I was raised to treat the janitor with the same respect as
the CEO. I’m of the knowing that
everyone has a job. Throughout my career
and life this observation rings very true:
Sometimes the most important job is the
lowliest on some people's “totem pole”; but, it is the most important for the
comfort and inner workings of all who work there. Those who aren't considered
as important as the head honcho are actually more important. When people think the bottom of the totem
pole has the least important position, think again. Without the bottom, how would all the others
be supported. Thus, the bottom of the
totem pole is actually the most important.
Nature's laws affirm instead of prohibit. If you violate her
laws, you are your own prosecuting attorney, judge, jury, and hangman. -Luther
Burbank, horticulturist (7 Mar 1849-1926)
This is what I call “natural consequences” except for: when
you sling mud at people….you always get a little bit on you (law of physics);
make your words kind and sweet for tomorrow it’s them you may eat (nutrition
101); you can’t treat people awful and expect them to be glad to be with you (sociology
and psychology)…..and all those other little ditties my parents told me as I
was growing up.
“Nobody cares how much you know until they know how much you
care.” Damien C. Thanks for your wisdom.
Recently I saw a former student say they thought they were
the “black sheep” of their family because most of their family did not
associate with them. I know this person
well. They are kind, generous, honest,
good, and true. I am proud of them and
love them as though they were a child of mine.
Here is what I told them: “I wouldn't consider you ‘black sheep’, I'd consider you
colorful. However, with that said, black sheep wool is more highly prized and
rare. It is stronger and uncommon----not the run-of-the-mill, common. It is not
like all the others; it is unique. Now, perhaps you will be proud of thinking you
are the ‘black sheep’ because it is a positive, not a negative. You are loved.”
Women have to deal with periods, pregnancy, childbirth,
breastfeeding, menopause, hot-flashes, mood swings and all that. Men have to deal with women. I’d say that’s a tie.
CONNORISMS: Connor was home with a fever. My friend, his mother, asked him how he was
feeling. Here’s the typical “Connorism”,
he looks at his arm and says "Yep, still sick". I said "How do you know?" He says,
"I still have hair on my arm. My fever is trying to burn it
off". ‘Pretty
sure that's not how this works...... ANOTHER
ONE: I was looking for the ice cream scoop.....couldn't find it. Connor
runs upstairs and gets it...... I asked him why he had it. He says "I didn't want any one to steal
it." There's an ice cream scoop
thief out there, people. Hide your
scoops! (Thanks,
Kelli, for the sharing the smiles.) I saw this and felt compelled to share it with you. If you are a parent, this just may be your creed: “As your parent, I promise you that I will always be in one of 3 places….in front of you to cheer you on, behind you to have your back, or next to you so that you aren’t walking alone.”
For those of you who have teens who are going to graduate from high school soon, I’m sure many conflicting thoughts and feelings are surfacing with you. They did with me. I kidded that I dealt with “teen terrorists in training”, that there would be welcoming peace through out the house where silence was a foreign (almost non-existent) word, and that the refrigerator would be full most of the time. Well, those words/thoughts were to mask the sadness I knew would happen when they left “the nest” to go out on their own or to college. I experienced separation anxiety and loneliness, just as you may do. What helped me was knowing I’d done the best job I knew how to do in raising them and that God, in His infinite wisdom, knew these adolescents had made a profound impact on my life; thus, the reason He made them act like a baby when I didn’t treat them like an adult; I needed to appreciate the miniscule moments of silence when they were home because the vastness of the silence when they’d be gone would be deafening; and that, Kroger’s usually had what I needed---not what they wanted---when I shopped for food to put in the refrigerator and know it would still be there 2 hours after I placed it on the shelf. Hopefully, all I’ve just said will help you through those moments you’re going to face, soon.
Stephen King said, “The thing under my bed waiting to grab my ankle isn’t real. I know that, and I also know that if I’m careful to keep my foot under the covers, it will never be able to grab my ankle.” I am aware of the “thing” under my bed, so no body part of mine goes off the edge of the mattress…..EVER!! And, the pillow has to be turned so the flap is pointed to the outside of the mattress; there are pillow goblins in there, and I don’t want to see them. I’m sure some of you can identify with this.
My second cousin has a teenaged daughter. She said, “Aubrey, I think we should have ice cream for dinner.” Aubrey said, “No, I need real food.” My cousin wonders, “What have I done wrong?!?!” I’m wondering if this child even has our blood running through her veins.
Here is something to think about: When your feet slip you can recover your balance; when your tongue slips you can not recover your words.
“There is no religion without love, and people may talk as much as they like about their religion, but if it does not teach them to be good and kind to other animals as well as humans, it is all a sham.” Anna Sewell, writer (30 Mar 1820-1878) I can think of a few groups and people who fall into this category. I’m sure you can, too.
ECDYSIS (ek-duh-sis) mean the shedding of an outer layer, molting. EXODUS means a going out. Birds have feathers. So I’m thinking that when they periodically fall out they make an ecdysis exodus.
“We take our colors, chameleon-like, from each other.” Nicolas de Chamfort, writer (6 Apr 1741-1794) Have you ever notice you around certain people? I have me. There are and were certain people I wasn’t the same person I usually am when I am/was interacting and among them. Some had me be sophisticated and being careful not to say “off-color” words as expressions. Some had me be so laid back that a lounge chair looked tense. Then there were the ones who made me feel I could show all facets of me, or someone else (through vocal imitations), and tell jokes of all sorts, and use innuendoes and puns. I had no trouble being any of these “characters or people”, but I think the one I like the most was/is the one who brought/brings smiles and laughter to others. Smiles and laughter from others is a healing power to me.
It is said, “You’re only as old as you feel.” At this time, I feel I’m an exhumed mummy.
My friend’s little daughter, age 3, ate a peanut. She was delighted at the flavor and told her mother, “Mommy, this has peanut butter in it!!” I love comments made by innocent children.
No matter what I did to help my children. No matter what I said. No matter whether I breast fed or bottle fed
them, gave them nourishing food, was available at most any time……they still
turned into teenagers with too many opinions, wanting to eat junk food, drink
unhealthy soda pop, found it sporting to argue at the littlest issue, and spend
money they thought grew on trees. Then I
found it delightful to try to teach others’ teenagers!!! Where did I go wrong???
And there is this:
CONNOR-ISM: Connor: "Mom, you make my whole world better." Then he gets in my bed with shoes and back pack on for a cuddle.

That’s it for this month.
Smiles and blessings to you for 31 days.
Trudy J
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