Last month
I left you with some little-known words.
I’d like to finish that list as the remaining ones will be as useful to
you as the April ones.
LANSPRESADO: Someone who always conveniently shows up with
no money. FROBLY-MOBLY: Neither well
nor unwell. (I think “Meh” fits in here,
too……”A little frobly-mobly, a little meh.”)
CACOETHES: Irresistible urge to do something inadvisable
(eating TIDE pods, lighting flatulence on fire, tasing yourself….the list is
endless, I’m sure). SNOLLYGOSTER: a shrewd, unprincipled person. Thank you, Kelly W. and
the decision to have a child----it’s momentous.
It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside
your body.” Elizabeth Stone. I know this for a fact. I birthed 3 children and adopted 2. I think of them every day as they go out into
the world to make their marks. I’m sure
my mother thought about her 3 as we moved away, in distance from her, to start
our lives. Once you become a mother,
your entire world changes and you are really never alone in your thoughts. When I’m missing mine so much, I pull up the
memories of the past smiling, nodding, and having a tear or two. They walk around the outside of my body and
creep through my mind, never leaving my heart.
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who have been blessed with a child
and to those of you who “mother” others’.
brain’s been busy. The people in
hell…..when they get angry, where do they tell the others to go? Why is there a handicapped parking spot in
front of a liquor store? Why is there a
Braille message plate next to the drive-up window at a fast food place or a
bank? Why are some people so mean by
asking me if I want to go for a run and do I like creamed okra? Do pigeons walk “peopled toed”? “In a New York minute.” Well, what about Atlanta?
I believe
a person earns respect, but the position/rank has already earned it. So, if you can’t respect the person, respect
the position/rank. That way, you will
not look bad, be considered disrespectful, get into trouble, or all of the
“If you’re
confused or stuck or at a point where you don’t know what to do, then be a good
listener. Be a helper. Be inclusive.
Be respectful. Be a smile. Be a hug.
Be kind.” Bryan Skavnak
One week
in February, central Illinois had freezing cold, torrential rain, wind, and
warm and humid temperatures. Mother
Nature said, “You can’t fit all four seasons into one week.” Illinois said, “Here, hold my beer.”
If your
love wasn’t enough, what makes you think your words will make a
difference? It’s sad, but true in a lot
of cases…but not all.
I saw a
sign the other day. It was profound and
so true: “I am not what you think I
am. You are what you think I am.” We all wear many “hats” and under each “hat”
is a slightly different me.
I have a
friend who was really depressed and was briefly thinking of ending their
life. They shared their thought with
me. Suddenly all this came out of my
mouth, “I can see God at the gates when you arrive. He’s sitting down with one hand on his knee,
elbow out and the other hand on His hip.
He says to you, ‘WHAT are you doing here, NOW? Do you want me to send you to where some of
your students told you to go? You’re
going back because the ice cream shop is closed for a while, the freezer is
broken at the house, and you’ll just start to complain and bother the others. If you insist on staying, you’ll have nothing
but Brussels sprouts, cheese, asparagus, and spinach to eat.’ (these are hated
foods of this person)” My friend about
fell off their chair laughing.
do not always believe our warnings as parents, especially when shopping. I have always told my children, “Stay with
me, do not stray, tell me if you want to go look at something because I will
keep on walking and perhaps leave without you.”
Sure enough, someone didn’t believe me.
As I was exiting the doors, over the loud speaker came, “If Trudy R. is
still in the store, please come to the service desk and get your charming child
who has eaten ½ a chocolate cake and is very messy. Please hurry.” I strolled to the service desk. My look was ominous, so was the customer
service representative’s.
My friend
Melodie was telling me about an experience she’d had at the dental office. Here it is for your enjoyment: “When he lays me
back in that torture chair, and I'm staring at his 'knee caps', I cup my hand
and say, ‘We're not going to hurt each other, are we?’
;) One time I had a great dentist with a great sense of
humor….very quick-witted. I told him, ‘I'd rather have a baby than have my
teeth worked on!’ His reply was, ‘Make up your mind so I know how to adjust the
chair!’” LOL!

At what
age do you learn to cook pasta for one and not for an entire village? If you're Italian, it won't happen. You'll have left-over
pasta for the next 3 meals and to share. Then there is the spaghetti sandwich,
left-over spaghetti/macaroni/pasta for the chili, or a salad, or goulash, or
just heat it, put butter on it and Parm. cheese----lots of Parm. I bet you’ve
forgotten about the slucking of spaghetti and the whip lash on your nose? It
can be a contest for the kids.
In March, I was driving on a
local road trying to dodge the potholes.
A police officer pulled me over, got out and continued to sniff the air
I was exhaling. I asked him what he was doing. He said he was checking me for
alcohol because with the way I was driving he was sure I was drunk. I told him
I was stone sober and that he must have forgotten we live in Illinois where
IDOT is not prompt in filling the potholes, and that I didn't want to lose my
VW Bug in one of them.
TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA (tris-ky-dek-uh-FO-bee-us) noun Fear of the number 13. I’ve always liked the sound of this word
and the way it feels on my tongue as I say it.
It’s something about the flowing of the Tr, Sk, and K sounds that makes
me feel like my tongue is skipping around in my mouth.
What fills
the heart is reflected on the face. May
your heart be filled with love and peace.
CONNOR-ISM: Charles/Dad: “Connor,
look both ways crossing the street.”
Connor: “I KNOW Dad. I grew up in the streets!” Ahh, the wisdom of a 6 year old.
kill people with kindness, because not everyone deserves your kindness. Kill people with silence, because not
everyone deserves your attention.” Book
of Prosperity
I’ve used
this with some people. It is better to
remain silent and have them wonder what you’re thinking or going to do, than to
verbalize what you’d like to do and maybe get in trouble. Also, some people do not understand kindness,
thus silence is the better choice.
Besides, when your silence is directed toward them, they will leave, and
that’s probably what you wanted them to do in the first place.
Peace, good will,
and smiles to you. Trudy :)
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