2015 March From My Perspective
A few
weeks ago, I was talking with a friend whom I’d not
seen for a while. She was telling me of
her activities and about some of her positions at her church. She’s a very tolerant gal who enjoys working
with people. She told me of the snide
remarks some of the women of her church make about various other female members
and why they won’t work with so and so.
Among some of the statements were:
“She doesn’t dress well.”, “She always wears sandals.” “She sits with the poorer people during the
church services.” “She doesn’t give
enough in the offering plate.”, etc. I
told her, “Hmmm, all of these statements tell me that if Jesus came to your church,
He’d probably be turned away.”
have a bumper sticker which says, “Honk if you think I’m sexy and smart.” Staying idle at green lights really improves
my self-image.
and I had had some intense fellowship one time at Mother and Daddy’s. He asked Daddy how to win an argument with
me. Daddy said, "Let me write down the ways to win an argument with Trudy,
of which I have learned from winning arguments with her mother over the last 52
years." He wrote on a piece of 8x11 paper, HOW TO WIN AN ARGUMENT WITH
TRUDY. Then, he handed it to Guy. The paper was blank.
Water is the only substance on
Earth which is heavier as a solid than it is as a liquid. If you doubt this, look at your glass of
water with some ice in it. Where is the
ice? It is on the top and the water is
below it. You’re welcome.
is a flat tire in northern Alaska? A sled dog taking a nap.
My beloved and I took a little
trip. After about 50 miles, he stopped
at a gasoline station. “I think I need
to fill up with some gas,” he said. “I
reckon you do. From what I’ve been
hearing for the last 50 miles, it sounds like you’re all out.” He told me to hush.
“In religion, faith
is a virtue. In science, faith is a vice.” -Jerry Coyne, biology professor (b.
1949) So, what is the thinking process
of an ordained minister who teaches science?
Some say ministers have a pretty easy
job----they only work 1 day a week. That
may be so, but their boss doesn’t make suggestions---He makes commandments.
I really like the
quotes used at the end of CRIMINAL MINDS on CBS. They are profound and cause me a lot of
thought. Here is an example: “There are times when the mind is dealt such
a blow that it hides itself in insanity.
There are times when reality is nothing but pain and to escape that
pain, the mind must leave reality behind.”
Patrick Rothfuss
People who ignore you, until it suits them
to talk to you, are NOT worth your friendship or your time. When they speak to you, be cordial. I’m usually cool, but polite.
Oh gods!!! The 18
year old just came to me and told me she wants a pet. Her friend has a new
batch of kittens and she's told her friend's mother she'd like to have one. I
told her, "Why do you want one? You have me!!!" She said, "You
don't count. You're a human." Tossed aside again. Sniff . My friend said, “Kitties
are very therapeutic! ...and soft, and cuddly, and calming, and teach
responsibility! Can't think of a reason NOT to have one!” I responded with, “My mink jacket is ‘soft,
cuddly, and calming.’ It also doesn't have to be fed, watered, taken to the
vet, declawed, poops, or anything else living needs. I told her, when she asked
what she could have as a pet, ‘You can have a rock.’ She stormed off saying,
‘That is the LAMEST pet EVER, you troll.’”
One of my readers, Nan in Ohio, sent these bits of wisdom to me. I can identify with a lot of them. Wouldn't it be great if we could
put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller!·
The day the world runs out of wine is just too terrible to think about! (Right,
Charlene, Sharon, Barb, and Tricia?) I
don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks! I don't need anger management, I need people
to stop honking me off! Old age is
coming at a really bad time! When I was
a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment ... now, as a grown up, it just
feels like a small vacation! Lord grant
me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the
things I can & the friends to post my bail when I finally snap! I don't have gray hair, I have "wisdom
highlights". My people skills are just fine, it's my tolerance to
idiots that needs work. Teach your
daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper. If God wanted me to touch my toes, He
would've put them on my knees. The kids
text me "plz" which is shorter than please; I text back "no"
which is shorter than "yes". I'm
going to retire and live off of my savings; not sure what I'll do that second
week. When did it change
from "We the people" to "screw the people"? I've lost my mind and I'm pretty sure my kids
took it! Even duct tape can't fix stupid
... but it can muffle the sound! Why do
I have to press one for English when you're just gonna transfer me to someone I
can't understand, anyway? Lord, Give me
patience and give it to me NOW. Of
course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice. Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud? At my age "Getting lucky" means
walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for.
don’t want any of you to think I’m a braggart at what I’m going to tell you----I
got the highest score on my scale today.
Here’s a good
recipe for a family or church pot luck.
It is delicious and comforts the soul.
It is called Chicken and Dumpling Casserole.
Add some peas and carrots or chopped broccoli tops for color and
veggies. 2 lbs. of chicken (I
used all thighs, my preference)
1 C. all purpose flour
1 C. milk
2 T. unsalted butter, melted
1 10.5 oz. can cream of chicken soup
2 C. chicken broth (I used the water my chicken cooked in)
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper Place the chicken in a pot and cover with water. Cover and cook over medium heat for 1 hour. Remove chicken from pot, save the water, and let cool. Shred the chicken and place in the bottom of an 11x7 baking dish. Whisk together the flour, milk and butter, pour over the chicken. Whisk together the broth, soup, salt and pepper, pour over the casserole, DO NOT STIR. Bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Let sit for a few minutes before serving.
1 C. all purpose flour
1 C. milk
2 T. unsalted butter, melted
1 10.5 oz. can cream of chicken soup
2 C. chicken broth (I used the water my chicken cooked in)
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper Place the chicken in a pot and cover with water. Cover and cook over medium heat for 1 hour. Remove chicken from pot, save the water, and let cool. Shred the chicken and place in the bottom of an 11x7 baking dish. Whisk together the flour, milk and butter, pour over the chicken. Whisk together the broth, soup, salt and pepper, pour over the casserole, DO NOT STIR. Bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes. Let sit for a few minutes before serving.
When you are reading this column/newsletter,
please know that today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll
ever be. You’ll do some mature things,
and you’ll do some immature things, BUT you will do. Live your life to the fullest today, and with
no regrets.
“To argue with a
person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to
the dead.” T. Paine
I wear red glasses. I wear them everyday. Some people have asked me why I wear red ones and not another color,
especially at my age. (I guess they
think that at 70 years of age I should wear wire rims or something else.) Here is what I tell them, “Two defining
forces offered to die for me---one is Jesus Christ and the other is the
American soldier. One died for my soul;
the other died for my freedom. It is out
of respect and to honor them that I wear red every day of my life.”
mentioned how powerful silence can be at times.
Here is another example of my belief:
“When someone is going through a “storm”, your silent presence is more
powerful than a million empty words.”
With my arms
holding many things, I was going to open a door to a public building recently,
when a man opened it for me. I said to
him, “Thank you so much. Chivalry is not dead.”
He smiled and said, “Chivalry never died. The gentleman in most men did. Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age, but, being a
gentleman is a matter of choice.” I,
also, think his mother had some influence.
He who listens to truth is not less than he
who utters truth. -Kahlil
Gibran, poet (Jan. 1883-1931)
What do you a call
a crazed collector of an old train engine who has a reason for leaving it uncovered
out in the elements to get all rusty? He has a loco motive. I hear you groaning very loudly.
I don’t know what is happening to me. I forgot to make my memory foam bed.
“You have
enemies? GOOD!! That means you’ve stood up for something,
sometime in your life.” Winston
I just saw some new state slogans. DELAWARE: “The first state and that’s about it.” GEORGIA: Without Atlanta
we’re Alabama.” IDAHO: “More than just potatoes. O.K., maybe not, but they’re real good.” KENTUCKY: “5 million people; fifteen last names.” ILLINOIS: “Where a politician’s term in office and
prison sentence are roughly the same.” INDIANA: Dan Quale’s favorite country. KANSAS: “Come for the corn; stay for the
tornadoes.” MINNESOTA:
“10,000 LAKES AND 1 gazillion mosquitoes.” WEST
obesity problem can be explained in two words:
pepperoni rolls.” (That is for sure!!)
There are more, but I don’t want to offend some of my readers. Those who were offended---------get over it,
Everyone has been emotionally hurt, whether
it is a big hurt or a small one. These
hurts have created obstacles in our path of healing. Just as a hurdle jumper moves over the hurdle
(obstacle), so must we in order to make the hurt work for us---not against
us. It can be painful facing past
hurts/obstacles, but when we face them head-on, it is then we can move forward
and heal, making that hurt/obstacle work for us.
Instead of saying,
“Have a nice day,” say, “Have the day you deserve.” Let’s keep Karma working in the right
Blessings and smiles…………Trudy J