Monday, September 2, 2024

🏫 2024 September FROM MY PERSPECTIVE

Brenduhh and I went shopping at the mall.  We walked by the restroom and thought it would be a good idea to utilize it before shopping some more.  We finished and went to the sinks to wash our hands.  As Brenduhh was drying her hands, she brought my attention to a sign.  It said, "Please check that you have flushed the toilet."  She got into her purse and retrieved a purple permanent marker and proceeded to put a check on the announcement.  I asked her what she was doing.  She said, "I'm following the directions which tell me to check that I've flushed the toilet.  I did, and now I'm putting a check on the sign.  Do you think I should put my name next to the check?"  Her check was the only one on the paper.  I mentioned there were many more stores we needed to visit.

The hippopotamus can open its mouth wider than any other land animal.  Hmmm, I have an acquaintance or two which are very close to having the same classification.

As I approached Aint Daisy’s front door, I could hear Dellajean crying about the troubles she had and what was causing most of the troubles.  Aint Daisy motioned for me to come in as she listened attentively.  I could understand all the grief Dellajean had, as I’ve been at that level, too.  I sat down next to her on the over-stuffed, flowered couch in the living room, putting my hand on hers for reassurance and comfort.  Aint Daisy rocked in her rocking chair listening.  Dellajean drew a breath and asked Aint Daisy, “How can I make all this go away?  It just seems to be pouring down on me.”  Aint Daisy gently smiled and said, “Chile, yer overcomed by all these here troubles.  I understand it all becuz I’ve had them, too; meybe not the exact ones yuv got, but similar.  I’ve cried many a tear and worn out many a handkerchief  tryin’ to get through those troubles.”  Dellajean started to relax and asked, “So, what did you do?”  Aint Daisy leaned forward, patted her hand letting her know she was sure all would be settled and peace would come.  Then, she said, “Jess remember, darlin’, every storm runs outta rain, every wind blows itself out.  Yer gonna be fine.”  This precious lady of the holler has so much wisdom.  God, bless her as she’s blessed us so often.

The guitarist of the praise group I sing in at church, chose a song with which I was not familiar.  I told him and he sent me a recording of it.  It's a catchy tune which played in my musical mind all day.  I returned a comment to him of, "Thank you for sending this to me.  It's been playing in my head all day.  I'm so glad we're not singing BABY SHARK."  Sorry folks, I know what you're hearing in your mind.

We only see the letter A for the first time in 1000 (thousand). Letters B and C do not appear anywhere in the spellings from 1 to 999,999,999, while letter B comes for the first time in 1,000,000,000 (billion).  SURPRISE!

I like meatballs, but I want few and simple ingredients.  I found this recipe which has only 4 ingredients.  Enjoy!  Recipe: 4-Ingredient Sausage Balls

1 pound sausage (spicy variant optional) or ground beef or ground turkey or chicken or pork
2 cups Bisquick
4 cups cheddar cheese (the most flavorful is shredding your own)
1/4 cup milk                                                                                                                                                Of course, you can add your own spices to taste.  There’s no law preventing that!  Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or lightly grease it.  In a large mixing bowl, combine sausage, Bisquick, cheddar cheese, and milk. Mix thoroughly with your hands until well incorporated.  Form the mixture into 1-inch balls (a melon ball scoop is perfect to use) and place them on the prepared baking sheet, ensuring some space between each ball.  Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown and fully cooked.

I believe life isn't about showing the bruises.  I believe it is collecting the scars and proving you showed up for the "wars and battles" and came out victorious.

I've had dogs in my life; and, I've had to let them cross the rainbow bridge. A person told me, as I was grieving my loss, "Oh, it was just a dog."  I set them straight with, "He wasn't 'just a dog'!!  He was my friend, part of my family, my sanity, brought me happiness, taught me and others more than a human could, my unfailing protector, a therapist, and the most loyal creature to grace my life.  That's what 'just a dog' is!!!"

Happy day to everyone….Except for those weird men who reply to comments asking women to send them a friend request---definitely not you; you're omitted.

I saw a sign on a co-worker's desk a while back.  This person was known to have anger issues.  The sign said: "I don't avoid conflict because I'm scared of you.  I avoid it because I'm scared of myself.  My temper can go from zero to death row in a nano second."

Arithmomania (a-rith-mo-mania) is the compulsion to count.  Crimminies, I do that going DOWN the stairs so I don’t miss a step; while waiting for a long train to pass, I count the cars; I don’t count the number of M&Ms I eat, though.

When Guy and I were teaching, he always made the coffee in the morning.  It was strong and very good.  I asked him one time why he made it so strong-----12 cups of water—10 scoops of coffee.  Yes, I tap danced to the car.  He told me, “Are you forgetting what we do for a living; who and how many we deal with for 6 hours a day; and, what they really are?  Trute, this is liquid courage!!” 

I don’t know about y’all, but there are times I have trouble sleeping.  I’ll awaken while it’s still dark, not even the butt crack of dawn, with no birds singing, a few coyotes yodeling the tune of their people, and a hooty owl in the distance calling for some ungodly reason.  It can be loud in the country!!  When I awaken so early, I hope to return to my reverie, BUT!  my stupid ADD kicks in and, well, basically, one sheep, two sheep, cow, turtle, duck, old McDonald had a farm, heeeey Macarena, shut up owls and coyotes!!!

My son called me not knowing I was asleep.  He said he had something important to ask me.  I mumbled, “O.K., honey.  I hope I have an answer for you.”  He asked, “Mom, what is blue and not heavy?”  I tried to get alert, but that wasn’t going to happen.  I said, “I don’t know.  What?”  He snickered saying, “The answer is LIGHT BLUE.”  I told him I loved him, I think I might have sworn, and hung up.

The world of German-English translations gifts us with a myriad of humor. Take for instance the German term “Nacktschnecke,” which amusingly translates to “naked snail” in English, referring to what we know as a “slug”. However, the real gem is arguably the German word for eyeglasses – “Nasenfahrrad”. This whimsical term literally converts to “nose bicycle”, an amusing and oddly fitting description.  However, the word “Brille” is more commonly used for glasses.  I like NASENFAHRRAD better.  It’s like a word playing in my mouth.

Math can be linguistically challenging in German.  Here is an example:  Neun-hundert-neun-und-neun-zigtausend-neun-hundert-neun-und-neunzig which is 999,999.  Here’s another one:

Sieben-hundert-sieben-und-siebzig-tausend-sieben-hundert-sieben-und-siebzig which is 777,777.  I wouldn’t want to count in German.  Without the hyphens I put in so you’d know how to pronounce the word (ha!), these are spelled as ONE WORD!   My tongue would be exhausted and so would my fingers.

Think this through:  People who can’t communicate think everything is an argument.  People who lack accountability think everything is an attack.  Don’t argue with piggish people.  They like it too much, and you’ll get dirty as they sling their “mud” at you.

I had a fake representative of a power company show up at my door.  He started his spiel.  I asked him if he’d met Jesus.  Then, I showed him my 125 pound Rottweiller who smiles.  He said, “Oh god!”  I said, “No, Jesus.”

I had the biggest urge to sing THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT.  It was just a whim away, a whim away, a whim away.                     Peace and smiles to you.  Trudy🏫🏫🏫


  1. I’ll never ever figure out how you do this every single month. Very enjoyable. Thank you. Trudy.

  2. I sometimes wonder where some of the things I post come from, too. I read a lot, have always been curious, and enjoy talking with others. That's where I get my ideas. Trudy :)
