Monday, December 2, 2024

🎄🎅🤶 2024 December FROM MY PERSPECTIVE



At this special time of the year when I reflect on my passed Christmases, I think of what a friend gently asked me, “Trudy, do you ever forget those you loved who have passed away?”  She was dealing with a loss of a loved one, so I understood her question and intent.  I told her, “How could I forget them?  They gave me so much to remember.  I thank God every day for the memories, which no one can take away.  And, sometimes the memories gently roll down my cheek, and I remember more and smile.”  May your memories take you through the “missing them”, the memories which gently moisten your cheek, and the closing of your eyes to “see” them again.

Do you know the difference between "I don't care" and "I do NOT care one bit"?  The first "I don't care" leaves room for change.   The second one, especially since 'do NOT' is said and not the contraction, indicates there is just about zero percentage for change or rebuttal.  Well, that's my interpretation based on personal experience and expression.  It's pretty much the same with "Who gives a sh**?"  I searched it on Google and noticed my name wasn't in the search results.

A little fella at church, Cruz, age 4, was listening to his father talk about his worry of the area they were going to was having very heavy rains, and he was concerned about flooding.  Cruz in all his four years of wisdom said, “Dad, don’t you remember that God said He’d never flood the earth again?  That’s why he sent a rainbow.  That’s His promise.”  Thank you, Dianna, his Sunday school teacher, for teaching him that God’s promises are true and sure.

I know that December isn’t really the month to talk about dandelions.  But, I came across this piece of information and didn’t want to forget to share it with you.  Soooo, in April, May, and June with the heads of gold start flooding your lawn, think of this.  The dandelion is the only flower that represents the three celestial bodies of the sun, moon, and stars: The yellow flower resembles the sun, the puff ball resembles the moons, and the dispersing seeds resemble the stars.  Every part of the dandelion is useful: root, leaves, and flower. It can be used for food, medicine, and dye for coloring. Dandelions have one of the longest flowering seasons of any plant.  (Only children can appreciate this.  I’ve had many “bouquets” of these on my table.)  Dandelions are, quite possibly, the most successful plants that exist. They are masters of survival worldwide.

A friend of mine let me know I’d gotten more grey hair. I told her, “They’re not grey, they’re silver and they are WISDOM highlights. You don’t have very many, though.” She walked away.  'Showed me she could count to ONE.

I've tried to reduce my stress. I read where if you throw darts it helps dissipate the stress. So I started throwing them. The police told me I had to get a dart board, though. I guess someone complained.

“Nothing you love is lost, not really.  Things, people, they always go away, sooner or later.  You can't hold them, any more than you can hold moonlight.  But, if they've touched you, if they're inside you, then they're still yours.  The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart.”  Bruce Coville

I was talking to my friend who always is ready to help another person.  Dr. Ruth Westheimer called it “the Joan of Arc” complex----always wanting to help someone to even sacrificing your needs.  I mentioned this to her.  She smiled and said, “Well, if I have that complex you are the match which lights the fire under me.  You bring me warmth and encouragement to get moving.”  Hmmm, I never saw me in that kind of light.

Do you know why you shouldn’t trust a nosy pepper?  It is because they are jalapeño business.

In some languages, just one word will tell a complete sentence filled with other words, in our language, to describe a feeling.  From Japanese, this is one of those words:  KUCHISABISHII (koo-chee-sah-bish-ee) which means “when you’re not hungry, but you eat because your mouth is lonely”.   Then, there are the multi-syllabic, multi-lettered words which make your tongue tired before you get to the end of the work.  In English, this word is like that, and it’s one of my favorite:  pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (a lung disease some miners get).  In German, this is one of those extra long words.  Well, I’m not going to type it because it has 79 letters and we probably wouldn’t be able to pronounce it, anyway.  It means:  "association of subordinate officials of the head office management of the Danube steamboat electrical services".  O.K., I got brave, searched the word and found it.  Here it is:     


I need a drink after trying to pronounce it.

Moving right along after all that lingual gymnastics, did you know that the peach was the first fruit eaten on the moon?  Well it was.  Applesauce was eaten while orbiting the moon.  The first meal consisted of some bacon.  This goes to prove that no matter where you are in the galaxy, bacon is preferred over fruit by some people.

I got one of those boiler room calls from a stranger asking for me.  I told him, “I am madam’s secretary.  She is on a cruise and will not return for 6 months.”  He snarled, “So you’re going to be there wasting other people’s time answering the phone?”  I told him, “I’m not wasting your time; you’re wasting mine,” and hung up.  So, maybe for 6 months I won’t be getting a call from this troll……just maybe.

Mother used to tell me when she was giving me medicine, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”  Well, that worked until I had to have a suppository. 

My friend was in a financial bind about having her furnace fixed.  I told her to go ahead and make the appointment to have it fixed and I’d help her.  She sort of argued with me about “Oh, I don’t want to burden you.  I’ll figure something out.”  I got a little honked because my offer was sincere and I wanted to help her.  She started to cry, gave me a hug, and told me she was very grateful.  I knew she was and was glad I could help her.  I told her, “Oh honey, don’t worry.  I have just the right mask to wear and squirt gun to bring as I rob some bank.”  She exploded in laughter.

I saw a picture of a box of CRAYOLA crayons.  I swear I could smell that picture!!  Oh the memories it brought back.  At the time I used them, there were only 8, 16, 24, or 48 count in a box of them.  Then the 64 count came out in 1958.    I begged to have those; got them for Christmas!  Well, the company, in 1996, produced 120, and in 2013 out came 152 of them.  There are 148 unique colors! Some colors are offered in special effects, further expanding the color selection with specialty crayons like glitter, pearl, confetti, metallic, bold & bright, and more!  Let’s not forget skin tone colors, which came under the color category of flesh, which was a light peachy color.  Realizing everyone has a different skin tone, in 1962 it was changed to peach.  One can add “more red to create warmer skin tones, or more yellow and a bit of blue to create cooler skin tones. To create darker skin tones, mix in a small amount of ultramarine blue or burnt sienna.”  There is, also, a 24 count of skin tones called COLORS OF THE WORLD!!  Leftover Crayola stubs are called “LEFTOLAS”.  You can melt them and blend them to make a big multi-colored crayon.  That’s a fun one to use.

I was thinking about dog names according the breed it/they are.  Here are some examples of my thinking:

Calvin and Klein or Fruita and D’Loom---boxers; Victor and Borge---Great Danes; Speedy and Buss---greyhounds; Baa and Bahh---sheep dogs; Getcha and Gotcha---Rotties, Dobbies, Cane Corsos or German shepherds---guard dogs;  Clot, Hemo, and Globin---bloodhounds.  I’m sure you can think of other names for other breeds of dogs.  Enjoy your imagination!!

Aint Daisy was sitting in her rocker by the lit fireplace when I went in to visit her.  “Chile, ye know I’m jess getting’ warm on one side.  It’s like jess having one friend----yer a little warm, but not as warm as havin’ two or more friends t’ warm yer soul and body,” she mused.  “I never thought of that, Aint Daisy.  You always have some wisdom to share.  You are truly my lady of the holler,” I said with a smile and gratitude.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa to you!  Trudy

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