Friday, October 2, 2015

2015 OCTOBER From My Perspective

       OCTOBER 2015 From My Perspective

This joke was sent to me by a friend.  “A 7-year old and a 4-year old were upstairs in their bedroom.  “You know what?” says the 7-year old.  “I think it’s about time we start swearing.”  The 4-year old nods his head in approval.  “When we go downstairs for breakfast, I’m gonna say hell, and you say ass. OK?”  The 4 year old agrees with glee.  The mother walks into the kitchen and asks the 70year old what he wants for breakfast.  “Aw, hell Mom, I guess I’ll have some Cherrios.”  WHACK!!!  He flew out of his chair, tumbled across the floor, got up and ran upstairs crying.  The mother looked at the 4-year old and asked with a stern voice, “And what do YOU want for breakfast, young man?”  “I don’t know,” he blubbers, “but you can bet your ass it won’t be Cherrios.”  This is a segue to a personal happening along the same lines as the joke:  I remember the time, 1959, I was in the dining room and Mother was entertaining her bridge club of ladies in the living room. I had a girlfriend with me and I expressed my irritation at my boyfriend cancelling our date for that night. "It really pisses me off," I grumbled to her. The ladies stopped talking, and I heard Mother say, "Excuse me for a minute." She appeared in the dining room, grabbed my long ponytail and "encouraged" me to join her in the basement. "If you EVER say something like that again, you'll wish you had not," she said through her clenched teeth looking like a crazed rodent. Then she yanked my hair growling, "Do you understand?" To this day the word "piss" or any form of it seldom falls from my lips. I can still see Mother's face.

19 year old decided {yep! She had a choice} to act very nasty.  I told her she was being an ass.  She told me not to say that word.  I told her, “It describes your behavior which you’ve chosen.”  I told her, when she told me again to not say that word, “I’ve only just begun, Kiddo.”  “It’s your job/responsibility to make me happy,” she screamed.  I laughed all the way out the door, into the car and as I drove away.  I left to save her life!

By the age of six the average child will have completed the basic American education. ... From television, the child will have learned how to pick a lock, commit a fairly elaborate bank holdup, prevent wetness all day long, get the laundry twice as white, and kill people with a variety of sophisticated armaments. -Russell Baker, columnist and author (b. 14 Aug 1925)

Some PUNS I found:  Stealing someone’s coffee is called mugging.  The other day I held the door open for a clown; it was a nice jester.  Pasteurize:  too far to see.  No matter how much you push the envelope, it’ll still be stationery.  The ENERGIZER bunny was arrested and charged with battery.  I put my Grandma on speed dial; I call that instagram.  I’m reading a book about anti-gravity; I can’t put it down.  I’m glad I know Sign Language; it’s pretty handy.  Prisoners use cell phones to call each other. 

I have some questions:  Why are there 5 syllables in “monosyllabic”?  Why is abbreviation so long?  Why do some people get upset at a lot of papers scattered on the floor, but think confetti is so much fun?  Why do some kids have a wonderful time running through a cold water sprinkler, but fuss with you when you tell them to take a warm shower…and use soap?

A “BUTT” was a Medieval unit of measurement for wine.  Technically, a butt load of wine is about 475 liters or 126 gallons.  You’re welcome!!!

My girlfriend came over for a chat.  She seemed a bit irritated at her teen aged son.  I asked her what the problem was.  She said, “Oh, Mike’s out spreading some ‘wild oats’.”   Trying to help her feel a little better I said, “You know that’s typical late-teen boy.” “Oh I know, and I’m hoping for crop failure,” she mused.

 Anyone can give up; it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.  Unknown

My daughter-in-law, one of my gifts from God, told of this sign she found.  I’d like to share it with you.

“People wonder why I give so many compliments to strangers.  I’m not being fake, and I’m not looking for people to like me.  But, if I pass someone and I like something, I say it.  ‘Love those shoes!’ or “Great hair style.’ Why?  Because life is hard and this world can be a really tough place and people are mean.  You never know how much those few words mean to someone, you never know what hell they may be going through; and when you put positivity out there into the universe, YOU yourself become a happier person.  It’s hard to be nice and be miserable yourself.  It’ll reflect from the outside in.  I’m telling you random compliment giving will change your life, and maybe someone else’s, too.”

What is a ghost gust?  It’s a sudden rush of air by a spirit.

I enjoy watching gals eat whatever they like and "pig-out" on all the fattening stuff.  It doesn’t really bother me; I know it will eventually get them in the end.

Did you ever wonder why it was so peaceful in Mayberry with Andy, Opie, and Barnie.  Well, no one was married.  Those who were single were:  Andy, Opie, Barney, Aunt Bea, Floyd, Howard, Goober, Gomer, Sam, Earnest T. Bass, the Darlin family, Helen, Thelma Lou, and Clara.  In fact, the only one married was Otis, and he stayed drunk.

I was taking a shower and saw a spider in there with me.  It got sprayed with water.  I’m not sure if it went down the drain or willingly leaped to its death after seeing me naked.  Either way, it’s gone.

People need to try to understand that my patience with them is not really one of my virtues.  I’m trying to stay calm so I don’t hurt them.

When Brenduhh came over, she told me of one of the things she remembered about her childhood.  “Trudy, I always thought my name was ‘No, No, dimwit’ when I was a kid.  Then, I’d go to my grandma’s and she’d call me ‘Sweetheart.’”  I smiled and told her, “I knew ALL my names when I was growing up....every single one of them…all yelled together in a nano second.”

A friend of mine and I were talking about being insulted by another person’s statement(s).   My friend is very observant and has lived a long time.  She said, “When someone tries to insult me I think to myself, ‘Do I value that person’s opinion?’  If I know I don’t value their opinion, I don’t feel insulted.”

I had some of a little cherry pie I bought at the store yesterday. I kept eating it thinking/hoping it would get better. Alright!!! I ate 1/2 of it. I'll give the other 1/2 to my daughter. She's not real crazy about cherry pie...........maybe she'll give me her left-overs.

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.

George S. Patton

Giant tarantulas keep tiny frogs as pets.  Insects will eat the burrowing tarantulas’ eggs-so the spiders protect the frogs from predators, and in return the frogs eat the insects.  Hmmm, interesting.

Don’t you find it rather irritating when someone accuses you of lollygagging when you are clearly dilly dallying?  Yeesh!

This is an observation which has been over a long time.  The youth and young adults of today seem to be emulating, adoring, and putting so much value on the sun-drenched celebrities.  There will be tough times seeing the value of those---thinkers, probers, and scientists---who are keeping society together.  Everyone has something positive to offer our society…..some do it quietly…. in the shadows.

The Humuhumunukunukuapua'a is Hawaii's state fish. Its name is longer than the fish!  I think the short name for it would be a “Hummer”.

Did you know that these trademark names:   BAND-AID, BUBBLE WRAP, CHAP STICK, KLEENEX, and POPSICLE are all regular words, now?  No, you don’t have to capitalize them when you write them.  Whew…I know you’re relieved.  J

Brenduhh came over all proud and rejoicing.  “I was in a bar the other night, Trudy, and the bartender yelled, ‘Does anyone know CPR!?’  I called out, ‘I know the entire alphabet!’  Everyone clapped, but one person.”  “You’re so smart, Brenduhh,” I said as I poured more tea.

I have a friend who has an obsession about wearing all her shiny, metal necklaces at the same time.  She seldom takes any of them off.  With all that gold, she looks like she has on a Mr. T starter set!

Have you ever watched movement on FACEBOOK of something you could do, such as mopping, dusting, or sweeping and your hand was still on the “mouse”?  My cursor gets a workout!

My pastor asked this question, “Can a human stand his or her ground without attacking the other?”  My reply was, “They can if they have the vocabulary for it, or if they can be silent.  Silence is a formidable weapon; so are words which are truthful…and then there is the ‘Mom look’.”         PEACE……Trudy

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