With over 5,000 students who have passed through my life during my teaching career, the archives of my memory can be very dusty for sure.

I was told to stop trying to change things I couldn't change. Well, I'm trying. I did change the date on my flip calendar. Whoot, whoot accomplishment made.

One can never pay in gratitude; one can only pay "in kind" somewhere else in life. -Anne Morrow Lindbergh, writer (22 Jun 1906-2001)

Until next month……smiles and blessings to you, Trudy.                                                                                      The capitals I and X