Sunday, September 29, 2024



Have you ever been at a breaking point and just didn't think you could keep going?  I'm sure you have as I have, too.  Well, I knew just the person to talk to, so I went over to her house, knocked on the screen door and told her through a sob, that I needed to talk with her.  She came quickly to the door, opened it and put her arm around my waist.  "Oh Chile, I've not seen you so upset for a long time.  You jess come on in here and set down; we'll talk," Aint Daisy soothingly said.  I poured out my heart through the sobs and sniffing.  She listened intently,

offered many tissues, and patted my hand.  When I got some composure, she said, "Now, darlin', yuv reached yer breakin' point, cried a lot which is good a-cause tears are the safety valve uh the heart.  Now ye can be used."  "What in the world do you mean, I can be used?!"  I stammered.  I was really surprised at that remark, but knew something wise was going to be told.  "Whall, if'n ye look at an egg in its shell, ye cain't use it until its a-broken, now can ye?" she stated and questioned.  I thought about what she said and asked her to go on with her theory.  "Without you bein' as broken as ye are, the good Lord cain't use you as well.  Ye see, darlin', when yuv been through the tough times ye can hep another through thars.  That's a-how the Lord uses ye when yer broken.  A-course, ye have to call on Him to hep ye thorough it all a-cause if'n ye try t' do it all yerself, ye ain't gonna be as useful and it will really be tough.  Now, thar's some cherry pie and whipped cream in the kitchen.  I'll put on some tea and you and me will have some o' both."  There was more wisdom for the mind and goodies for the soul from the lady of the holler.

The Centennial state, Colorado, is actually a hexahectaenneacontakiaheptagon, a shape with not four, but 697 distinct sides.  This surprising detail emerges from the meticulous examination of its boundaries, which reveal a complex geometry far beyond the simplicity of a rectangle.  Pronunciation of that long word:  hex-a-hecta-any-a-ya-conta-ki-hep-ta-gon.  You’re welcome.

Be the light in the darkness.  The only way light can grow is to pass it on.  The Bible says in Matthew 24:14-16, “Don’t hide your light under a basket.”  I think you might be humming a little song you learned as a child.

A friend of mine was frequently following many others without thinking of the outcome, consequences, and responsibilities.   She told me, "Trudy, I like what this particular mass of people are saying and representing.  So, I'm going to follow along with them.  What do you think?"  I thought for a minute and said, "It's your choice alone; however, keep in mind the "M" in masses can be silent."

A friend came to me upset about another who was talking badly about her, and my friend had done nothing to deserve the besmirching. My friend wanted to retaliate with harsh words. I listened and then told her, "That person sees something good in you that they know they don't have. They are trying to cover it up and deflect it.  Remember: confidence is silent, insecurity is noisy.

When my son was young, the doctor strongly recommended he drink some strong coffee to help him with the ADD/HD he had.  I was in agreement because I didn’t want him to have to take a chemical medication for it.  He went to school with some coffee in a portable drinking container.  He drank some while in class.  The teacher, who allowed water to be drunk in her class, saw him drinking it and asked him what it was.  He told her it was coffee to help him concentrate.  She took it away from him and told him, “Drinking water, not coffee, is allowed in this class.”  When he got home he told me about her taking the coffee away.  The next day I sent a note stating, “Attached is a prescription from his doctor stating he is to be allowed to drink coffee.  Coffee is 98.99999—99.99999% water, which you said water was allowed to be drunk in your class!!  Thus, he will be drinking coffee in class to help him focus.  Talk to me if YOU have an issue with this or do not understand the chemistry of the two.”  Funniest thing, I never heard from her, and my son drank his coffee.  Imagine that.

Brenduhh came over for a chat.  I noticed she was a little unsteady in her walking and had the smell of alcohol on her breath.  I asked her if she was all right.  She told me she'd talked to a police officer and had to blow into something, and he told her to make a wish.  She asked me, "Trudy, what is that thing he asked me to blow into and make a wish?"  With what I was observing I answered, "A breathalyzer.  How about a few cups of strong coffee and a big freshly made muffin?"

The number 41 is very significant.  Here is why:  In the Bible, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights.  Day 41 came and the rain stopped.  Moses committed murder & hid in the desert for 40 years.  Year 41 came, and God called him to help rescue Israel.  Moses went up on the mountain for 40 days.  On day 41, he received the Ten Commandments.  The Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years.  Year 41, they walked into the Promised Land.  (A female probably asked for directions.)  Goliath taunted Israel for 40 days.  Day 41 came, and David slew him.  Jonah preached a message of repentance to Ninevah for 40 days.  On day 41, God stopped His plan to destroy them.  Jesus fasted and was tempted for 40 days.   Day 41 and the devil fled.  After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to His disciples for 40 days.  On day 41, He ascended into Heaven. All this to say...don't quit. The rain will stop, the giant will fall, and you will enter your "promised land." Don't give up at 40.  41 is coming.                           Credit: McKenzie Miller

When you touch one life, you don't just touch that one; you touch all the lives which touch that one you touched.  Yes, it’s a pyramid, and a pretty nice one at that.

While talking to my sweet granddaughter who is, also, my daughter by adoption, she brought up the subject that she and her brother are both in the autistic spectrum with other challenges. "Mom, why did you and Dad adopt Stephen and me? Was it to fix us so we'd be like others?" she asked. I told her, "No, it wasn't to fix you two because you will always have the challenges and be in the autistic spectrum. We adopted you because we loved you very much, and still do. You see, love tries to help. It sees farther than any other feelings. It brings with it hope and determination, and usually an attitude of not quitting. I hope your dad and I have demonstrated so much of what love is and does."  She smiled and gave me a hug. Softly she said, "Yes you have."  My eyes sweated.

Brenduhh came over, again, in a snit. "Just look at this! I don't know what to do to get this package of baby wipes wet, again. I've used only some and don't want to throw away the dry ones." I had difficulty not laughing at her perplexity; but, that would have been condescending. I told her, "I think if you add enough water to soak the dry ones, all will be fine. Make sure you keep the package closed after you put water on them so they don’t dry out." She went to the kitchen sink and put water on them. "Oh Trudy, you are so smart!" she exclaimed. I replied, "I try. How about a lemon muffin and some tea for an afternoon refresher?"

Please envision these scenes:  My dear friend, Dianna, has a heart of gold.  She will help you even when she’s tired.  Her grandson needed her to take care of his 6 year old, very active son for a few days until 2:00 p.m. when he would get off work and pick him up.   The boy was brought to her about 11 at night to sleep over because the dad had to be at work by 5:30 in the morning.  Keep in mind, Dianna is used to sleeping until 10 or 11 in the morning since she doesn’t go to sleep until 3 or 4 in the morning.  Well, the first morning the child awakened at 5:30, announced he was hungry, and wanted to eat.  Dianna, being so thrilled (not), got up and fixed him some breakfast and encouraged the boy to return to bed for a while.  That was futile.  So, it was a long day until 2:00 p.m.  The next night he came to sleep, again.  He awakened at 6:00; wow! a whole 30 minutes more!!  What Dianna didn't know was the kid was equipped with a whistle, which he activated at 7:00.  At 7:00:03 seconds, Dianna was in possession of the whistle.  I asked her what took her so long. I, also, asked her if she had scrambled a few eggs with a side of melted whistle for his breakfast.  She told me if this happens again, there be more scrambled than eggs.  I'm thinking the boy will be searched thoroughly when he returns for the next sleep over.

The brain learns new things, but it is the heart which remembers.

“Gratitude is the heart’s memory.”  How interesting it is to me when I experience a lack of gratitude in others.  I guess their hearts have lost their memory.

Smiles and blessings until next month----Trudy 😊


  1. Another beautiful column! I so enjoy the wisdom and the laughs. The compassion for others always shines through. The love can be felt through the pages. It was nice too remembering the sweet time l spent with my great. Those days may be trying at times, but the memories and the laugh is worth it all! You know you blink and those days are over. A definite blessing to be counted!! 💖💕🙏🏼

    1. Thank you. I'd like to know who you are, though.
