Friday, July 2, 2021



                      👀           2021 July FROM MY PERSPECTIVE        👀

JULY: This month used to be called Quintilis – the Roman word for “fifth” as it was the fifth month of the Roman year. It was later changed to July by the ruler of Roman world, Julius Caesar, after his family name (Julius).  The Romans originally used a 10-month calendar, but Julius and Augustus Caesar each wanted months named after them, so they added July and August.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with these young’uns now-a-days,” scolded Aint Daisy.  “They’re either too lazy to get up and work or they think they need to start a job with a big salary.  Heavens if they are offered one at the bottom 'cause they’re not qualified for any other higher position.”  She was really irritated, so I just listened as she went on.  “What these young whipper snappers don’t know is….ya don’t put a roof on a building that h’aint been constructed, yet.  Ya need to start at the bottom of a job so you can know how ya got to the top and what goes with it to earn the salary that’s at the top.”  More wisdom given to me from the Lady of the Holler.

ABILITY is what you’re capable of doing.  MOTIVATION determines what you do.  ATTITUDE determines how well you do it.  I’ve seen all this to be true.  I’ve had students of different intelligence levels.  One in particular had the ability to achieve the highest grades, but their motivation was almost non-existent, and their attitude was less than desirable.  As I watched them, all I could think of was, “What a waste of a good mind.”  Then, I became blessed with my two grandchildren who had challenges.  The social worker said to me, “You know they are challenged and will not achieve much or meet your expectations.”  I told her, “The bumble bee is not designed to fly, but it does.  Do you know why?  It is because no one told it, it could NOT.  With all Guy and my resources of teaching, I don’t think there is very much they won’t be able to learn, if they want to learn it.”  She had very little to say after that.  They are both successful in what they’ve chosen to learn and apply.  So, never give up trying and learning.  Quitters never win and winners never quit.  If you think you can’t---you’re right; if you think you can---you’re right.

Brenduuh called me in a panic.  “Trudy, I’m locked in my car and can’t get out!!!”  I told her to put her hand on the handle and open the door.  “I can’t open the door because all the windows are rolled up on my convertible, the doors are locked, and the top is down,” she lamented.  I had to hang up the telephone; I just couldn’t talk any more.

I saw a joke and immediately thought that my two grandchildren ages 12 and 14, would probably tell it to someone.  They have dry senses of humor like their dad (my son), and my father.  Here is the joke: CJ or Will:  Why did the chicken cross the road?  Me:  Why?  CJ or Will:  To get to the dummy’s house.  Me:  silence of thinking  CJ or Will:  no response; waiting for me to respond  Me:  still silent and thinking  CJ or Will:  Knock, knock  Me:  Who’s there? CJ or Will:  The chicken.

It takes more time to do something right the first time than it does when you have to do it the second time.

When one of my 5 children was very little, it was potty training time.  They’d sit on the little potty seat on the toilet as they should, but would not let me flush the toilet until they were standing at the bathroom door watching.  I tried to have them just sit there when the toilet was flushed.  Oh heavens no, no, no.  One time I quickly flushed the toilet when they were on the little potty seat on the toilet.  They let out a scream and quickly jumped down.  I told them all would be fine and they would not fall in and that I don’t fall in.  Out of the mouths of babes came this gem, “Oh I don’t know; I just might.  You don’t because your butt is so big!”

Motels have been known to entice people to do really weird things.  Guy and I were staying at one.  It was so peaceful; then I got a crazy notion.  I took off all my clothes and ran around the room.  He was amazed (guess he didn’t think I could run that fast) and said, “What the h*** are you doing?”  I said, “I’m pretending it’s our honeymoon.”  He snorted, “What honeymoon?  We never had one.”  I retaliated, “I know, that’s why I’m pretending.  Now pretend I’m a size 14 without an ounce of fat.”  “Eeee, gods, Troot, you come up with the craziest ideas.”   He left to get a cup of coffee.  See how weird he was?

I read this recently and wanted to share it with you.  It is profound, in my thinking.  “Love is the most givable gift.  Give it in thought, actions, deeds, and physically.”

Nothing so soothes our vanity as a display of greater vanity in others; it makes us vain, in fact, of our modesty. -Louis Kronenberger, writer (1904-1980)

Mother always said, “Beauty is as beauty does,” and “Beauty is only skin deep.”  In our culture today, beauty and youth are emphasized; much too much in my opinion.  I’ve seen “beautiful people”, those whom are considered beautiful by our society’s standards, and have found most of them to be shallow and selfish.  I’m sure you have too.  Then, I’ve seen unattractive people who are truly beautiful in every sense of the word.  I think of the looks and appearance of the people who were covered in dust and dirt giving aide to those who needed it on 9/11/01; those who were dirty, worn, and disheveled helping those who were victims of hurricane Katrina’s aftermath; the military personnel in all their gear fighting for our right to continue with freedom.  I think of what the soldiers looked like when they raised our beautiful flag at Mt. Suribachi after a grueling fight.  And, I look at the pictures of the crew on the ship my Daddy commanded at Iwo Jima after the battles.  I remember a friend of mine who is not physically beautiful; however, she was the only one who sat beside me during a horrific time in my life when I was all alone.  She sat there, not saying a word, but her support and empathy spoke volumes.  She wanted me to know she would miss me more that I could imagine if I left this world.  My pain would be finished, but the pain of those who loved me would only just begin.  None of these beautiful people measured up to the visual “beauty standards” expounded by our society.  True beauty comes from within, is unselfish, kind, principled, empathetic, and honest.  All of that can’t be washed away in 5 minutes with soap and water.

A VIRGINIA FOREST RANGER WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING 7 TIMES FROM 1942 TO 1977.  You can bet his least favorite song is GLOWWORM by the Mills Brothers.

I shared with Guy this trivia factoid:  A column of air 1 inch square and 600 miles high weighs about 15 pounds.  He looked at me and mumbled, “Hmm, are those the reserve tanks you keep on your chest?”  The man was very brave, folks.         Peace and smiles.  Trudy


  1. Another good read, Trudy. I was particularly moved by your descriptions that others warned you about your grandchildren who are now your son and daughter. I was so pleased to sit next to Tara at breakfast recently and learned she is indeed an active participant in this world. She loves her job, is as polite as can be and is a delightfully pleasant young woman. You and Della have done beautifully with this delightful girl. She and I are now texting buddies. I sent her a darling picture of on a selfie. Hope she shares it with you. Looking forward to another sit-down catch-up opportunity sooner rather than later. Love you, Trudy, and respect you immensely for the challenges you took on and did so well on.

    1. Your kind, encouraging words are well-received and appreciated more than I can tell you. Thank you, thank you. Tara is a treasure and tries hard to accomplish what she wants and needs. I'm very proud of her. 'Love you, too.
