Tuesday, February 2, 2021

♥♥♥♥2021 February FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

                ♥♥♥♥     2021 February FROM MY PERSPECTIVE    ♥♥♥♥

I remember when I was a kid, I rode my bike up and down the hills, blew through multiple yards with sprinklers going full-blast, out-ran a running dog at my heels, and skidded to a stop using my feet.  I got on my stationary bike and pretended I was doing it all over again.  After 2 minutes of peddling as fast as I could, I got off and collapsed on the couch and fell asleep.  At another time when I was 10, I rode my bike at high speed on a gravel road only to skid and fall down, picked myself up, and rode back home about 1 mile away.  Now, if I sleep on the wrong pillow I’m about nonfunctional for two days and calling the chiropractor.  Who can identify???

I read this recently and added to it.  THINGS EVERYONE NEEDS TO COME TO TERMS WITH:    No response is a response.  If they wanted to, they would.  Timing will not always be in your favor.  Not everyone has the same heart as you. Not everyone is as honest as you. Not everyone has the good standards you do. Not all who are intelligent are smart. Some of the kindest people are the toughest looking. Sometimes some time isn't enough, and sometimes it's too much.  Not all that glitters is gold.  A tear can mean many things.  Sometimes unanswered prayers are best.  A challenge can be a blessing in disguise.  “Bless your heart” can mean other things.

RED, the color associated with Valentine’s Day and one of my favorite colors.  It is a color of action, passion, intensity, determination, daring, aggressive, excitement, and boldness. The world would be a dull place without red people, so I’ve read. I’ve always liked this color ever since I can remember. I’ve read that lovers of red have a lot of trouble with routine or doing the same thing over and over.  I have trouble with this, especially when I crochet.  But, unlike repetitious crocheting, I don’t have trouble counting money, though!  I usually wear red when I count green money.  I figure “Hmmm, red and green are Christmas colors.  Christmas=gifts.  Money is a gift!  Alrighty then!!!

When Guy and I got married in 1987, him for the 1st. time and me for the 2nd, he mentioned to me about us having children.  I had 3 from my first marriage, the youngest being 12.  I told him, “Let’s think about this. With both of us being teachers for such a long time, do you really think we could come up with a name for a child which wouldn’t raise the blood pressure in one of us?”


Brenduhh came over all in a twit.  “Trute, I’m going to die soon; I just know it.”  I poured the tea and motioned for her to sit down with me.  “What makes you think that is going to happen soon, sweetie?” I said trying to comfort her.  “Well, I was taking a little drive and swung into the cemetery down the road.  I wanted to look at some of the oldest headstones.  All of a sudden a voice in my car announced, ‘You have reached your final destination.  Good Luck.’  That was my sign, I just know it.”  “Oh sweetie, that’s built in the car and is a GPS---Global Positioning System.  It tells you where you’re going,” I explained.  “See?!  I told you it was a sign,” she lamented.  More tea was poured.

I found another good use for my George Forman counter-top grilling machine.  I poured pancake batter on the heated grids covering just 5 of them.  Since the grill is slanted to have the fat of meat run off, the batter ran for a short distance and stopped.  I put the lid down and when I thought it was done, I lifted the lid.  There were perfect “hand-cakes” for the family.  One really can bite the hand that feeds them, with this.

I was talking to a friend of mine who had visited Dallas.  We agreed there was too much traffic for either of us.  I’ve been there once and probably won’t go there again.  Then I told her about Chicago and how I didn’t like the driving there, either. She agreed to that, too.  She’d never been to Pittsburgh, PA where I grew up, so I described the downtown area---no 2 streets are parallel---and the tunnels, which go through some of the hills connecting one section to another.  She was amazed and asked what they were like at rush hour.  The only thing I could equate the “adventure” to was “the prayer chapels of Western Pennsylvania.”  I remember getting stuck in one due to an accident right in the middle.  Talk about being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but----, and a whole new definition and experience to claustrophobia.  You can’t even use your vehicle’s radio; the waves are absorbed by the density of the earth and concrete.  Those of you who have ever been there can agree.

I stopped by Aint Daisy's to discuss an issue.  She was busy in her kitchen making all sorts of goodies from main courses (shepherd’s pie) to desserts (cherry, pumpkin, peach, chocolate pies).  She does this about every two weeks so she can fix a meal quickly and have treats for those who visit.  I sat at the kitchen table sipping some of her delicious sweet tea and eyeing one of the cherry pies she'd baked.  "Aint Daisy, I have a little problem I'd like to discuss with you," I said.  "Go on about it, chile; I'll listen as I make these pies."  "Well, the other day a friend of mine told me they'd been scorned because the person who thinks their job is more important than hers told her that her position wasn't as important as theirs.  It hurt her feelings and she didn't know what to say.  Do you have any ideas about how she can let that person know her job/position is important?" I inquired.  Surprisingly, Aint Daisy cut a slice of a shepherd's pie and put it on a plate, then cut a slice of cherry pie (my favorite) and put it on a plate.  Then she did the strangest thing, she took a fork and gently pushed down in the center of each.  "Now looky here.  That shepherd's pie has no bottom and kinda looks like a mess on a plate, now doesn't it?  But, the cherry pie pretty much looks the same, but a little flatter.  Do you know why?" she questioned.  "It's because the bottom crust of the cherry pie holds the other two parts together and keeps them in order.  The shepherd's pie doesn't have a bottom crust to do that and when pressure is applied, it all starts to fall apart.  The bottom crust is really the most important part because it gives stability under pressure and holds the other parts in position.  You go tell your friend her position may be at the bottom, but it is very important in holding every other position in place."  Pies took on a more expanded meaning to me that day.

Some thoughts of mine and others:  Why are the soft shoes called "tennis shoes" if you don't play tennis? Bubble gum does lose its flavor on the bedpost overnight, gets dusty, too; so, why are you wondering?  What’s a fly without wings----a Walk?  If a child swears in Sign Language, does the mother slap the hands or mouth?  Does an air fryer really fry air and how does it taste; is it greasy or not? 

MOST TOILETS FLUSH IN E FLAT; MOST ELECTRIC RAZORS BUZZ IN B FLAT. (ENGLISH RAZORS BUZZ IN G.)  Up until mid-1960, most American car horns sounded to the musical notes of E flat or C.  Now, most car manufacturers have tuned them to F sharp and A sharp.  And, to think some of you thought you couldn’t carry a tune in a wash bucket.  I think, when the wash bucket is hit, it’s a dull A-flat.

Daddy was a man of high expectations and had little patience with people who were stupid or incompetent having positions of responsibility. Ignorant is a different set of values: “Ignorant is not knowing; stupid is knowing, but doing something anyway;” now, on with the story.  Daddy had taken an antique, winged-back wooden chair to a repair and refinishing shop for re-gluing and refinishing.  They told him it would be ready in a week.  Ten days went by and there was no call; he was irritated about this.  He went to the store to find out the progress of the chair.  The receptionist greeted him chewing gum as she talked---another irritation of his.  He asked her, “Has the winged back chair I brought in ten days ago been finished?”  She looked at him and said, “I don’t know, but I do know that chairs don’t have wings; they don’t fly.”  Daddy, trying to be a tolerant Southern gentleman, asked her to please go check.  She got up and went into the back room.  She came back telling Daddy it was ready, but she’d still not seen any wings on it.  Daddy smiled and said, “I noticed you didn’t take the gum out of your mouth before you went back to check.  I’m surprised you can walk and chew gum simultaneously.”  She just looked at him not knowing what he was meaning, nor the innuendo implied.  That was Daddy.           PEACE  and  HARMONY-----------Trudy :)


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