2017 APRIL From My Perspective
I recently read
this: “If a woman says, ‘First of all,’
during an argument, run away and hide.
She has prepared research, data, quotes, and will destroy you. She’s majored in history and is a history
buff…..on YOUR history.” I know….I’ve
done it.
I put a picture of
me on a social media website. It was
taken in 2009. The dear friend with whom
I had it taken mentioned she remember where we were when it was taken. I haven’t seen her since then, but explained,
“I haven't changed much from this
picture.....just a little bit more sterling silver in the onyx-colored hair.
You know I'm expensive, thus the referral to sterling silver.
” Another friend made a comment to the
picture about herself, “Ahhhh...I am not so
expensive. My hair is getting the aluminum foil look! I feel like I may be
turning into the Tin man's sister!” That made me
laugh out loud.

language is so interesting. There is a
name for just about everything and then if we can’t find one, one is taken from
other languages and made into a word.
Here is OXYMORON. It is derived
from the 5th century Latin oxymorus,
which is derived from the Ancient Greek oksus
which means: “sharp, keen, pointed”
and moros which means: “dull, stupid,
foolish.” This, then, makes OXYMORON an
oxymoron. Mention this at a party and
see what discussion arises…..or people will just look at you like deer eyes in
My Beloved, God
rest his soul, had many soothing words to say to me when I seemed weary. Here is an example: I’d spent a lot
of time shopping for groceries and other things we needed--- it took about 2
hours---and, I was tired. I unloaded the
van, which seemed like an eternity.
After putting them all away, I sat down in my chair to check the
receipt. Guy looked over and replied,
“Oh, I see you brought a novel to read.”
The man was brave, folks.
“Ner-ism” time: My
friend told me that one night Ner came down stairs wrapped in a towel after a
bath. "Daddy, stand up. I want you to see how hung I am." Charles
says, "WHAT?!" Ner holds his hand over his head, "You know, how
hung I am. I grew" (I am dying laughing) Charles stands up and Ner stands
next to him. "See? I'm hung like
you!" (He measures his height up against Charles’ body.) Finally, I managed to stop laughing enough to
say "How TALL you are, sweetie, not ‘how hung’.”
"A memory,
which brings a smile, is an extra heart beat." Tjr
I saw a sign which
said, “The 4 greatest words you will hear are:
‘I love you, Mama.” My thought
was, “The 4 greatest replied words the child will hear are: ‘I love you more.’ “
Our lives are like
islands in the sea, or like trees in the forest. The maple and the pine may
whisper to each other with their leaves ... But the trees also commingle their
roots in the darkness underground, and the islands also hang together through
the ocean's bottom. -William James, psychologist and philosopher (11 Jan
This is a rather
profound observation from William James.
Most of us think we are not related in any way to various people, but in
actuality we are. We can be different,
but we are the same---we are humans with basic needs all humans share with
another. You might be scoffing, but give
it some serious thought of what he said and his comparisons. You’re welcome. J
“Gossips are worse
than thieves because they steal another person’s dignity, honest reputation and
credibility, which are challenging to restore.
Remember, when your feet slip, you can always recover your balance; but,
when your tongue slips, you cannot recover your words.” Karen Salmansohn
When my daughter
was eight years old, she was taking a bath one evening. I heard a lot of splashing and cheers of glee
coming from her. Cautiously I entered
the bathroom---one never knows what one will find with this kid and her
exuberance---and asked her what she was doing.
With as much gusto as before she happily replied, “Oh Mom, I’m just
surfing.” The bathroom looked it, too.
It still
stands....."TRIX are for kids."
So, I mix TRIX and KIX together and I'm a teenager!!!!
What used to be
still comes around, I don't know how, but it does. I guess that's memories for
you.....creeping in when you have to deal with now. It's mostly the good ones,
but every now and then a bad one seeps on through. Lessons of the past are
still teaching, still teaching you.
I got a
"false call" today. Here is the dialog: I answered the call
(815-410-3058). She said something about a magazine place. I told her I wasn't
interested. She said, "Well, you signed up for it." I told her I
didn't and knew nothing about it. She didn't keep me on the phone for long.
Maybe it was me telling her I'd cast a spell on her giving her chronic diarrhea
and all her relatives, too, while they were visiting her for a sit-down dinner.
Who knows???!!!
I went to Burger
King and ordered a hamburger with grilled mushrooms, grilled onions, caviar,
and melted provolone cheese. They told me they didn't serve that. I told them,
"The advertisement says, 'Have it your way' and that is my way." I'm
suing tomorrow for false advertising. They told me they'd meet me in hell. I
told them, "Have it your way."
Brenduhh came over
ready to rant. I let her get out of her
system as she went on and on about what direction toilet paper should come off
the roll. After she stopped, I said, “Do
you know what would be worst that the paper coming off the roll from the back
or front?” “No, what would be worse?”
she queried. “Not having any toilet
paper,” I said “charminingly”.
A man who lies to himself, and believes his own lies, becomes unable to
recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else, and he ends up losing
respect for himself and for others. -Fyodor Dostoevsky, novelist (1821-1881) Peace to each of you, smiles and
blessings, too. Trudy
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